Comments by AscendingNewAeon
It seems that there’s no diff between 1st (sans) and 2nd (sans-serif) font examples… and it looks like Helvetica. For me.
Where should I look to see this?
For me it’s EVERYWHERE for once-clicked links. Except for lists, as I stated above.
Yahoo! Fonts are returned! (Safari, iOS, looks fine).
Only problem is that links that you have clicked are red, as Cazaux stated.
UPD: and transparent menu bar.
UPD2: and homepage itself is fine with font colors.
The fonts are not from Yahoo! and have never been.
This was an exclamation, such as Uhh!
Now links are normal btw…)! Thanks)
Can you see me a link to your Lichess account? I’m @Diceroller_is_Fire.
For me, my serious interest in chess (variants) has started on Lichess.
Thx, done it.
It was a communist anti family celebration day since the beginning.
As well as these two pieces;)
Thanks for approving!
It would be better to swap the Dabbabas with the Alfils in the c- and f-files. Then each square can be reached by a single Alfil of either color.
ARGH!!! miscalculated earlier, made now…)))
Please check to see if there's any of the edits that you take issue with (I'd imagine not),
All’s OK!
and if they're OK with you I'll release it — I think the rules themselves are clearly enough stated
Thanks, agreed+
With apologies for taking so long :) (life got a bit busy for a moment there)
Same thing;)
Круто, прикольно. Что-то в этом есть и от тайских шахмат. Мне нравится такое распределение фигур по цветовым комплексам.
Cool and cute. There’s even a breeze of Thai chess here. I like this management and distribution of pieces on color complexes.
This page waited for ~1.7 years to be published. Thank you very much!
However, can you change its description to “No displacement capture, all non-royal pieces take by cutting through or bypassing.”, please?
Made a tour on my pages to fix so. Not everywhere but still
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I probably need.
I have imagined new pieces now, ideal for your weekend pair.
Black Vulture (Ski-Bishop+Condor), Peregrine Falcon (Ski-Rook+Osprey).
Also, to fit the theme; I’ve suddenly looked at my notebook, seen thin points and imagined ambiguous Fighting Cockerel (cKfW or obscene vice-versa). Like pawn but not pawn.
This page is ready now. I did it after long inactivity)
Much time passed, but still. On dark theme.
Indigo font on brown/dark-grey/purple background is hardly readable. Blue is just slightly better.
I suggest dividing font colors for light and dark modes further. Links’ colors in info boxes are possible solution.
- Thank you for review!
- Maybe I shall add so as a variation (not as mainline >,<)
The first one made by Daniel works correctly. Thx!
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That. For me it’s on all pages except for lists.