Mason, I have also thought about Shogi and how every piece from Pawn to
Silver General promotes to Gold General, and how variable the benefit of
that promotion was to Knights and Silver Generals, but I solved that
problem by inventing Black Hills Shogi. In Black Hills Shogi, there are
three types of Gold General which become available through promotion,
are as follows:
1. Red Gold (RG) +P - Knight + Palladium General (fbK)
2. White Gold (W) +N, +L, +S - Red Gold + Prince (K)
3. Yellow Gold (Y) +G - White Gold + Prince (K)
As you can see, every piece from Pawn to Silver General still promotes,
but not to the same piece, the Pawns promote to Red Golds whereas the
Knights, Lances, and Silver Generals promote to White Golds.