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Make-a-rule Chess: Sample Game

This file contains a sample game, in progress, of Make-A-Rule Chess. It was send to me by one of the inventors of the game, Randy King. Randy wrote me:

I thought I'd send you our current game. I'm not sure if this is the one to use as an example or not -- its sort of getting out of hand! :-) It's a lot of fun, but probably hard to follow, especially the strategies used. We usually play more for fun than to win, that will probably show.

White: Randy: 2 pt accumulated
Black: Kevin: 1 !! I got one!! WOW what can I build now, huh?
BORG:  Peter: 2 pt accumulated
Q:     Bruce can't accumulate

    --- I moved the board to the bottom of this file.
    --- It should help make it easier to check moves
    --- against the board.


w1: Pawns can only move on mx5.

b1: No rules using random numbers are allowed.

w2: If you move a knight to an even-ranked square two turns after your
    opponent moves a queen or a rook, the knight gets a second move as
    as pawn.  If you don't take the second move, your opponent (the one
    who moved the queen or rook) may move two pawns twice each on the
    immediately following move (if you moved a knight but only once or
    did not move a knight at all).

b2: The board is extended one square in each direction, creating a "hot
    zone".  If a player has pieces in the hot zone, he must move them
    if it is possible to move them.  Pieces are allowed to move from
    one square in the hot zone to another square also in the hot zone -
    it's just that they can't sit still.

w3: On mx5, all pieces in the row ((turn number -3) mod 8) +1 are shifted
    left one square.  Any piece shifted off the board is placed on the
    far right side of that row.  This happens before the white move for
    that turn.

b3: Knights are Othello pieces.  i.e. capture by a knight results in the
    captured piece switching color and remaining on the board in the same

w4: This rule creates the Borg.  The Borg start with one piece: the
    Ship, designated BS.  It can start in any open square on rows 3
    or 4.  Positioning the BS will be the Borg player's first move.
    If a Borg piece captures another piece, the captured piece becomes
    a Borg piece, and is placed on the capturing piece's starting square
    for the capturing move.  The Borg player may not make rules.  The
    BS moves as a king.

    The Borg player may move whenever he feels during a turn, a turn
    is considered to have ended when the black move is emailed out.
    If the Borg player does not make a move in a turn, he may move
    twice in the next turn.  No piece may move more than once in this
    manner except the BS if that is the only piece owned by the Borg
    The Borg will be played by Peter Williamson.  Include him in your
    game email.
b4: Black Rook A8 -> @8
r3w: Rank 3 shifts left.  No change.
w5: Pieces in hot squares may not capture other pieces when they move.
    Pieces in normal square may capture pieces in hot squares.
b5: BS is invulnerable to capture on odd turns.
w6: If no non-Borg pieces have moved for two turns, a non-Borg player
    may move three pieces twice each as long as two and only two of
    them are pawns.  One of the pawns may be an opponent's pawn (even
    Borg).  No piece in a hot square can be moved when using this rule,
    nor may a piece be moved into a hot square on its first move and
    then moved a second time.  Three pieces must be moved.  This rule
    does allow pawns to move at any time.
b6: Black Rook @8 -> @6
w7: b1-c3.
b7: @6-h6
w8: Modify/Replace the Borg rule as follows:
    This rule creates the Borg.  The Borg start with one piece: the
    Ship, designated BS.  It can start in any open square on rows 4
    or 5.  Positioning the BS will be the Borg player's first move.
    If a Borg piece captures another piece, the captured piece becomes
    a Borg piece, and is placed on the capturing piece's starting square
    for the capturing move.  The Borg player may not make rules.  The
    BS moves as a king.
    The Borg player may move whenever he feels during a turn, a turn
    is considered to have ended when the black move is emailed out.
    If the Borg player does not make a move in a turn, he may move
    twice in the next turn; however, one of the moves must take place
    after each of the two player-turns.  No piece may move more than
    once in this manner.  The Borg player may not move twice on the
    turn he places his BS.
    The Borg will be played by Peter Williamson.  Include him in your
    game email.
b8: b7-b5
w9: c3-e4-e5
BS9: appear at f4

b9: f8-g7

rw3: row 8 shifts left one.

