Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'Game' AND FIND_IN_SET(:'2d',`Categories`) AND FIND_IN_SET(:'Other',`Categories`) AND FIND_IN_SET(:'UnequalArmies',`Categories`) AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- ABC Chess. A variant with 8 armies of pieces generated by combining 1, 2 or 3 simpler pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Jeff `Cavebear` Stroud.
- Chameleon Chess Redux. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Adam Goss.
- A Chess-like Variant Construction Set. Build your own army and territory. By David Howe.
- Chess-like Variant Construction Set. Critique. Author: John William Brown. Inventor: David Howe.
- CSIPGS (comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic) Chess Variants. Variants on csipgs Chess and a handy overview of its rules. By Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Dune Chess. Chess variant based on the Dune novels of Frank Herbert. By Larry L. Smith.
- FCC. Free Choice Chess -- Large variant where players choose and deploy their own forces. By Bruce R. Gilson.
- Hnefatafl - the Strategic Board Game of the Vikings. Detailed rules and history of a Chess-like game played for 100's of years in Northern Europe. Author: Sten Helmfrid.
- Jurassic Chess. Dinosaur based chess variant played with regular chess pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Arvind Pillai. Inventor: Tarun Gupta and Arvind Pillai.
- Knight Chase. Game played on with two Knights on a Chessboard with differing goals. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Jeff Rients. Inventor: Alex Randolph.
- Litrof. Variant on 42 squares played with stacks of Icehouse pyramids, where different color pyramids give stacks different powers. (5x8, Cells: 42) By Glenn Overby II.
- War of the Worlds. Chess army from planet Earth against the Martian forces of Jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- WWII Chess. Fight between a shogi and an orthodox chess army. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Edward Jackman.
- Xiangqi vs Orthodox Chess. Missing description (9x9, Cells: 77) By Travis Z.