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38-Tournament -- Chego Game 1

The following game was played as part of the 38 Square Challenge Tournament - Round One.

The Game

The game played was Chego. As specified in the rules, and unless stated otherwise, the standard variant of the game was played with no special rules in effect.

We played with the pieces from Hans37 chess, with the provision that pawns are considered to be in their promoted form. The rule was to use the set of pieces, and if all pieces of one set were used to get a second set.

The Players

The two players were Hans Bodlaender (playing White) and Eric Greenwood (playing Black). The outcome of the game was a win by Black.

The Moves

Here are the moves of my game against Eric:
     Hans       Eric

  1. K b5       K f5
  2. B e5?      B c5?     (See comment below.)
  3. D b4       W f2
  4. W f7       F d3
  5. C b7       D a4
  6. N f4       C b1
  7. F b2       N g8
  8. F g2       F a7
  9. D a1(xb1)  D g1
 10. C a8       C a6
 11. pass       pass

     a   b   c   d   e   f   g
   +---+---+    ERIC   +---+---+
8  |-C-| + |           | + |*N*|
   +---+---+           +---+---+
7  |*F*|-C-|           |-W-| + |
   +---+---+           +---+---+    *X* = black piece
6  |*C*| * |           |   | * |    -X- = white piece
5  |   |-K-|*B*| + |-B-|*K*| * |
4  |*D*|-D-| * | + | * |-N-| * |    +---+
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+    | + | = white control
3  | + |*F*|           |   | * |    +---+
   +---+---+           +---+---+    | * | = black control
2  | * |-F-|           |*W*|-F-|    +---+
   +---+---+           +---+---+
1  |-D-|   |           |   |*D*|
   +---+---+    HANS   +---+---+
           Final Position

White: 6 squares + 1 point for captured piece = 7 points
Black: 8 squares = 8 points.

Overall Comments

The second move of Hans and Eric were both illegal, as was pointed out by Alfred Pfeiffer: these bishops were not placed on neutral squares.

Comments and moves written by Hans Bodlaender. Edited by David Howe.
WWW page created: March 2, 1998. Last modified: March 3, 1998.