w10: e5xf7 check

B10: BS->g3

b10: d8-d9

w11: (wp)f7x(br)g8 (q)

B11: BSxnp (BSxg2)
b11: All rook, knight, bishop, queen and king pieces are hereby equipped
     with transporters.  Transporters may be used to transport one pawn of
 the same color from any adjacent square to another adjacent square
     that is empty or occupied by enemy pieces.  Transport to an occupied
     square captures all pieces in that square.  Transport of pawns is
     *not* restricted to mx5.  One transporter use per player per turn,
     no other moves allowed by a player during a turn he does a transport. 
w12: f1xg2 no more BS.
b12: black king d9-e8
w13: g8xg7
b13: e7xf7
     black king transports pawn to capture white knight
w14: g7xh6
b14: When a borg piece moves, the borg can preannounce whether its next
     move will be before or after white's move in the following turn.
     Black and white players then will wait as appropriate for the borg
     to take its move during the next turn.
rw3: row 5 shifts left one.
w15: Borg pawns may phase shift with any other Borg piece.  This involves
     changing each piece into the other.  The color of the new pawn is
     either green (moving to the left) or Blue (moving right), each
     captures on the appropriate diagonals.  A pawn may also phase with
     a captured BS, in which case the new pawn is the captured piece and
     the old pawn is replaced with the BS.  The phase move counts as a
     move for the pawn if the BS was not involved, otherwise it counts as
     a move for the BS.  The color of the new pawns must be selected so
     it moves to the furthest side of the board from its current location. 
BS15: Borg pawn phase shifts with borg ship
b15: a8-b6
w16: All pieces have shielding capabilities.  Shield are either up or down.
     When shields are up, a piece cannot be captured, transported, and
     cannot transport other pieces.  When moving, a piece with shields up
     cannot move more than four spaces.  A piece that is captured with
     shields up, repulses the attack, the attacker is placed in the last
     square it moved from, the attacked piece loses its shields until it
     does a repair move, and it cannot move during its next turn.  To
     repair shields counts as a move for the piece.  Up to five pieces
     may change their shield status as a move.  A transporter attack
     against a shielded piece results in loss of the transported piece
     and no affect on the defender.
BS16: shields up!  Borg ship will move after white next turn.
b16: b2-d3
     d3-d4 check
w17: e1-f1
BS17: pass. Borg ship will move (double) once before and once after white
      next turn.
b17: Whenever a king moves, it releases a class I probe in the square that
 it has just vacated.  Class I probes cannot capture or be transported.
     They are equipped with neither shields nor transporters.  Unless
     blocked, they advance one square autonomously each turn just before
     the player who owns them moves.  Class I probes desintigrate one turn
     after entering the hot zone.
BS18a: g3xh2
w18: h1xh2, h2 shields damaged!
BS18b: BS PASS, declares next move will be before white on turn 19
b18: black knight d3-e5
BS19: BS repairs shields, next move is before white.
w19: h6xh2, h6 repulsed to h3, h2 shields damaged.
b19: black knight e5-d3
     black knight d3xe2 check (and I believe mate)
rw3: row 2 shifts left one.
BS20: g3-g5 (moving two since this is the first move for this pawn)
        If you disagree that I can move two, make it g3-g4.
w20: Shields up for: @2, d1, f1, h3, h1.
b20: black knight d1-c3
     black knight c3-c2
BS21: Repair shields for BS
w21: d1xd2.
b21: black knight c3-a4
     black knight a4-a3
BS22: f2xg2.  Next move is before white, turn 23
w22: d2-d3
b22: black knight a3-c4
     black knight c4xd3 d3 repulsed to c4, d3 shields damaged
BS23: pass - (I'll move both before and after white in turn 24)
w23: h3xf5
     white queen captures black pawn
b23: No piece may move without proper authorization from star fleet.
    Starting now, starfleet must post moves N turns in advance where N
    is the number of squares from the player's king (BS for the borg)
    to the square where the move starts.  Moves involving a transporter
    "start" in the square of the transporter equipped piece.  Moves are
    labelled with the turn number they will occur in and posted as x#-x#,
    the player doesn't have to specify in advance if a capture will take
    place or not.
    During their turn, a player may post any number of future moves
    concurrently with executing previously posted moves, or making a
    new rule if not moving that turn.  Inconsistencies in trying to
    execute previously posted moves are resolved as follows:
        1) Discard all moves that start in squares where the player has
            no pieces (piece was captured, didn't arrived when expected,
        2) Discard all moves that cannot be executed because the piece isn't
            allowed to move in the manner specified (piece on that square
            isn't the expected piece, movement rules for piece have changed
            since the move was posted)
        3) Moves directing a piece to move to a square that it is blocked
