Chess Variant Graphics
Here are various Chess variant graphics, mainly for use with with Zillions of Games. They may also be put to other non-commericial, Chess variant related uses. If you use any of these graphics, the artists expect you to credit them for their artwork. A link to this page will also be appreciated. Different artists may have their own conditions
of use, and you should agree to these conditions before using their artwork. If you want to use any of these graphics commericially, you must contact the artist for his permission.
Chess Piece Graphics
Sets by Fergus Duniho
| I created these Chess pieces mainly from Armando Marroquin's Chess Motif font. The image here
shows only the regular Chess pieces, but there are also many Chess variant pieces. Click on the
image to view the whole set. Download.
| I designed these Chess pieces all on my own without the aid of any Chess fonts. They're my own
original design. The set is geometric and abstract. It combines a sense of how each piece moves with
how the piece normally looks. Click on the image to view the whole set. Download
| The original Shogi pieces for Zillions of Games had Japanese characters on them. I replaced
these with a set based on Armando Marroquin's Chess Motif font. I designed the Silver and Gold
Generals and the Lance myself. Click on the image to view the whole set. Download
| Here's another set of Shogi pieces I made. It is a diagrammatic set entirely of my own design.
Each piece has a diagram showing how it moves. Points are used to indicates moves of one space.
Lines are used to indicate moving any number of spaces. Blue is used for orthogonal movement, and
green is used for diagonal movement. Regular pieces have a black dot in the center, and promoted
pieces have a red dot in the center. Click on the image to view the whole set. Download
| The Chinese Chess pieces which come with Zillions of Games had Chinese characters on them. I
replaced these with a set based on a Chinese Chess set designed and published on the internet by
Daniel Kian McKiernan. Click on the image to view the whole set. Download
| Here are Chinese pieces I made for Chinese Chess and variants, particularly Yáng Qí. They are made from traditional (Big5) characters I downloaded from They include the full set of Chinese Chess pieces plus more I made for variant pieces. Download Big5 + GB Pieces
| Here are Chinese pieces I made for Chinese Chess and variants, particularly Yáng Qí. They are made from images of the National Standard (GB) set of characters officially endorsed in mainland China. I downloaded all character images from They include the full set of Chinese Chess pieces plus more I made for variant pieces. Download Big5 + GB Pieces
Graphics by Emmanuel Baud
Emmanuel Baud created two sets of graphics for shogi. These shogi tokens have both quite usual chess symbols and simplified kanji representation, in order to make easier the learning of kanji and reading of kifu files. |
Graphics by Jean-Louis Cazaux
Jean-Louis Cazaux made available the graphics he used for making his
French book on chess variants. View a sample catalogue, and download the file with many
piece graphics. |
Graphics by David Howe
David Howe based these on Eric Bentzen's Chess Alpha font, though much of it is his own artwork. |
Graphics by Roberto Lavieri
Roberto Lavieri created these pieces for Maxima and several other games. |
Graphics by Derek Nalls
Derek Nalls made these pieces for Capablanca Chess. |
Graphics by Tony Newton
Tony Newton's hand-drawn chess variant pieces. |
Graphics by Tony Quintanilla
Tony Quintanilla made these pieces from images of an old Chess set from the Isle of Lewis. |
Boards for Chess Variants
Derek Nalls
A file with several empty chess (variant) boards of different sizes,
by Derek Nalls.
Written by Fergus Duniho. Additions by Hans Bodlaender and Antoine Fourrière.
WWW Page Created: Tue Oct 19, 1999. Last Modified: April 26, 2007.