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Comments by andy_thomas
I have created a new variant called, 'Sino-European' Chess. There are a zillions (.zip) entry, plus an html page. It isn't precisely clear to me how to link the uploaded zillions .zip into the html. I would like to thank Fergus Duniho, inventor of Eurasian Chess for the inspiration in creating this variant. Thanks for your consideration, Andy
with a cursory glance, i haven't been able to figure out how to update the zrf here. in any event, there is an updated zip/zrf over at the zillions site. it has larger graphics. the only real change which has occurred to me might be in making the castles and wall like a single, large zone, so the respective kings could traverse the wall and into their opponent's castle.
well it says, 'edit index information or edit the contents of this page. You may also, if your page uses graphics, upload files.' this entry page having no graphics to speak of, 'edit index information,' and 'edit the contents' but seemed to allow for basic parameter/text editing... so i tried 'if your page uses graphics, upload files' and it uploaded... and it is updated... it was the 'if your page uses graphics' part which made it all unclear to me... thanks
i think it could at the very least be stated that, in general black and white play differently from one another. one way of alleviating this 'problem' - without the use of simultaneous movement, or in always allowing black 'one last move' - in a given game, would be to have a chess variant such that the two sides are for all intents and purposes identically placed at setup, yet the 'black' side has one piece 'pre-moved' in some kind of logical, standard manner. this might make up for any real or imagined imbalance. for example, if you applied this idea to FIDE chess, you could have black begin with 'king's pawn at 4' (rather than 2) as part and parcel of the opening setup, yet white would move first.
i have updated this variant a bit. the kings can now move within their own castles, and along the wall, and inside the opponent's castle as well. the castles are also now 3x3 thus in that regard resembling the palaces in xiang qi. also, the bishops can move not only up to and along the wall, but throughout the castles as well. they are yet prohibited from moving to the 'opposite side of the wall.' in any event, this should all make for less draws. 3 of the pawns have been set back to the 3rd rank (all 5 were on the 4th rank before), and the cannons begin on the 2nd rank. in the original, the pawns were 'too close' at the start. since there is no 'implied across the board check' between kings as in xiang qi, this new rule of allowing them to 'storm across the wall' and into the other player's castle is a sort of compromise between chinese chess and fide.
there was a bug in this zrf... one of the king's couldn't move into 2 of its ostensibly allowed cells... 'fixed'
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