            from reaching are amended to move it as far as possible in
            the desired direction.
    If remaining posted moves constitute a legal turn for that player, moves
    are executed.  If not, the player passes (or can make a rule instead)
    and no moves are executed.
    Interactions with some existing rules:
        - It is wise to make sure you have moves posted ahead of time for
            hot zone squares.
        - Multi-part moves (e.g. special extra move allowed for knights on
        certain turns OR moving multiple pawns as allowed on certain
            turns) should be posted x#-x#,x#-x#.  As much of the move as
            is legal will be executed.
        - Shield operations still count as a move.  If multiple pieces
            are going to change shield status in one turn, then the player
        needs to stagger posting of the moves so that all the pieces
            put their shields up together.
BS24a) f2-g3 Order: shields up for g2 on turn 25.
w24: Kings and BS are equipped with photon torpedoes.  A photon torpedo may
     be fired on any orthogonal or diagonal, this counts as a move for the
 king.  A photon torpedo moves one in space in a straight line each turn    
     before any other moves take place.
     When a photon torpedo hits a piece, that piece is killed if its
     shields are down.  Its shields are damaged if they are up.  All
     pieces in adjacent squares have shields damaged if they were up;
     if down, these pieces are disrupted.  If a piece is disrupted a
     second time, it is killed.
     A disrupted piece cannot move, nor change shield status.  It may repair
     itself.  This counts as a shield state change for the piece (~1/5 of
     If a photon torpedo is captured, it explodes in the same manner as when
     it hits its target.
BS24b) g3-h4. Order Shields up for WP at g5 on turn 25.
        Next Borg move is before white on turn 25
b24: Black king fires photon torpedo headed south.
rw3: row 7 shifts left one
*BS25) shields up for g2
       shields up for g5
       Next BORG move is after white on turn 26.
       Orders: t27: g2-e4
w25: Fordeg Orders: A king may issue forged commands for a piece not under
 his control.  This is a normal order, except that only one can be
     issued and it counts as a move for the turn.  In all other respects,
     it shall be considered a normal and legitimate move order.
     orders: t27:d3-c4, t31:f7-g8, t31:d7-g8, t31: c7-c8, t29: f5-d5
b25: orders: t27:c8-f5, t28:e7-f5
             t30:@7-@6, t31:@6-@5, t32:@5-@4, t33:@4-@3, t34:@3-@2
w26: Piece Construction:  It is possible to construct new pieces.  If
     no move, rule, or any action other than orders is executed, the
     player may declare 1 point accumulated toward piece construction.
     The piece's cost is calculated as follows:
        May move forward one only: 1            
        May move 1 in any direction: 2.5
        May capture: 2
        May use shields: 3
        May promote upon reaching far end of board: 3
        May transport other pieces: 4
        May fire torpedoes: 8.2
        Lays probes: 2
     There is a minimum cost of .5 for a piece with no movement capability,
     shields, probes, etc.
     When enough points have been accumulated, the piece may be
     purchased and start on the furthest space back on the 'c' through
     'f' files.  If the spaces are occupied, a new piece may not be
     purchased.  Purchasing a piece does not count as a move and does
     not require orders.  Any number of pieces may be purchased in a
     turn, limited by the file use.
    The Borg may purchase ships, limited to one per turn.  These are placed
    at the Borg ship location, and the BS must move to vacate the location.
    Forward movement is as defined for blue and green pieces, toward the
    farthest side of the board.
BS26: BS fires photon: (green) moving left.  Next borg move is after
    white, turn 27.
b26: black king issues forged order: t34:a1-a0
w27: d3-c4
BS27: g2-e4 - Borg moves after white on turn 28
b27: c8-f5
     orders issued:
     t29: e6-c4
     t31: c4-f7
     t32: (@7-@6,@6-@5)
     t33: (@6-@5,@5-@4)
     t34: (@5-@4,@4-@3)
28:  Torpedo explodes on e4
w28: Accumulate 1 build point
     orders: t29:h1-g3-f4
BS28: h4-h5
        orders: pawn phase shift with BS on turn 30
     Next move is after white on turn 29
b28: e7-f5
     orders issued:
     t33: (@7-@6,@6-@5)
     t34: (@6-@5,@5-@4)
     t35: (@5-@4,@4-@3)
w29: fire torpedoes forward
     orders: t33:e5-f7
BS29: pawn->Green (phase shift w/ BS)
b29: e6-c4
     orders issued:
     t33: b4-e4
     t34: (@7-@6,@6-@5)
     t35: (@6-@5,@5-@4)
     t36: (@5-@4,@4-@3)
rw3: row 4 shifts left one
BS30: BSxBP (g5-f5)
w30: Q:  This rule creates Q, who will be played by Bruce.  He
     may not capture, nor be captured, and is immune to all
     effects of the game, except that he may be assimilated
     by any borg piece, in which case he is replaced with a pawn.
     His piece will impede movement and any other affects as a
     normal piece; if hit by a photon torpedo, the torpedo
     detonates as normal, but Q is unharmed.
     Q may have take any one of the following actions on any turn:

