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Comments by CBagleyJones

i would love to vote for it, but it seems you also have to make a list in your preference order for a lot of games, most which i don't know anything about, so it doesn't seem fair to vote. we do know crazyhouse is played every hour of the day, probably on icc alone that happens. i think the trouble is, so many people have played crazyhouse heaps, or often, but are now interested in other new variants etc etc and don't feel inclinded to vote for it. everyone here are fans of chess variants, and get excited about new different stuff. i reckon you could probably pick over 5 'recognized variants' at the moment, and crazyhouse is being played more often than all of them put together. but whatever.

yes there is dabbaba/wazir graphic, but not a fers/alfil but most that use that combo use the elephant, which would suit more than bishop, seeing dabbaba is old piece etc brilliant idea about the king spawning pawns!
the simple rules given by inventor sound best to me,
king only spawns pawns and no drops, though as he
said, an interesting variant would be one with drops.
i'm sure i'll be rating this 'excellent', i'm barely
stopping myself from giving it that already.
ok well i've played this game a few times now, and yes, it is a brilliant game. congrats :)

looks like 1 camel to me (diagram and text)

the way chess is going, i would say it would give black a big advantage.
actually the case of kings on a1 and c2 pawn on a2 is a success for showdown chess because it makes a win for black instead of a draw, which would happen in normal chess after white plays Kc1 (this is a replacement for normal chess not shatranj). Black must of played the brilliant (he he) ... a3-a2!! thus winning the game. You are just looking at the 'normal' rules if you are disappointed at 'having' to move your king away, you should not of got yourself in that position. Of course, i don't like these attempts to make chess with less draws, i am in favor of giving (as far as tournaments go) either no points for draws, same as losing, or 2 points for wins, half for draws, but best would be to come up with a different chess altogether ha ha, but not those variants with rook/knight and bishop/knight combo's. Terrible pieces :) we should go back to good old 4 handed chaturanga :) anyway, showdown chess is at least an attempt to somehow address the major promblem of the terrible state of draws in modern chess, i don't think it deserves a 'poor' rating so i will throw in a 'good'.

what does the person who made the game have to say about it? how do you know that the pieces you call 'bishops' are bishops?

just a couple of questions, when you drop a pawn (cannot check king) you get another turn, but you don't say if that pawn can move again, next turn. i am guessing it can't, it would be a bit tough if it could. i don't understand where you say 'X=Star: Moves 1 space diagonally. When it captures, it says where it is and you get another turn.' do you mean 'stays' instead of 'says', meaning after 'star' captures, it cannot move next turn but another piece can? (same with 'i point').
http://www.chessvariants.org/large.dir/contest/royalcourt.html this game has a knight that also moves as a king too, called a 'crownedknight'

Stanley Random Chess gave me a good laugh when i first read about it, and this site needs all the laughs it can get. i personally think it should not be removed. Next thing you will want to remove 'Gridlock' he he.
ahhhhhhhhhaaaa lol!! so, SRC is funny and on the level wow, didn't see that coming :) only one thing to do now, give it an 'excellent' :) god bless SRC, and please forgive all those doubters he he (*whistles*) (oh btw, pretty cool idea about the rules being mysterious)

seriously, you need to spend a weekend with kate moss if you didn;t see the 'tongue in cheek' side of SRC. anyway, if you started playing this game, you would have to play someone who knew the rules right?! (lol) if you started playing say on brainking server or whatever it is called, would you eventually be able to know all the rules?
well, not a complete lack of example games, there is one here. http://geocities.com/verdrahciretop/src8.html i havn't checked it out, and i am guessing it teaches you nothing, but not sure, as i havn't looked at it. At the end of that game, there are another 2 example games, but you must be member to see (free membership i think)
moro kasim is offically drawn now (go moro)

yep, most chess players have no sense of humor alright lol he never said he was going to play the game, so i guess he stills finds it amusing. i find it amusing, and i find your post amusing too :) i get the internet, regardless of if i was to play src or not, i don't really see a cost in it, maybe there is, who cares, and anyway, who would seriously play src ha ha, but if you did, i think that is great :) let us know how it goes :)
moro wins again, 2 wins in a row, against anand and kasim, not bad going

huh people bad mouthing the name 'elephant'?! :) i like the name 'elephantqueen' for alfil/fers, everyone knows the elephant mostly indicates alfil move, and fers is related to queen, i think, in some way, he he, anyway, hey joe :) (i love the name 'alibaba' hate the name 'fearful')

how come they didn't like to use fischer name ... bit weird .. fischer himself says that only a certain number of the positions should be used, and it isn't that many, under 20 i think i remember him saying .. so their name is stupid i reckon, if it ever become the standard chess for the world, which i highly doubt, the inventor thinks most of the start positions should not be used.

try out shogi (japanese chess) and you will find another game better than 'classical' chess he he
very interesting indeed, and courageous too i guess, saying at a chess site that chess is flawed lol. i think giving the alfil the power of bishop and throwing a piece like the queen in the game has greatly made chess unstable, would you agree on that? (not to mention the double pawn move rule). what do you think of the openning set up of 4 player chaturanga?
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