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George Duke wrote on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 08:38 PM UTC:
RN217 Dual Capture. Capture is more deadly, always able to remove two units. (a) no effect (b) Capture by standard replacement removes, in addition, one more piece or Pawn of opponent's side. The criterion for the second unit lost, immediately upon completing any normal capture, is 'closest' or 'nearest' Pawn/piece. One away diagonally equals one away orthogonally. To distinguish the two-phase capture, the first phase is 'capture' and the second is compulsory 'removal'. If two or more are equidistant from that arrival square, where the regular capture takes place, the capturer then chooses. Squares blocked, even for Knights, do not count in figuring distance away. (For ex., White Pawn-c4 x Pawn-d5 captures Pawn-d5 and, if Black Bishop at d4 and Black Knight at e4, White picks between the latter two for removal.) (c) 'b', the dual-capture effect excludes capture by Pawn. (d) 'b', effect excludes capture by or of Pawn. (e) 'b', effect excludes capture by or of Pawn and excludes Pawn removal in second phase. (f) 'b' requires only Pawn, not piece, in the second 'removal' phase. (g) 'c', 'f' (h) 'd', 'f' (i) 'b', only capturing with Knight and Falcon implement effect. (j) 'b', 'd', 'i' (k) 'b', 'e', 'i' (l) 'b', 'f', 'i' (m) 'b', capturing with Knight only activates. (n) 'b', capturing with Knight, King (o) 'b', capturing with Knight, King, Falcon (p) 'b', only with Falcon, King (q) 'b', Instead the 'dual-capturing' of this RN removes another of the piece-type regardless of position, proximity not being the factor in this modality. (r) 'q', If none exist, one of that piece-type of own side must be removed upon the normal capture. (s) 'c', 'q' (t) 'd', 'q' (u) 'e', 'q' (v) 'f', 'q' (w) 'i', 'q' (x) 'i', 'q', 'r' (y) 'j', 'q', 'r' (z) 'k','q','r' (aa) 'l', 'q', 'r' (bb) 'm', 'q','r' (cc) 'n','q','r' (dd) 'o','q','r' (ee) 'p', 'q', 'r' (ff) 'b', 'q', 'r'. Cumulative: 1.0281472 x 10^48 distinct Chess Rules-sets. Remember: Earth has 10^50 atoms. We shall need criteria to evaluate so many examples and somehow reduce the sample set. One start might be to key off Western Chess. It would mean forgetting about admittedly-great Xiangqi, which warrants its own millions of variations somewhere. Xiangqi sites do not get preoccupied with multiplicity of form, possibly because we do it for them. Just ignoring Shogi, with its about average playability to most, as regional form, is far easier.

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