Check out Modern Chess, our featured variant for January, 2025.

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Comments by CBagleyJones

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Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Thu, Jan 4, 2007 10:36 AM UTC:
you can buy from here, i didn't look to see where it is, but i highly
doubt they would rip you off.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Thu, Jan 4, 2007 03:23 PM UTC:
yes it is a tough call, i am not sure about what colors are normally used,
but they all look good to me, i think you should buy 2 sets :)
black and white look good, but the red looks pretty good too hehe :)

The ShortRange Project. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jan 5, 2007 03:18 PM UTC:
Claudio, i like it! (sorry for late reply).
thanks for taking an interest in 'the shortrange project', i think it
should be added to 'project 2', i am sure Joe would agree.
If we can't put a zrf together, we can at least add info/link for this

ChessVA computer program
. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jan 5, 2007 03:23 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
yeah, welcome back, cool!

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jan 5, 2007 03:41 PM UTC:
i know i'm late with this, but happy new year everyone, thanks to David
and Fergus and all editors and contributors, readers and players etc etc,
hope all is fine and well, thanks for making this site the best chess
variant site in world (yes the world) !!!!
So many great variants created last year, hope this year brings many more,
which i'm sure it will!

The ShortRange Project ZIP file. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 6, 2007 02:16 AM UTC:
sorry yep there will be seperate pages done for each game, but you can see
descriptions of each game here (starting half way down the page)
(ohhh not having zillions, how can a chess variant lover do without it!)
Joe will be doing pages for each game soon, i don't know why he is taking
so long :)

Sky ZIP file. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sun, Oct 18, 2009 01:00 AM UTC:
hello :))
after white plays h1-e4 black has five diff moves to get out of mate and i believe this is more than enough. After black moves a tripper in front of the king, if white decides the play the same piece again and check black king then black can move their king forward. Now i know in normal chess, moving the king to the 2nd rank on your second move is not good, lol, in this game, it is fine, the king can nicely move up the board because of the nature of the pieces in the game, and the king is a 'strong fighting piece' in this kind of game. Also, it is interesting i thought that there is a mate on the 2nd move hehe.

i tested the game a lot, and didnt find white had any winning advantage.
the idea of this game is to give pieces which are generally seen only in fairy chess problems a field of play. Having pawns in the game makes these pieces very awkward to play, so with no pawns these pieces can freely play without problems associated with pawns, and play they do, surprising well and flowing very happily. the very set up of the pieces actually makes them not come in contact with each other easily in the opening play.

the idea of having a queen in the game i would consider extremely bad because it is too powerful and would destroy the mood of the game, and also a piece that moves like alfil/dababa too strong and would also destroy flow and mood of game.

well i hope this site is going well, i take a look every now and then and of course new games keep getting invented, nice :)

i have been playing 'World of Warcraft' these last few years, what an amazing game :)

kk all the best, bye for now :)

Sky. Brilliant original game by Christine Bagley-Jones. Pieces promote through a succession of odd leapers eventually to a rooks.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Tue, Jan 11, 2011 02:23 AM UTC:
sorry didnt see your comment till now :) well u know, i dont really like some of these names either, though i dont mind the 'tripper', however, i didn't make these names up, i got them from George Jelliss's site 'all the king's men'. About the 'lancer', i dont mind that name, but, i know i didn't make it up but i can't seem to see a 4-2 leaper mentioned on that webpage lol. While i'm here, i have been thinking about what some people have said about the tripper able to check on move 2 and maybe this is no good, and, maybe u guys are right, haha, i'm thinking of updating this game and simply just taking the offending trippers away, i tried this out and it seems to play just as good as the game does in it's present format. Also, there are two other weird leapers that i'm sure would hardly be in any games, these are the 'root-65-leaper' (8-1), (7-4) and the 'root-85-leaper' (9-2), (7-6). I was thinking of putting them in the promotional line to the rook, after the 'fiveleaper', but it wont work on a 10x10 board haha, so, sadly, i'm thinking of a 'sky high' variant with these leapers on a 12x12 board. anyways, thanks for your comments and interest in the game :) ok, i found where i got the name 'lancer' from, this page here,

💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2011 05:44 AM UTC:
yes i've noticed John Savard's 'Leaping Bat Chess', how he calls the 'root-65-leaper' the 'Bat'. Alfaerie Graphics has a bat graphic so i better use this graphic for this piece, lol. Hard to see much info on the 'root-85-leaper', (9-2), (7-6), got no idea right now what graphic to use for this, but, lol, i'm sure it will go down well what i use :)

Chaturaji modern-variant (revised) ZIP file. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2011 05:59 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Yes this is brilliant game, but u know u can play this game under a few variant rules, besides actually capturing the king, u can also play this game using the standard checkmate style.

