Comments by CharlesGilman
So that's the basics. The questions are: Is this worth pursuing further? What should allow a cell to be created? What should allow a cell to be destroyed? Is promotion still required given the power of the Stewardwaiter? Might cloud-board games based on any other array be worth considering?
By 'moving freely' in my previous comment here, I meant an Ajax move that would allow Generals and Ferzes to leave and re-enter their Fortress - or for the matter the enemy one - by a noncapturing move, and Elephants to cross the River by a one-step move. Sorry for taking so long to explain.
You know how the Queen and Gnu and Cardinal and Canvasser are worth more than the sum of their parts because the unbound component unbinds the bound one? Well that led me to wonder about compounds whose diagonal or Camelwise move remains restricted to squares of a single colour. There could be a Queen that can move as a pale-square Bishop but not a dark-square one. Three questions strike me about such pieces: 1 Are they closer to being worth the sum of their parts? For example, is the restricted Queen described above worth a Rook plus a Bishop, or is it worth less because it can find itself on squares where it is temporarily only a Rook? How does it compare in strength to an Ajax or Ajaxrider Rook? 2 Are they worth cataloguing in my Man and Beast series? There are already two such pieces in use, the Korean pieces that are partway from General/Wazir to King/Prince, but they are something of a special case as they are further restricted to not leaving the Fortress. Can anyone see themselves using such pieces more widely? 3 If they are worth cataloguing, has anyone any ideas about how they should be named? I did have a brief idea for square-cell pieces, but thought better of it as I would prefer something more widely applicable. Should all pieces moving along the same subset of diagonals have the same prefix(es) or suffix(es), or should they be named according to whether the subset includes their own starting cell? What about the three colours of the hex board, and the overlapping Bishop and Unicorn bindings on a cubic board? What would you call a Governor restricted to Bishop moves including its starting cell but Unicorn ones not including it? How would you distinguish between a Waffle whose Elephant moves are confined to an entire Bishop binding, and to a mere Elephant one?
The link to Hexagonal Chess does not work because of the colon. In any case, a better link to generic Hex variants would be:
I started by stating in the first paragraph of the intro the wish that it should be marked as a 'piece article' page, but phased them out as I edited the pages further. Hope that this helps.
The page where I mix square and hex cells is called, straightforwardly enough, Square versus Hex.
'Are reverse gold and silver (and their divergent versions) worth?' The reversed pieces I term Goldcoward and Silvercoward. I don't think I've covered divergent ones yet.
'Capture as dragon king moves as dragon horse; Moves as dragon king, captures as dragon horse; Forward-only versions of dragon and divergent dragon pieces.' Now these I haven't covered yet. I have similar pieces with the augmentation to the Bishop being by a Dabbaba move - Pawned Chatelaine, Yeomanned Inquisitor - but not by a Wazir one. When I devised simpler names for the dragon pieces - Chatelaine and Primate - I did so with extrapolation in mind, to forward-only as well as to 3d, so I termed the FO versions Caryatid and Abbot. As the Goldsteward and Silversteard Pawn one move and Yeoman the other, I suppose I should also think of Chatelaine/Primate and Caryatid/Abbot divergent pieces. Likewise in 3d Vicereine/Besieger, Virago/Ram, Moderator/Heretic, Elder/Xorn, Baroness/Regent, Heiress/Commissioner, Diarch/Usurper, Presumptive/Assassin, Dowager/Pope, and Devotee/Nuncio ones.
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