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Comments by carlos

sorry, wasn't following the discussion about ratings properly.
i just assigned the game between adrian and sam as a test to see if it would come up under the right filters when you search on the logs page and the ratings page. this seemed to work. i know that sam is not playing anymore. if adrian moves, sam will presumably time out and it will be logged as a victory for adrian. sorry, sam, for the automatic loss. i'm sure you don't mind too much.
joe/david/whoever, the ratings page is a good way to keep track of results. however... joe has a victory over fergus. everyone else gains a victory over fergus by default (right?). but these victories won't show up on the logs page (they will never be played/won). there might be more examples of this if any of the question marks don't compete from round 2 on. assigning a bunch of dead games (like the one i just assigned between adrian and sam) doesn't seem like a good answer because those players would lose all the games for the (unofficial) ratings page if they ever return. also a waste of time, although it's doable. does anyone know how to get into this 'game courier tournament #3' page and color in the squares in the chart from time to time to keep it updated? other solutions? just wait till the end?
reminder for people playing avalanche chess: White has a large advantage. White's advantage is reduced in BALANCED AVALANCHE CHESS in which White had no pawn push on the first move.
ok, i think i have assigned everyone two games except: todor tchervenkov calvin pomerantz bogot bogot nasmichael farris you four have one game each. if you move, i'll assign you another game. there's a bunch of anti-king and avalanche chess games, and then a mix to try and get everyone playing two games at once. please double-check that i assigned white to the correct player in your games. note: having no idea what fergus used when tagging the rounds (when defining a new round) i just called them 1,2,3... in order from top to bottom as they appear on the chart on this page.
oops. just ignore that game as far as the tournament goes? i'll get some more games assigned soon.
i plan to assign more games this week when some people have timed out of their second-round games. i'll get it up to four active games each. at the end of each month, i'll do the same thing (assign enough games so that people have four active games). does anyone object to this? if you only want 2 or 3 games going, please say so.
antoine, you know how to delete logs, right? can you please delete these: jejujeju-adrian-2007-245-672 adrian-sam_trenholme-2007-232-275 antoinefourriere-rodriguez-2007-245-678 thanks! i can re-assign that last game properly after it's deleted (or you can if you want). i can't do it while that one still exists. the first two don't need to exist at all.
i think everyone has four games going now except for joe (two). again, please double-check that i have got the games and sides right...
new games assigned, please check... that will probably be it for a good six weeks. antoine, if you could update the grid again sometime, please do. thanks.
antoine/anyone else who knows how, please delete these logs: bruck-judgmentality-20070316-504 (wrong time limits) rodriguez-sibahi-2007-316-497 (never opens)
sorry for the long delay, out of the country with unpredictable internet access for the last six weeks. more games up... again, check your opponents/colors. also, on games which hadn't been played before, i manually set and slightly altered the time controls to try and avoid the time display error that's been happening. everyone should have 2-4 active games. there are only really 13 players taking part in the tournament. results after all games completed so far: (points/games completed) adrian de la campa 5/7 antoine fourriere 6/7 abdul-raman sibahi 1/4 carloscarlos 3/5 david paulowich 5/6 gary gifford 2/2 greg strong 3/5 je ju 1/5 jeremy good 2/6 joe joyce 1/1 juan rodriguez 1/7 michael schmahl 2/5 todor tchervenkov 3/4 uri bruck 0/5 i guess you could add an extra six wins for everybody if you wanted for all the people who pulled out.
thanks, antoine. i also messed up these modern shatranj games which need to be deleted. tchervenkov-jeju-2007-316-504 penswift-carlos-2007-316-527 i'll assign replacement games later today or tomorrow.
yeah, i meant shatranj of troy. gary, i messed up the time settings. when i saw that game this morning, i had about 18 hours on the clock! abdul, i guess it's the same either way. either everybody gets a win against bogot, or nobody does.
sorry, antoine. the shatranj of troy games are wrong again. i'm pretty sure i entered correct time settings this time, maybe not. i'll just use the default ones i guess. can you delete them again?
i'm not sure. i moved, but i don't think the time controls have changed?
i just read joe's comment about the email notifications. how long has this been happening? (i didn't notice because the email address i use is different from the one chessvariants sends out to, i've always just checked the site.) is it the reason a few tournament games have been lost on time recently? if so, what should we do about it? it seems fair to replay any games lost on time for this reason...
new games assigned... do me a favor and check colors, opponents, time controls of your games... antoine, there is one weird game i just saw which hasn't seen a move in 44 days, yet nobody has timed out? any ideas about that one?
i'm not tournament director, but i can answer your question. that game is not a tournament game. tournament games are always assigned i.e. the inviting and accepting are done automatically.

game between antoine and david is now assigned. sorry, i thought i assigned this in the last round. i must have typed in one of the usernames incorrectly.

i just assigned several games. there needs to be some kind of decision on the players who keep timing out. the tournament is almost finished. at the moment, i count 11 active players in the tournament: antoine fourriere adrian alvarez de la campa carlos carlos david paulowich gary gifford je ju joe joyce juan rodriguez michael schmahl todor tchervenkov uri bruck i don't want to spend time assigning all the games that never get played. how about... if anyone who is inactive reads this and wants to keep playing in the tournament they post here within the next couple of weeks and i'll assign all their remaining games? any other ideas/solutions? if it's just the eleven players, there are only the following games that still have to be assigned once players become free: david paulowich - joe joyce joe joyce - michael schmahl michael schmahl - uri bruck i will assign these as other games finish. also... antoine fourriere-todor tchervenkov (i can't find the glinski preset!) finally... last year i accidentally assigned a mir chess 32 game between michael schmahl and greg strong. that game was never meant to be played (greg never moved and lost on time). michael was supposed to play mir chess 32 with gary gifford and that game is now active. good luck!
gary, this is what i was thinking: if the lost players don't confirm an interest within two weeks, they forfeit all their remaining games.
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