        1) Suspend any rule made during this game, this action also
           would reinstate any previously suspended rules.  Only one
           rule may be suspended at a time.  If the rule creating
           Q is suspended, Q becomes a normal king, color of his
           choosing.  He would lose the ability to use the Q abilities
           and would have normal win conditions.  He will start with
           shields down.

        2) Alter the course of any photon torpedo by 45 degrees.

        3) Move his piece as any other piece currently in the game.

        4) Remove any move order not yet received.  (He cannot remove
           an order destined to be executed in the current turn.)

        5) Repair any other pieces shields.                       

        6) Move any piece in the hot zone one space if it did not move
           in the last two turns.  He is not restricted by normal movement
       rules such as pawns moving on mx5, or only forward, or knights
           moving 2x1.  Pieces making these moves may not capture.

     Q may start in any unoccupied square as a free move.  His move is
     prior to white in each turn, and prior to the Borg move if the Borg
     is before white.  If he doesn't move within 4 hours of black's move,
     the next player may move.  If that player moves before the Q player
     moves, the Q move if forfeit.

     Each player will propose three win conditions to Q, these conditions
     may not be know by the other players.  Q will select two, from two
     different players, and put a hard copy in a sealed identified envelope
     for verification purposes.  If these conditions are met, Q wins the
     game.  This will occur as part of the move making this rule, the
     game shall not proceed until this is complete.
b30: If you fire a photon torpedo and you fail to capture a piece
     on the following turn, then 4 turns after the firing of the torpedo
     your opponent will accumulate one build point for each pawn that
     he moves.
     orders issued:
BS31 BS ->e5 (f5 -e5)  Next move is before white on turn 32
w31: Fire torpedo northwest into d2
     orders: 33:g1-f3
Assumption on b30: The opponent receives one point for each pawn he moves
on that turn!
b31: e8-d8
     orders issued:
BS32: Borg Accumulates one build point. (Next move is after white on turn
Orders: turn 33 d4 shields up
turn 35 g5-g4
w32: e1-f2
     orders: t34: h1-f1
Clarification to rule b3: When a knight captures a piece, it changes color and
ownership to that of the player owning the knight.
b32: (@7-@6,@6-@5)
     orders issued:
rw24: torpedo strikes b4, b4 killed, a4 disrupted
w33: g1-f3
BS33: e5xd4
orders: BS 35: g5-g4
b33: f8-d7
    orders issued:
Q33: Deflect photon on f6 from
     ^^ to ^>
w34:  Conflicting orders canceled (a1-a0, h1-f1, and f3-d2)
      replace rule b23 shall be replaced with the following

