What was new in December 1998?
- Last week of December 1998:
- Handy form to vote for the games in the 39-contest. Vote with just a few mouseclicks for your favorite games on 39 squares!
- Chamaeleon. Multiplayer variant with pieces moving differently depending on square color. (Link.)
- Zillions-of-Games info. Started index file for information and downloadable games of Zillions-of-Games.
- KnightTacToe.zrf. Rules file for KnightTacToe, playable with Zillions-of-Games. By David Howe.
- Knight-Tac-Toe. Small variant with only kings and knights where you must get three pieces in line in the center of the board.
- An introduction to Lotus-39. More compact description of David Moeser's Lotus-39 chess variant.
- Cavalier Chess. All pieces except queens have some kind of knight-movement. (Link.)
- Gary Gygax page on Dragonchess. With a downloadable program. (Link.)
- Index page for information on the Chess Variant Pages on Zillions of Games.
- Review of Zillions of Games.
- Announcement of Lotus Chess - the Book. Booklet of David Moeser on Lotus Chess.
- Announcement of the 1999 Fischer Random Progressive Chess Championship. Sign up before January 31, 1999.
- Information on ongoing 1998 Progressive Chess Championship.
- X-factor Chess. Cards affect play of chess in various ways, in variant invented by Gary Gygax. (Link.)
- Fast Chess Contradance. Solitaire chess puzzle: four white and four black pieces must change places without attacking.
- Several filenames were changed to lower case characters, e.g. Ichess.html became ichess.html, for better Windows-Unix transfer of my files. (Sorry if this causes inconveniences.)
- Week of December 20 - December 27, 1998:
- ZM Machiavellian Quadchess. Modern version of Chaturanga for four players. (Previously linked, now on the Chess Variant Pages.
- Surprise chess. Hilarious variant for less serious chess club evenings.
- Week of December 13 - December 19, 1998:
- Lotus chess variants. Several chess variants, building on the Lotus-39 principles.
- Updated version of the text on the pieces, used in Lotus-39 and other games on Moeser's `Lotus-boards.
- Zip-file, containing all files of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares. Download all games at once, and read them without being connected to the Internet.
- December 11, 1998: A newsgroup, devoted to chess variants has been started by Richard Hutnik: dejanews.comm.chessvariants. See the `news item'.
- December 10, 1998: The 39-Challenge Chess Variant Tournament. Now compete and play the games submitted to the challenge! Announcement of competition where the chess variants on 39 squares are tried out. You can win nice prizes! Sign up before February 1, 1999.
- December 10, 1998: Vote for the variants that were submitted for the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares.
- December 8, 1998: Los Alamos Chess applet. Applet that plays a bad game of Los Alamos Chess against you.
- December 8, 1998: Multi-Chess. Chess variants for three and four players.
- December 7, 1998: Sir Bombalot. Shareware program playing Bombalot. (Link.)
- December 7, 1998: Now all 15 submission to the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares can be found on this website. You can be part of the jury by playing these games - information will follow.
- December 7, 1998: Ben 39. Pieces move on squares and corners of board with 37 fixed and two movable squares. Submission for the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares.
- December 7, 1998: Lotus-39. Chess variant on special shaped board with 39 squares. Submission for the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares.
- December 4, 1998: Zillions of Games has been released. This is a PC program, that plays many boardgames, and allows you to define and play new ones.
- December 2, 1998: Euchess. Grand chess variant on 10 by 10 board.
- December 1, 1998: Chess Composition Microweb. Website with over 120 chess problems, mostly fairy chess. (Link.)
WWW page maintained by Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: March 3, 1999.