Comments by AscendingNewAeon
Have you ever seen the board used in this variant? If you want to see it, read the rules. There are 9 types of pieces with movement adapted for the board, and besides winning by checkmate, you can just race your King to the cockpit & win! Play this neoteric game and enjoy!
P. S. How should I ask for its review?????!!!!
P. P. S. Thank you Bobbie, but I wait an answer of an editor during next week.
Please tell me how to make the link to certain text on the page from another page (I’ve linked all pieces to piececlopedia, exc. for Astra (nothing to link) and Zip which I want to link with its description in Horizons). How?
This submission is considered as ready also. Sorry)
I will do it to this Saturday.
Where did you find the Dove icon?
Which of them? From Musketeer Board Painter, or Joyful?
Diagrams would definitely be helpful, in particular an actual setup diagram.
I've made this. Kinda Saturday is hugely relayed;) view this please and decide FWIW)
This submission is ready to be published and is already playable on GC. See pls
Made that, but Zip is unchanged (is it normal if just two overlaps are there?).
Remaking Zip is only what I have to do to be sure?
Remade. Getting Ready for Launching…
Please revise this in next 72 hours…)))))
It’s ready, coordinated image is done. What’s wrong?!
Interesting – is that possible to make Game Courier preset for my invention?
BTW that’s the reason why there’s a big empty board image. It’s for this aim.
Can this be published? Or what’s missing?
I’ve made a board with coordinates on each space.
What’s now? (I’m not masochist and won’t redo the rest of images).
The lack of a good name for this piece is the main reason why I haven't dropped these two into Dealer's Chess.
*Admiral, Commander, Ensign, and Ship could be used together for a naval-themed game.
Remind of my Motorcyclist from Modern Repub.
In addition, it has the same "stinging move" that [other pieces in the game have], but only on the squares diagonally adjacent to it. That is, it can step one square diagonally, and if that move captures something, it can then optionally make a second, non-capturing step in any direction, orthogonal or diagonal. (FvWfAvsca(b)1mK)
That "stinging move," or "sting capture," is something I haven't really seen anywhere else, though I've adapted it for a couple of my Tifinagh pieces and probably will use it for other things as well.
I have the Radioactive Queen in RQC that does this after any short-distanced move.
Done. Maybe complicated, but still…
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Good time of day, I’m Lev. That’s my second acc created to speed things up.
Rocket Chess is ready as text submission. Images will be probably on next week. Please watch to agree or dislike.