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Chess with Different Armies. Betza's classic variant where white and black play with different sets of pieces. (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Mon, Oct 16, 2017 11:13 AM UTC:
graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b graphicsType=png squareSize=50 startShade=#3030FF promoChoice=ACIWBRNF symmetry=none useMarkers=1 satellite=nutters royal=11 royal=10 pawn::::a2-h2,,a7-h7 waffle::WA:elephantwazir:b1,g1 fad::FAD:elephantferzwarmachine:c1,f1 bede::BD:bishopwarmachine:a1,h1 cardinal:A:BN::d1 fibnif:I:FvN:narrowknightferz:,,b8,g8 charging knight:N:fhNbsWbF:forwardknightbackwardsprince:,,c8,f8 charging rook:R:fsRbWbF:forwardrookbackwardsprince:,,a8,h8 colonel::fsRfhNbWF:forwardchancellorprince:,,d8 clobber king:K:KirO2ilO3:king:e1 nutty king:K:KisO2:king:,,e8

Clobberers - Nutters

This is a try-out of the new highlighting method of the interactive diagram for use with 50x50 piece images like alfaerie. currently the diagram takes the marker symbols from the folder with the xboard33 piece set, where I put them as 33x33 PNG images, but they might be good enough for 50x50 as well.

Btw, I made it possible to switch between symbol and color highlighting by clicking the lowest line of the color legend. (Which appears together with the 'minimized' piece table.) This 'hidden feature' does not work on grey-scale displays, however; there it always uses symbol highlighting.