What was new in February 1999?
- Week of February 21 - February 27, 1999:
- My computer still does not work - after being repaired, it again broke down. I did a few quick additions to the website in a break at work and coming once a little earlier to work - a few files, ready to be added come next week - sorry!
- With this file, you can play the following chess variant if you
own the Zillions of Games program:
- Chess with Different Armies. Games of Ralph Betza where players have different armies. Zrf-file by Joao Pedro Neto.
- New graphic for Minotaur Chess. By Frank Truelove.
- Some additional information on Klinzha - the `Klingon chess variant', and the book in which it appears. Sent by Larry Smith.
- Zonal chess. Board has special `zones' at both sides. Commercial game of 1970's. Description by Larry Smith.
- Bishops can now be played online. (Commercial 4-player chess variant.) Its price has dropped to $27.95.
- Centennial Chess. Variant on 10 by 10 board with new pieces. By John William Brown. Submission to the contest to design a large chess variant. See also: Millennial Chess. Variant of Centennial Chess on 12 by 12 board. By John William Brown.
- List of fairy chess pieces, from book of Gabriel Maura Vicente.
- The Courier Game. Description of Courier-Spiel, with printable pieces and board. By Larry Smith.
- Week of February 14 - February 20, 1999, 3rd update:
- And now my home computer got problems... Expect less updates next week.
- A question to the regular readers: can you help identifying this variant?
- Zillions file for Joust, and a variant of Joust. You can play this game with this file if you have the Zillions of Games program. By Gerry Quinn.
- The Crown of Krithala. Pieces move a crown which the opponent wants to capture. By Larry Smith.
- Comments on the variants of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares, by David Howe. Email if you have also comments!
- Chess 2000. A longer text on the variant Chess 2000. In German. By Gerd Wilhelm Hörning und Gerhard Josten.
- Chess stamps from Laos. Six stamps with historic chess images, including a stamp with Grande Acedrex. Communicated by Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Started index for webpages on chess stamps.
- Book cover of book where Jetan first appears added to description of Jetan. Scan of cover sent by Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Book cover of (Star Trek) book where Klinzha first appears added to description of link page for Klinzha. Scan of cover sent by Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Removed some older `whatsnew'-files, and one file with a Java-script on it. With this, I (HB) could use a link-checking program, and correct many erroneous links. There should now be no wrong internal links on this website - I hope!
- Week of February 14 - February 20, 1999, 2nd update:
- Edge of the World. Pieces have momentum on 12 by 12 board. By Michael Fryer. Submission to the contest to design a large chess variant.
- Nahbi chess. Variant on 10 by 10 board with equator, Nahbi's and Archers. By Uri Bruck. Submission to the contest to design a large chess variant.
- With these files, you can play the following chess variants if you
own the Zillions of Games program:
- Smaller version of zrf-file for KnightTacToe. Improved version of file by Jeff Mallett.
- Nahbi. Zip-file. Game of Uri Bruck. Zrf-file by David Howe.
- New pieces for the Piececlopedia:
- Cardinal. Moves as bishop or as knight.
- Champion. Moves one orthogonally or jumps two orthogonally or diagonally. By Ben Good.
- Chancellor. Moves like rook or as knight. By David Howe.
- Wizard. Moves one diagonally or makes (1,3)-jump. By Ben Good.
- Week of February 14 - February 20, 1999:
- Review of Omega Chess. By Ben Good.
- Chess 2000. Chess on 8 by 8 board with knight/rook and knight/bishop pieces. By Gerhard Josten.
- Photo's of chess and chess variant sets, by Jean-Luc Muraro:
- Photo of wooden chess set.
- Photo's of the Jungle Game.
- Tamerlane Chess. Home made set of historic chess variant.
- Modern Chess. Photo of variant on 9 by 9 board.
- Shogi. Photo's of shogi set.
- Xiangqi. Set with three dimensional figures. Includes photo's of Cannon and elephant.
- Shako. Large chess variant of Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Started `comments' page for the contest to design a variant on 39 squares.
- Week of February 7 - February 13, 1999:
- Jean-Louis Cazaux just sent me some scans of stamps and photo's of chess sets made by Jean-Luc Muraro. I still have to add these to the website, but you can already look to the stamp with a game of Grande Ajedrez on it.
- Arena Games. Chess and checkers variant on hexagonal board. By Brent Thomas.
- Cannibal Chess and Absorption Chess. Two variants where pieces take over movement capabilities of pieces they take. By Michiel de Bondt and Hans Bodlaender.
- Cursed Chess. Pieces where a piece is taken become cursed for the player that did the capture. By Jeremy Dunn.
- Russian translations of the Chess Variant Pages. Maintained by Pavel Tikhomirov. (Link.)
- Additional graphic on link page to 3 Man Chess. (Link.)
- Omega Chess can be played online. (News item.)
- Chess Applet, by Andreas Motzek. (Link)
- New piece for the piececlopedia:
- Murray Lion. Jumps two orthogonally or diagonally or captures on neighboring square.
- Week of January 31 - February 6, 1999, second update:
- 2nd review of Zillions of Games. By Hans Bodlaender.
- The Complexity of Large Chess Variants. Information on theoretical computer science results for large chess variants. By Eli Bachmutsky.
- The company called Dream Green (Noble Celts and Tic Tac Check) has a new website and is planning to sell a new chess and game clock. (Link.)
- Chess3. Three dimensional board with three board parts. By James Melander.
- Three Man Chess. Commercial chess variant for three players with a round board. (Link.)
- Strand. Three dimensional game with pawns and kings that move along straight lines and must remain adjacent. By Mike Cosgriff.
- Cincinnati 4-way Chess. Four-player variant from Cincinnati. By David Moeser.
- Week of January 31 - February 6, 1999:
- Amazons. Queens fire arrows to make squares unpassable. Last player that moves wins.
- Amazons. Shareware program playing Amazons. By Michael Keller.
- Viennese Chess. Start with a secretly made setup. Written by David Howe.
- Chess: 3d. Additional graphic on link to site of Marius Soska.
- File for Zillions of Games. If you have the Zillions of Games program, with this additional downloadable files, you can play the following game:
WWW page maintained by Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: June 7, 1999.