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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'Zillions' AND FIND_IN_SET(:'3d',`Categories`) AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
3-Dimensional Eight Level Chess
. TRUE 3D Chess on an 8 x 8 x 8 board.
3D Arimaa
. 3D Arimaa - Arimaa meets Raumschach. By Tim O'Lena.
3D Shogi. Three dimensional version of Japanese Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
3D Xiang Qi. Three dimensional version of Chinese Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
3D8L Chess
. TRUE 3D Chess on an 8 x 8 x 8 board.
Alice Raumshach
. Combining the Raumschach and Alice chess variants. By Robert Price.
Bellows Chess
. The board expands and contracts from turn to turn. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Tony Quintanilla.
Boolean Rithmomachia
. Missing description By Larry L. Smith.
Borg Queen. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
The Central Squares
. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares. By João Pedro Neto.
Chess Cubed. Played within a 4x4x4 cube. By Larry L. Smith.
Cross3D Chess
. 3D Chess game where pieces are arranged in a cross shape. By Stephane Burkhart.
. Three dimensional chess variant with 38 squares. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Jim Aikin.
Double Alternate Chess. Game played on two boards with object to checkmate either King. Inventor: Ken Franklin.
. A three-dimensional fantasy variant. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Gary Gygax.
Elevator. Three-dimensional chess variant with moving elevators and walking, vaulting and flying pieces. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Ben Good.
Emperor Raumschach. Variant of Dr. Fredinand Maack's Raumschach. By Larry L. Smith.
. At certain moments in the game, pieces are moved to an additional 5 by 4 area. Author: Dan Troyka. Inventor: Este.
First Contact. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
. Pieces are on both sides of a disc. Author: Dan Troyka.
Flux 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant where pieces, excepting the King, can only exist on the field for a specific number of turns at a time. By Larry L. Smith.
Flying Chess
. Some pieces can fly. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: David Eltis.
Fractal Chess
. Missing description By Stephane Burkhart.
Free-form 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant based upon several ideas by V. R. Parton for Chess-play on smaller fields. By Larry L. Smith.
G.U.E. 3D Chess. A 3D Chess game paying homage to those really great Zork adventures. By Larry L. Smith.
Geodesic Chess. Played on a spherical grid of hexagons and pentagons. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Jack V. Cheiky.
Hyperchess. A chess variant on a board representing 4-D space that closely parallels traditional Chess. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Joe Joyce.
Imperial Cheops. Played on a pyramid field of thirteen 3x3x3 cubes. Inspired by a description in Frank Herbert's novel Dune. By Larry L. Smith.
Influence Chess
. Pieces on the top or bottom layer influence which chess pieces may move on the middle layer. Author: Jens Markmann. Inventor: Samuel H. Bell.
Klin Zha 3D
. A three dimensional form of Klin Zha. By Larry L. Smith.
Kobayashi Maru. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Kobayashi Maru Variant of ST3D Chess
. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek. By Larry L. Smith.
Kogbetliantz Game. One of the earliest 3D Chess games for the 8x8x8 playing field. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Dr. Ervand George Kogbetliantz.
Lilliputian Monochromatic Alice Chess
. All pieces are colorbound, and switch boards rather than switching color. By Peter Aronson.
Ludus Magus
. Missing description By Larry L. Smith.
Mapped Chess
. Missing description By Stephane Burkhart.
Octa-Ashtapada. 8x8x8 variant with powerful armies and the potential for multiple royal pieces per side. By Larry L. Smith.
Pent-Ashtapada. A hybrid of Maack's Raumschach and Kogbetliantz' 8x8x8 game. By Larry L. Smith.
Planar 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant played with pieces which are restricted to particular planes within the cubic field. By Larry L. Smith.
Polyhedron Chess. Large 3-D variant inspired by Tetrahedral Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Prince. 3-D Chess variant using an 8x8x8 board and many new pieces. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Gavin Smith.
. The classical variant of three-dimensional chess: 5 by 5 by 5. Author: Robert Price. Inventor: Dr. Ferdinand Maack.
Ravioli Chess
. Chess on two boards squeezed together at the edges. By Antoine Fourrière.
Shogi 3D. Three dimensional version of Japanese Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Tetrahedral Chess
. 3d chess variant with board in form of tetrahedron. By Mark Thompson.
Tim's 3d Chess
. On a 5x5x5 board with two kings per playe. By Tim O'Lena.
Tim's 4x8x4 3D Chess
. A practical and playable 3D chess game. By Tim O'Lena.
Tim's 6x6x6 3d chess
. 3d chess variant on 6 by 6 by 6 board. By Tim O'Lena.
Total Chess
. Missing description Author: Stephane Burkhart. Inventor: Charles Beaty.
Trans-Dimensional Chess. Large 3-D game with a field of twenty 3x3x3 cubes arranged in three levels. By Larry L. Smith.
Transporter Pad. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Warp Factor. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Xiangqi 3D. Three dimensional version of Chinese Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
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