Comments by AscendingNewAeon
Have you ever seen the board used in this variant? If you want to see it, read the rules. There are 9 types of pieces with movement adapted for the board, and besides winning by checkmate, you can just race your King to the cockpit & win! Play this neoteric game and enjoy!
P. S. How should I ask for its review?????!!!!
P. P. S. Thank you Bobbie, but I wait an answer of an editor during next week.
Please tell me how to make the link to certain text on the page from another page (I’ve linked all pieces to piececlopedia, exc. for Astra (nothing to link) and Zip which I want to link with its description in Horizons). How?
This submission is considered as ready also. Sorry)
I will do it to this Saturday.
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Good time of day, I’m Lev. That’s my second acc created to speed things up.
Rocket Chess is ready as text submission. Images will be probably on next week. Please watch to agree or dislike.