Steve Nichols has a site where u can download a nice program that plays these variants,

Playing the 'double mate' variant, red and yellow play of course against black and green. Now how this works is, if for instance, red army mates black, then, black now cannot move as the different armies make their moves around the board (order is red, black, yellow, green).

So red would move, then yellow, then green, and so forth. Because each army has only 3 major pieces, this can often tie up the pieces and make them unable to move, if they want to 'hold' the mate on the board. Yellow would be able to attack the non-moving mated black army, and capture pieces, but this of course could lead the release of mate on black, but if enough pieces are taken then this of course can be ok. Green is not going to stand around and do nothing, and would try to attack red to try to release the mate on the black army, or even try to mate yellow!! If green can release black from mate, then black would again be able to start to make moves!

Exciting gameplay indeed. I did play a game with a friend, and early in the game, his red army did mate my black side, but, on his very next move as red, his ONLY legal move was to move his ship, which released my black army from mate, and, by the way, haha, i went on to win the game.

I play this game with a few friends and all agree this 'double mate' variant is the best way to play.

ok, giving this game an excellent rating because of your effort to make this a zrf in the style of playing it with no dice, and, because this is my fav game too hehe, well done :)

Taikyoku Shogi. Extremely large shogi variant. (36x36, Cells: 1296) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2011 06:30 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
hey, u would have to walk on the board to make move would u? (lol)
love how big it is, probably would be hell to play :)

what is the difference between 'step' and 'slide', is 'step' different from 'leap', i dont kinda understand.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Wed, Jan 12, 2011 02:12 PM UTC:
heya, no, i looked at the piece movements and 'steps' cant be just for a single square move, for instance ...

Free Demon:
steps 5 forward orthogonal or backward orthogonal, slides left orthogonal or right orthogonal or diagonal.

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jan 14, 2011 02:20 AM UTC:
i think what Carlos meant to say was ...
'Fergus: What do you think about (this chess variant site) running a
tourney like this?'

I find it interesting about talking about pawns, and i would like the throw
some ideas around. Pawns no doubt are the soul of chess, they keep the game
structured. If the game of chess was just played with pieces alone, the
game would quickly become chaotic. They put a boundary between both armies,
and this is very desireable.

However, within the realm of chess variants, because of the nature and
concept of the games created, sometimes pawns would destroy the chess

Take for instance, 'The Travelers' by Roberto Lavieri. This is a
brilliant game, but there are no pawns, and there is no place for pawns in
this game, it would destroy the 'nature and concept' of this game
entirely. Also my game 'Sky', pawns would destroy the freedom of movement
of the 
unusually long jumping leapers, and pawns also here would destroy the flow
of the game. These games i think one can easily see how pawns are not

Lets have a look at Joe Joyce's game (hey Joe) in relation to pawns. Well,
first off, it is played on a very big playing field (16x12). How do pawns
go holding structure on a huge board like this? It must be harder to do
than on a 8x8. Now what is the 'nature and concept' of this game. Joe can
best answer this i'm sure. Just off the top of my head, it is centered on
piece play, and because the board is very big, we wont find the 'chaotic'
nature that would arise on an 8x8 board if this was played just with
pieces. Also, there is a rule in this game that greatly hammpers the
chaotic nature of a game that plays just with pieces ....

'No piece may ever move unless it is activated by a chieftain which has to
be within 3 squares of it at the start of its move'.

Probably also, on this size board, Joe has not put too many pieces in the
game, and lastly, the pieces are short range, and not powerful pieces.

I think a lot of chess variants are 'thinking out of the square' and the
rules that hold to chess or games very 'chess like' cannot be applied to
all chess variants.
Anyway, discuss, lol :)

By the way, hi to everyone here at this great site, i've been away for
awhile, busy and stuff. As regards the tournament u are all talking about,
i don't think i can play, but maybe in the future i can get it together
and find time to play in one.

Sky. Brilliant original game by Christine Bagley-Jones. Pieces promote through a succession of odd leapers eventually to a rooks.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2011 02:10 PM UTC:
Thank you very much for the link there Mr. Knappen (i can't read your first name, webpage doesn't show 2nd letter, is it 'Jorg').
That page looks fantastic, lots of info, but it's in german right, lol, dang i can't read it lol.
I can make out some stuff though, and yes the 5-1 leaper there is called 'Ibis', and, come to think of it, i don't know if i have ever seen the 5-1 even mentioned. Also that page show's the 'flamingo', and besides this site, that is another leaper that is not mentioned on other pages too, i don't think George Jelliss has it on his page.
Also, that page gives two names for the 4-2 leaper, 'Lancer' and 'Hase'. Mr. Jelliss also calls 4-2 leaper 'Lancer', so, this page is not connected with him, right?

Oh, Charles, who is 'Torsten Linss', u give a link to some problems he composed about the 'flamingo'.

