Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Apr 2, 2005 01:24 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Top Grand-Masters are playing a Kriegspel Tournament in Amber!!!.
Bareev beats Anand 2-0 in first round Kriegspiel, today... He may have
finished at the bottom of the table in the Amber Blindfold and Rapid
tournament, but Russian GM Evgeny Bareev started with a stunning 2-0
victory over Vishy Anand in the Kriegspiel section which started today in
Monaco. He and Peter Leko (2-0 against Svidler) are expected to dominate.
Bareev is a Kriegspel specialist, and for Anand this is his first contact
with this variant. Gelfand is also playing Kriegspel at his first time,
but he has shown a natural talent, he beated Topalov in the first round,
but blundered in the second after consolidate a demolishing position
against his rival. Almost all the rest of players have played Kriegspel at
least once!.