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38-Tournament -- Cube+ Game 1

The following game was played as part of the 38 Square Challenge Tournament - Round One.

The Game

The game played was Cube+. As specified in the rules, and unless stated otherwise, the standard variant of the game was played with no special rules in effect.

The Players

The players were Dave Hogarty (playing White) and Steve Kennedy (playing Black). The outcome of the game was a win for Black.

The Moves

     Dave            Steve
  1. p: B1b -> B2b,  P: B4b -> B3b
  2. b: A1c -> B2c,  P: C4c -> B3c
  3. p: B2b -> B3c,  B: A4c -> B3c
  4. b: A1a -> B2a,  P: C4a -> C3a
  5. b: B2a -> B3b,  B: C4b -> B3b
  6. b: B2c -> B3b,  P: C3a -> B3b
  7. p: C1a -> C2a,  B: A4a -> A3b
  8. p: C1c -> C2c,  B: A3b -> A2a
  9. r: B1a -> B1b,  B: b3c -> A2c
 10. r: A1b -> A2b,  P: B3b -> A2b
 11. b: C1b -> B1a,  B: A2a -> A3b
 12. b: B1a -> A1b,  R: A4b -> A4a
 13. p: C2c -> B2c,  B: A2c -> B1c
 14. r: B1b -> B1c,  P: A2b -> B2c
 15. r: B1c -> B2c,  R: B4c -> B3c
 15. r: B2c -> B3c,  B: A3b -> B3c
 16. b: A1b -> A2a,  R: A4a -> A3a
 17. b: A2a -> B1a,  K: B5c -> B4b
 18. p: C2a -> C3a,  R: B4a -> B3a
 19. p: C3a -> C4a,  K: B4b -> C4b
 20. p: C4a -> B3a,  R: A3a -> B3a
 21. b: B1a -> C2a,  R: B3a -> B2a
 22. b: C2a -> C1b,  K: C4b -> C3b
 23. k: B0b -> B1b,  K: C3b -> C2b
 24. b: C1b -> B1c,  R: B2a -> B2b
 25. k: B1b -> B1a,  B: B3c -> C2c
 26. b: B1c -> B2b,  B: C2c -> B2b
 27. k: B1a -> B1b,  B: B2b -> C1b
 28. white resigns

               A                B                C

       5   a   b   c        a |   | c        a   b   c
         +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+
       4 |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |
         +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+
       3 |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |
         +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+
       2 |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |    |   |*K*|   |
         +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+
       1 |   |   |   |    |   | k |   |    |   |*B*|   |
         +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+    +---+---+---+
       0                      |   |

Overall Comments

Comments and moves written by the players. Edited by David Howe.
WWW page created: March 10, 1998.