From 4e4, a Knight can go to 24 different places: 3d6, 4d6, 5d6; 3f6, 4f6, 5f6; and so on.
Notice that the Knight has a fairly flat profile and cannot make a "vertical Knight" move: it is illegal for the Knight to move from 1g1 to 3g3.
In Flat 3D Chess, this is still true; however, we have gained this at the cost of limiting Pawns to a two-dimensional life.
Pawns on different levels cannot interact with each other, but because of the squares they defend and attack, Pawns do interact with pieces on other levels. As a result, Pawn formations on one level do have a relationship to Pawns formations on nearby levels.
For example, after 1. 4e2-4e4 4e7-4e6 2. 4d2-4d4 5e7-5e5 3. 5e2-5e3 5d7-5d5 4. 5d2-5d4 4d7-4d5 5. 4e4-4e5 5e5-5e4, it is obvious that one cannot think about how to deal with the 4th-level Pawn formation without also considering the 5th-level formation.