Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'Game' AND FIND_IN_SET(:'Small',`Categories`) AND FIND_IN_SET(:'Crossover',`Categories`) AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
Bingo Chess. A cross between Chess and Bingo. (Cells: 41) By Doug Chatham.
Capture the Flag Chess. A translation of the classic children's game to a 42-square board. (7x6, Cells: 42) By Thomas Cameron.
Chec Toe. Chec Toe is a 4x4 Chess variant played with a six sided die, incorporating uniquely designed features, such as Checkering, Cross. By Simon Edward Jepps.
Chennis. Kyoto-Shogi-inspired variant (with alternating piece sides), with a tennis theme. By Daniel Lee.
Chesscala. Missing description (6x8, Cells: 48) By Francois Tremblay.
Danadazo. Game played on the 47 edges of a grid with rounded corners, borrowing elements from Tafl. (Cells: 47) By Jared B. McComb.
Flipping Xiangqi. Hybrid of Xiangqi & Kyoto Shogi – flip the pieces after each turn. (7x7, Cells: 49) By Lev Grigoriev.
Hajiku Shogi. Inspired by Shogi and Chu Shogi. Pieces can both promote and demote in promotion zone. By Edward Webb.
Pachessi. Race and chess game on board formed by removing 3 by 3 square from center of 7 by 7 square. (7x7, Cells: 40) By Peter Aronson.
Quarterboard. Small variant with no pawns and piece drops, inspired by Chess and Shogi. By Milan Zeiske.
Toto40. Staircase board with fighting line in the middle, inspired by Totolospi game of Hopi Indians. (Cells: 40) By Peter Aronson.