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Comments by Kuyan Judith
It would have more symetry in one way and less in another if white's pieces started one space forwards of where they do here.
I have a question: for the knight moves, do the rivers count as virtual squares? for example, could a knight on A2 cross the river?
How are the top squares connected to the rest of the board?
Based on a cube count, I assume that the board is 2D. So the 'cubes' are functionally hexes (hence the name, I assume). So why call them 'cubes'?
For the 40*40 board, you could use a 2 sheets*3 sheets rectangle of 18cm*27cm 1cm^2 square graph paper, cutting the excess off. you would then need small chesspieces, but I thing there are pieces that small available and if not you could cut them out of cardboard.
'Xiang Qi' is actually pronounced 'Shiang Chee'
maybe if the elephants and pygmies were along only two sides of the board and there were less elephants and a smaller board (but still at least 40*40) the rok could be reduced to stepping? this would bring it closer to the rok being an 'elephant of elephants', which I assume is the intent.
Probably it does. I only know how it is pronounced in Mandarin Chinese, which I study as my LOTE subject.
It looks to me like any piece promoted in the Shogi setting would become a queen in the FIDE setting, but only if it survived ten turns of being an advisor. Advisors are so weak that players might avoid promoting pieces in the late Shogi setting to avoid having them.
The king can never move triagonally. The palace will not allow it.
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