Comments by KelvinFox

Can someone change the page so it displays the true inventor

Dekle's hex Shogi seems to define Knight's movement somewhat differently (through that maybe also due to the different tiling) and the hexes are turned differently

I wonder if German chess (with chancellor as the royal piece) would be a viable game

On the mindsports website, the 4 corner squares are said to be untiled

Someone on wikipedia added the name Nao for a piece that moves like the Nightrider version of the Cannon. Does anyone know if this name actually was sourced from a chess variants book or was made up?

I wonder how I can make the Crooked Vao display correctly

A logical extension of this would be a version of this that only hops when capturing

This looks like a fun variant to play. I am going to test it soon

Another idea that I have would be knight then camelrider
The opposite version and the zebra pieces. I will edit them later with the correct piece picture

One of the weird things about this game is the fact that you can only have 2 Heavenly Horses at max, even though you need 4 to cover the whole board, probably there is some compensation for this. I also investigated the camel variant of it, this piece can only reach 1/6th of the board.

This looks like a somewhat playable variant, only the weird board size is killing it
Also, the movement diagrams are broken
A weird piece idea where all wazir movements are crooked
@Aurelian Florea
This is a Rhino where all Wazir movements are crooked compared to the previous one

The description for the knight is incorrect. It should read that the knight moves tw squares in one rook wise direction and 1 in another. The piece's current description, while making the same piece as the first one on 2d boards, gives a different piece on 3d boards

I've had a idea lately with a vertical only version of this piece

I am going to write a page soon about the Bishop version of this piece, which is featured in Caïssa Britannia.

I was thinking about a piece that moves like gryphon after bouncing

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There also exists a earlier version of Hex Shogi bij George R. Dekle