What was new in May 1998?
- May 28, 1998: Symmetric Sissa. Variant on 9 by 9 board with symmetric setup and two sissa's.
- May 27, 1998: Chess Mazes. Description of chess puzzle program.
- May 26, 1998: Infinite chess. Board in form of 8 or infinity-symbol. Photo's of board.
- May 25, 1998: 2nd Mind Sports Olympiad. Announcement of large meeting of players of chess, chess variants, and many other `mind' games.
- May 22, 1998: Sample games of Magnetic Chess.
- May 22, 1998: Hexchess. Another hexagonal chess variant with closer resemblance to orthodox chess.
- May 22, 1998: The Jovian Army. Ralph Betza's pieces from Jupiter: heavy pieces moving slowly forward.
- May 22, 1998: New types of Progressive Chess. Several new progressive chess variants by Ralph Betza.
- May 20, 1998: Information on three old French chess variant books, by Joseph Boyer.
- May 19, 1998: Andy Kurnia's pbm server. Information about email server helping to play chess and some chess variants online.
- May 19, 1998: Link page for: Hexichess. 3D hexagonal Chess. DOS program playing this game, and information and photo of expensive glass set. (Link.)
- May 19, 1998: Sample game of csipgs chess.
- May 18, 1998: Chessbrain Software. The Chess Intelligence series: five programs giving puzzles based on chess. (Link.)
- May 15, 1998: The crab. Chess piece with half the movement of a knight, and variants: DemiChess, and DemiRifleChess.
- May 14, 1998: Pixelpusher: play chess variants against a java applet. Newest version: it also takes moves back, and it also plays Modern Chess.
- May 13, 1998: CHESSapeak Challenge. 4 player chess variant on cross-shaped board. Photo's of travel set of this game.
- May 13, 1998: Chess Alfonso-X. Chess font, based on diagrams from famous games book of King Alfonso from Spain, 13th century.
- May 11, 1998: Pixelpusher. The latest version of the worst chess program in the world. Now you can take moves back. (As if it was not easy enough to win.)
- May 11, 1998: MetamorphaChess. Pieces represented by dice change to another type after having moved. (Link.)
- May 11, 1998: Four dimensional chess. Pieces travel in time. (Link.)
- May 11, 1998: Chess-45. Board turned 45 degrees. (Link.)
- May 8, 1998: CHESSapeak Challenge. 4 player chess variant on cross-shaped board. (Link.)
- May 8, 1998: Corrected diagram of Proof game problem. Apologies for the mistake.
- May 8, 1998: King's Color. Pieces move depending if they are on the same color squares as the king in hexagonal chess variant.
- May 8, 1998: Hecatomb. Each player has 31 queens and one king.
- May 7, 1998: New version of Chess 121. Larger chess variant with demo program. (Link.)
- May 7, 1998: A world chess variants organization? An idea of Richard Hutnik that asks for your comments.
- May 7, 1998: Thai Chess Club. Webpage of a chess club of a school in Thailand, with photo's and rules. (Link.)
- May 7, 1998: Best Problems. Website devoted to chess problems. Bilangual: Italian and English. (Link.)
- May 6, 1998: Assassination Chess. On a 10 by 10 board with teleporters and assassins.
- May 6, 1998: Proof game. Problem to construct a legal game of given exact length to reach a given position.
- May 6, 1998: Omega chess. Players have many pieces that can only move in the direction they point at.
- May 6, 1998: Macrochess. Board is formed by having a 4 by 4 grid at each side of a cube. (Link.)
- May 6, 1998: cHEXx. Multiplayer chess variant on hexagonal board. (Link.)
- May 6, 1998: Reverse capture. Several variants around the idea that captures are done in the manner of the captured piece.
- May 1, 1998: Tirebiter chess. When taking, pieces can split and become a Tirebiter piece.
- May 1, 1998: An Introduction to Progressive Chess. (Link.)
- May 1, 1998: Announcement of the 1998 World Internet Progressive Chess Championship.
- What was new in April 1998?
- What was new in March 1998?
- What was new in February 1998?
- What was new in January 1998?
WWW page made by Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: August 10, 1998.