      Communication Protocol Rule:
        No piece may move without proper authorization from
        Star Fleet Command.  This authorization is issued by
        the king, and moves to the targeted start square for
        that move order.  These messages cannot be interfered
        with or intercepted in any manner.  The king may send
        only one move order per turn, this counts as a move for
        the king.  When the move is received, it is executed
        at no cost whatsoever.
        If, upon receipt of the move order, the move is illegal
        for any reason whatsoever, the move is not executed.
        The player issuing the move order gains no benefit nor
        compensation for the issued order.  If two or more moves
        destined to be executed at the same time conflict with
        each other, the piece nearest the current king's location
        will move first, followed by each piece in order of its
        proximity to the king.
        Currently outstanding orders will be executed under the
        current conditions based on the assumption that they
        were issued correctly.  If conflict arises between orders
        that are not resolved under the new rules, all conflicting
        orders will be automatically countermanded.
        If a piece arrives at a new square that has an order that
        is valid for the piece, that piece immediately make another
        move according to the new orders.
        Order notation will be t#:@#-@#[-@# ...]
                where # is any digit and @ is any character.
                t# represents the execution turn number.
                Each @# represents a board location.
      Rule clarifications:
        Fordeg Orders: Fordeg orders can be issued as any other
        command order.  However, no build points can be accumulated
        in a turn in which a fordeg order was issued.  Fordeg orders
        will use the notation:  t#:F@#-@#, using the symbols as
        indicated above.
        Build Points: A build point is accumulated any time the king
        does nothing other than issue orders.  Actions of other
        pieces do not affect the accumulation of build points except
        as specified by other rules (i.e. moving pawns to accumulate
        the points).
        Shields: A player may issue multiple shield status changes
        as in accordance with rules pertaining to shields.  Now,
        the orders must be issued in a given turn rather than executed
        on a given turn.
        Hot Zone: When a piece is in the hot zone, if an order can
        be issued for it, then any orders issued must be include
        that piece.  If orders have already been issued, and not
        received, that can (currently) legally get the piece out
        of the hot zone, then no order needs to be issued for that
        Move Restrictions: Orders for pieces placed under move re-
        strictions, such as only moving on mx5, must be issued so

        that the order will be executed on the appropriate turn.
        Multi-part Moves: Orders for pieces that make multiple
        movement segments are all issued at the same time to the
        starting location of the piece.  The piece will execute
        each move segment fully before attempting the next.  When
        it reaches a segment that cannot be executed, it will stop.
        Multi-piece Moves: Issue multiple orders for pieces as if
        they were moving on the turn the orders are issued.
BS34: d4-d5
Next move is after white on turn 35.
b34: d8-c7
rw3: row 1 shifts left one


   I advanced the torpedo on f6 to g7 with the expected results.
   KA BOOM. Ah shucks, what a shame black pawn go boom boom.
   Anyhow, my latest and greatest move is to the the wp in the
   hot zone:

w35: t41:@1-a1, add one build point

bs35: ordered move - g5-g4 
        my move for the turn d5xe6
        Next move is before white

b35: @5-@4 executes - this is 4 turns after white fired a photon
                        but failed to capture, so I get a build
                        point per rule b30
     fire photon torpedo south

        I pass.  Next move is before white, turn 37. (accum 1 build point)

Q: I remove  rule w34

*w36: h1-g1 
*b36: (@5-@4,@4-@3)

*w37: g5-f3         

*w38: g7-g3     
*w41: @1-a1

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
    :: .. bb .. b1 .. .. .. .. ::
    :: .. bp bk bn .. .. .. .. ::
    :: .. .. vv .. BS).. .. .. ::
    :: .. .. .. .. BP .. .. GP)::
    :: bp~.. .. B1 .. .. BP .. :: 
    bp .. .. .. .. .. wn .. .. :: 
    wp) wp wp wp w1 wp wk).. .. :: 
    wr .. wb .. .. .. .. wr).. :: 
    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 

Special notations:
    bp  - shields down
    bp) - shields up
    bp; - shields damaged
    bp~ - ship disrupted
    ^^ torpedo north
    vv torpedo south
    >> torpedo east
    << torpedo west
    v> torpedo southeast
    v< torpedo southwest
    ^> torpedo northeast
    ^< torpedo northwest

WWW page created: October 7, 1996.