Comments by CharlesGilman

You say that you have changed the Pawns anyway, compared to the elusive original. So each player has two lots that cross each other. Are each lot barred from capturing outside the line of four orthogonals along which they make their noncapturing moves, as the ones in my Fivequarters are? If not, what happens if they turn onto off it? Does it make a difference whether they do so in the enemy loop or their own?

The link is broken. The information is now at the folloeing address:

Regarding Fivequarters, Red and Green Pawns can move only within the long orthogonals a-d. Thus they can capture from b to a or c, and from c to b or d, but from a only to b and from d only to c. Likewise Yellow and Blue Pawns as regards long orthogonals e to h. So what happens when Lemniscate Pawns go 'off-track'? From what you've said, if the Pawn starting on f1 captures from l4 to t2 it gets fast-tracked to promotion to Steward, but what if the one starting on b4 captures from l1 to g3? It ends back on its own player's part of the board! Does it flip over and start behaving as if it had started on f3?

You could be right, I was just lumping them together as 'not covered anywhere else'. One further connection is that Ferry moves along the River, but it could be regarded as a multi-cell non-capturer moving along a pair of ranks. They seem to me to fall into three groups. The Ferry, Halter, and Trampoline can all move, either under their own steam or with the aid of another piece, but cannot capture and have a different effect on pieces. They can therefore be considered special cases of non-capturing pieces. The Raft and Tardis are board sections that move - and again do not capture. They take their pieces with them. The Bridge, Fortress, and River do not change their location on the board but still affect how pieces move.

George Duke writes: 'Now respecting hexagons, I like squares and cubes exclusively -- and tetrahedral 3-d spaces. No triangles, no hexagons.' Well Tetrahedral Chess has neither no triangles nor no hexagons. Look at any of the faces. They are all triangles. Now look how the Rook moves along those faces - in any of six directions at 60° to each other. Yes, the faces are hex boards, as clearly as those of cubic variants are square-cell ones. Now look at a cubic board. Let's say the corthogopnals are 1-8, a-h, and s-z. Look how Bishops move within the plane comprising sa1, sb2, sv3, sd4, se5, sf6, sg7, sh8, ta2, tb3, tc4, td5, te6, tg7, th8, ua3, ub4, uc5, ud6, ue7, uf8, va4, vb5, vc6, vd7, ve8, wa5, wb6, wc7, wd8, xa6, xb7, xc8, ya7, yb8, za8. Yes, it's exactly how a Rook moves on a triangle of hex cells!

The Camblam 'Knight' actually has the destinations of four simple oblique leapers - the Camel, Zemel, Antelope, and Rector. Regarding the 'pass-through' squares where allies can block it, I assume that they are in the order specified fo a move. Thus an ally up to and including 4 squares away orthogonally will block it from the 2 Camel and 2 Zemel destinations in that general direction, and an ally up to and including 4 squares away diagonally will block it from the 2 Antelope and 2 Rector destinations in that general direction.

Another interesting variation on the Mao/Moa family would be a piece requiring an empty Mao pass-through and an occupied Moa one, a piece requiring the opposite, and a compound of the two. Any thoughts of names for that lot? Note that the last is different from the Hopping Moo, which requires an occupied pass-through but need not have an empty one.
So are the comments on Bachelor Kamil and the Buffalo satisfactory or would you prefer a full submission, and if so to what address? Can you find the updated file for Honeycomb Chess or should I send that again, and if so again to what address?

Ome-step divergent pieces are in MAB 02. Fusilier is, I believe, an alternative name for the Steward, the piece that moves without capturing as a Wazir and captures as a Ferz. The piece that moves with or without capturing as a Wazir and captures as a Ferz is the Xaja Wazir. The Ajax Ferz moves without capturing as a Wazir and with or without capturing as a Ferz. The piece that moves without capturing as a Ferz and captures as a Wazir I term the Contrasteward, but I once saw it termed the Guardian somewhere since, probably only a problematist usage so far. It would be interesting to know if anyone thinks it worth substituting Guardian for Contrasteward and devising similar replacements for Contrawaiter and Contrabutler.
Out of curiosity, does anyone think that I'm flogging a dead horse by terming the MAB 12 Sextoranker+Ninjafiler compound Mule? This is something of a dead-end name for a Stockable piece (i.e. one like the Brook, Fwezir, et cetera), as I am noticing as I introduce ever more such pieces. Were it called the Nsexton as copying the logic for radial pieces would dictate I could then extrapolate to Elfranker+Underfiler=Uelf, Fenceranker+Lectufiler=Lfencer, Brook+Nsexton=Nsenvasser, Unicorn+Nsexton=Nsefila, Brook+Uelf=Nleaseholder, Unicorn+Uelf=Nleprechaun, et cetera. The Stock forms of these, which MAB 15 would cover, are Stock analogues to the Camel, Zebra, Marshal, Cardinal, Canvasser, and Caliph. I could also name analogues for the Gnu/Gazelle/Bison if to Sexton+Elf=Morgai and Ninja+Lecturer=Coallure I added names for Ninja+Underscore, Sexton+Fencer, Elf+Fencer, and Underscore+Lecturer.

I include the extra rank so that there would be four ranks of each camp plus four ranks in between, even if the actually numbers of cells - 28 per camp, 36 in between - would be different.

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