Time Traveler's ChessA game information page
. Chess pieces may travel backwards in time.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2011 02:21 PM UTC:
aww this external link now doesn't work, i wanted to just look again at the rules of this game, is Danny Purvis still around, or, omg, is this game 'lost in time'?

Dr. Who Chess. Variant based on the popular TV seiries.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2011 02:27 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
wooah sorry i realised i never rated this game, time travel chess is a fascinating concept, love it.

Sky. Brilliant original game by Christine Bagley-Jones. Pieces promote through a succession of odd leapers eventually to a rooks.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Mon, Jan 17, 2011 03:00 AM UTC:
i'm not fully sure what is going on around here but it's entertaining.

*makes popcorn*

💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Mon, Jan 17, 2011 12:14 PM UTC:
ah that's ok Joe, all is fine now i hope, i kind of didn't even realise things got out of hand a bit here. Let's all forgive and be friends, i know the nameing of pieces can sometimes cause 'friction' among people, but let's try to remember, it's not really that much of a big deal hehe.

I don't want to get off the topic here, but, i am going to update this game (hehe) to fix the 'early check' problem arising from the 'trippers' on h1 and h10. At first i was going to simply remove them and not even replace them with anything but i now i'm thinking i could replace them with the 'threeleaper'. I know Jeremy Good has played a few games of 'Sky' on game courier here and wanted to know his opinion of this. Anyone who has thoughts on this i would be interested to hear too. Thanks all.

Alfaerie Expansion Set 6. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 22, 2011 02:59 AM UTC:
i seem to have encountered a problem with the file 'bballista_north' and wballista_north', and also the 'ballista_south' files, it won't load in a zrf with these files.

Grand Cavalier Chess. The decimal version of Cavalier Chess. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 29, 2011 04:34 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Heya Fergus, after our talk last week about pawns i thought i'd check out your game here. And i must say, it's been a lot of fun!!
Now, if u don't know, i am a big fan of the more 'chaturanga, shatranj' etc etc styled pieces, and have only played games with these 
kind of pieces for years now. So, this game, looked very daunting to me, to say the least, as i pondered my first move, hehe.

After the first couple of games, i was all over the place, the game seemed hard the manage, very dynamic and nearly chaotic. But 
then, after a few more games, i started to get a feel for it, and i had some wonderful games. I'm rating 'excellent'.

Nearly right from the start, the game seems dynamic to me, and it stays that way throughtout the game, but there seems to be a 
steadiness of play, the 'chaotic' i felt at first, was 'controlled', still there, but it's balanced and 'held' in the game. 
The Cavlier's i think put a uniqueness to the game. They do act as 'pawn's' but they are more flexible than a pawn, and 
when they get to the 8th rank they are in striking distance of promoting.

Nice piece placement for the opening, and great seeing the 'nightrider' playing too. Sometimes, in a somewhat wild position, it 
was interesting playing a cavlier non-threateningly up the board and feeling it was safe and the best move.
I really feel the cavlier makes this game unique and exciting. Great work.

Cataclysm. Large board game with short-range pieces designed to be dramatic without being overly complicated or dragging on too long. (12x16, Cells: 192) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 29, 2011 05:13 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Hey this game looks great, love the big board and not too many pieces added, really like the 'duke' too. I will have to check out the game courier logs, i like this type of game because one can learn more about gameplay with fairly short range type pieces on a very large board. Great stuff.

Alfaerie Expansion Set 6. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 29, 2011 06:07 AM UTC:
ok, i worked out what the problem was with 'ballista_north' and 'ballista _south' files.

there is a 'space' after the last letter, before the '.bmp'


'wballista_north .bmp' etc etc.

Sky. Brilliant original game by Christine Bagley-Jones. Pieces promote through a succession of odd leapers eventually to a rooks.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Sat, Jan 29, 2011 06:14 AM UTC:
Claudio, i'm from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. We recently got flooded bad here but the house i live in was fine, all good.
Now, what alfaeirie graphic's don't we have for what, hehe?
Sorry :)

oh, piece naming, it's a pain, i like to use the 'orginal' name mostly for pieces but some pieces get so well known by certain names in your 'community' that it is hard to resist, some names u don't like, etc etc.
i got no time at the moment, got to go out but i'll revisit the sticky subject of piece naming, bye for now, and, 'where's my beer' :)

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Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Wed, Feb 2, 2011 08:09 AM UTC:
what Joe is trying to say here is fide chess sucks cause the queen is way
too overpowered for the 8x8 board :))

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Thu, Feb 3, 2011 02:07 AM UTC:
Like most, i started playing regular chess, then at icc (internet chess
club) i first played shatranji. I then did a little searching on the net
and found this site and zillions of games. It's all your fault lol.

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