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Well, I was just trying to repair my interactive diagrams article. I don't know if you already changed anything there. I guess not, because I still had to double-escape every less-than character in the HTML text to make it show up rather than be interpreted as tag.
What totally baffles me, and is different than before the move, is how less-than signs in embedded JavaScript behave. This was not consistent at all. The JavaScript for the design wizard must eventually print the HTML code for the user to copy, including script tag pairs. The end-script tag inside the quoted string that was printed, however, was always recognized (cutting the script short, and displaying part of it as text), no matter how often the leading less-than was escaped. To prevent that, I had to split the tag name in two parts, put in different strings, and then concatenate those ('/scr' + 'ipt'). When I put a single escape on the less-than sign (i.e. write AMPERSAND lt ;) inside the JavaScript strings to be printed, the printed text would be rendered with the HTML tags interpreted, rather than visible for the user to copy). So I put an second escape ('AMPERSAND amp ; lt ;'), expecting to see the less-than printed, but instead it then prints the (single) escape sequence for it!?! Eventually I could only solve that by also splitting the word 'lt' in the escape sequences, and distribute it over two strings, like 'AMPERSAND amp ; l' + 't;' . That did the trick, and now the wizard seems fully operational again.