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38-Tournament -- Amoeba Game 2

The following game was played as part of the 38 Square Challenge Tournament - Round One.

The Game

The game played was Amoeba. As specified in the rules, and unless stated otherwise, the standard variant of the game was played with no special rules in effect.

The Players

The players were Hans Bodlaender (playing White) and Joao Neto (playing Black). The outcome of the game was a win for White.

The Moves

 1. f2-f3 (f2-g2)   e6-e5 (f4-f3)
 2. d2-d3 (f1-g1)  Nc7-d5 (f7-g7)
 3. g1-g3 (e4-f4)  Nd5-e3+(g7-g6)
 4. g3:g6 (e3-e4)  Ne7:g6 (e4-d4)
 5. c1-b3 (f3-e3)  Nd4:e2 (e2-f2+)
 6. d1-d2 (d2-e2)  Nf2-g4 (b7-a7)
 7. b3-a5 (b6-a6)  Ng6-f4+(e3-e4)
 8. e2-d1 (d3-d2)  Ng4-f2+(a6-b6)
 9. Na5-b3(f2-f1)  Kd7-e6 (a7-a6)
10. c2-c3 (e4-e3)  Nf1:e3+(d2-d3)
11. Kd1-c1(e2-d2)   f6-f5 (f1-f2)
12. Kc1-d2(c5-c4)  Ne3-g2 (c6-c5)
13. Ne1:g2(d6-c6)  Nf4:g2 (e6-d6)
14. c3-c4 (f4-f3)  Ra6-a4 (f5-f4)
15. Rb1-c2(b6-b7)   f4-f3 (f2-e2=N+)
16. Kd2-e2(e7-f7)  Nf3-d4+(b2-a2)?
17. Nb3:d4(d4-e4+) Kd6-c7 (b7-b6)
18. Ke2-f3(a2-b2)  Ra4:c4 (c4-d4)
19. Kf3:g2(d7-e7)  Rd4:d5 (c5-c4)
20. d3:e4 (b6-b7)  Kc7-d6 (c4-c5)
21. Kg2-f3(g2-f2)  Kd6-e7 (f4-f5)
22. Rc1-c3(c5-c4)  Ke7-d6 (e4-f4)
23. f4:e5 (e5-e4)  resign


    . p - . - - .  7
    - . p k . - -  6
    - - . - . - -  5
    - - p - P - -  4
    - - R - - K -  3
    . P - - - - .  2
    . - - - - . -  1
    a b c d e f g

Overall Comments

Joao was winning for the first part of the game, until his mistake at move 16. Some smaller mistakes were already made by me earlier. Overall, I think Amoeba is a very nice game, worthy of its top-three position in the competition.

Comments and moves written by Hans Bodlaender. Edited by David Howe.
WWW page created: June 22, 1998.