Symbolic Shogi Pieces
Here is a set of symbolic Shogi pieces, designed by Fergus Duniho. The design is based on the Abstract set of Chess pieces, also designed by Fergus. Gold and Silver Generals are represented by the alchemical symbols for gold and silver, which are the sun and moon symbols from astrology--sun for gold, moon for silver. Promoted pieces are colored gold with a red background.
This set was originally designed for making a physical set out of printouts and foamboard. Instructions and graphics for making a set of your own can be found here:
You may use these images noncommercially so long as you credit Fergus Duniho with the artwork, and so long as you use them as the pieces they're intended to be.
Bishop | flip/Bishop | BishopP | flip/BishopP |
Gold | flip/Gold | King | flip/King |
Knight | flip/Knight | KnightP | flip/KnightP |
Lance | flip/Lance | LanceP | flip/LanceP |
Pawn | flip/Pawn | PawnP | flip/PawnP |
Rook | flip/Rook | RookP | flip/RookP |
Silver | flip/Silver | SilverP | flip/SilverP |
Written by Fergus Duniho. Artwork by Fergus Duniho.
WWW Page Created: Tue Oct 19, 1999. Last Modified: Tue Oct 19, 1999.