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This is a rules file for Zillions of Games, a Windows program that will let you play any puzzle or strategy board game you can feed it the rules to. With Zillions-of-Games installed, this rules file will let you play this game against your computer.

The game Donkeys: The Donkey is neutral Piece. White and Black are playing by turn with lonely Donkey. When a Donkey moves from a square he leaves behind his banner to show he's already claimed that space. Using Knight`s moves, you must beat the computer. Less moves - better score. If you can`t move, you lose. The game Gomoku: The board begins empty. The players each drop a Knight, Nightrider or Cowboy anywhere on the board. After that, the players alternate moving their pieces. When a piece moves from a square he leaves behind his block to show he's already claimed that space. The object is to get five of your blocks in a row in any direction. If a knight becomes trapped and unable to make a move, the player automatically forfeits the game.

Download Instructions

Instructions on downloading this Zillions file:

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By Namik Zade.
Web page created: 2013-04-03. Web page last updated: 2013-04-30