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> Firstly, is there any way of arranging cells other than in a
> parallelogram? Some square-cell variants have multiple concavities,
> generally arranged symmetrically, and most hex variants are arranged on
> boards that are themselves hexagonals. Can it be domne with a symbol for
> an absence of cell, perhaps?
<P>Yes, the hyphen is used to represent the absence of a space.</P>
> Still on the subject of hex variants in particular, when I select a hex
> geometry I get cells of just two colours rather than the three that I
> would expect - despite there being three colours specified by default.
<P>You need to modify the Checker Pattern to use more than two colors.</P>
<P>Here's <A HREF="/play/pbm/diagram-designer.php?code=1prnqb-----2p2bk----3p1b1n---4p3r--5ppppp-11-PPPPP5--R3P4---N1B1P3----QB2P2-----BKNRP1&cols=11&font=Optima&set=magnetic&shape=vhex&bcolor=FFFFF0&board=201.012.120.&colors=olive+darkkhaki+darkolivegreen&tcolor=000000&nextfile=42+25">an example</A> illustrating both of these points.</P>
> This moves me on to the colours of pieces themselves. Can they be
> displayed in more than two colouyrs, to represent lrager numbers of
> players?
<P>You can if you use a set that contains pieces of more than two colors. If you need to, you can make your own piece set and ask me to add it to the sets. Here are <A HREF="/play/pbm/devguide.html#newset">instructions</A> on how to make new sets.</P>
> Finally, can Rivers be shown, and if so are they shown only between two
> ranks or can more complex arrangements be shown?
<P>Normally, rivers have been drawn onto background images. Here's <A HREF="/play/pbm/diagram-designer.php?code=rnefgfenr10c5c1p1p1p1p1p18P1P1P1P1P1C5C10RNEFGFENR&cols=9&font=AdLib&point=14&scale=75&set=abstract-marble-disk&shape=grid&bgimage=stit-lls-marble.png&nextfile=60+0&nextrank=0+60">an example</A>. The auto-generation of boards uses solid colors instead of background images, and filling a rank with hyphens doesn't work out so well, as seen <A HREF="/play/pbm/diagram-designer.php?submit=Update&code=rnbqkbnrpppppppp16--------16PPPPPPPPRNBQKBNR&shape=square&scale=100&group=Chess&set=abstract1&files=&ranks=&font=Verdana&point=12&cols=8&board=10.01.&colors=339933+CCCC11+22BB22&bcolor=111199&tcolor=EEEE22&bsize=16&bgimage=maple-walnut.png&nextfile=50+0&nextrank=0+50">here</A>.</P>