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Comments by Ben Reiniger

Daniil: I'm not certain, but I don't believe there's a nice tiling of 3-space which is hexagonal in all (reasonable) directions. Maybe you can manage it, but only by thinking of the cells as points to occupy rather than regular, spacial objects.

Daniil, are you suggesting a different game? In this game it seems that compound pieces (including the two variant pieces) never promote, and only demote upon capturing. Any noncapturing move they make leaves them as they are. It is interesting that a queen can never demote then promote back to a queen, whereas the variant pieces can demote then promote back to themselves.

Well that brings up a question: should moves be as considered fractional in Charles's sense, or in a component-wise sense as the anonymous comment suggested? I suppose the article's statement of unchanged knights answers this for the variant, but couldn't the component-wise version be just as interesting?

I really like this concept, though I haven't played it before. Concerning the sample 'Case II', it is worth noting that even if U captures R--freeing B--W can immediately recapture B by the same move suggested. (It might be worthwhile to capture B now (as in the suggestion) just to threaten U's current square (if R is ever captured at his starting square, that is). Rooks do have the devastating ability to win the game in four moves (after two moves getting into position) by sweeping through the opponent's home row if they can avoid being captured first. While bishops enjoy greater mobility, their range is only half the board, so I think the pieces are relatively well balanced.

So this is really (locally) a hexagonal game, since each 'square' has six neighbors; is it different (globally) from a standard hex setup? EDIT: Ah, I missed this discussion a couple years back. I think perhaps the original comment by Gilman answers my question most fully: it's not a 'standard' hex setup. It seems too that the piece movement is not standard for hex games, but I don't see anything that forces us to use the pentagonal layout for ease of visualization. It is neat though how the pentagons have been laid out.

I've seen a couple comments on classification of types of boards recently, and wanted to make an observation. A. Black notes that multi-dimensional chess can be thought of as smaller dimensional; indeed, if we take the rows of FIDE chess and place them side by side, we get a 1D game. So the classification of FIDE chess as 2D is not absolute. Similarly, in Penturanga, the positions are presented as pentagonal, but are in essence played on as though hexagonal. So 'board type' is perhaps not an inherent property of a game, but rather a subjective idea. A game should be deemed 2D if the pieces move in a way which is easiest to describe with a 2D layout (I think everyone will agree that the rules for FIDE chess played 1D are horrible. See the fun description by A. Black).

When playing on borders, how do you define an adjacent location? Is it a border that shares an endpoint with the current one? I suspect a lot of these ideas will wrap around onto one another (for instance, the duality between triangular and hexagonal boards, the self-duality of rectangular boards, etc.) I think also that when you pass between these viewpoints, some of the pieces may be defined differently from their standard. (That is, if you define what you think pieces should do in a hex corner game, perhaps they will move differently than what their counterparts in triangular chess usually do.) This may or may not be a good thing. I generally like it, but it's nice too if they work out to be consistent.

One way to very concretely describe piece movement on a given board is to use a (combinatorial) graph: each vertex is a location available, and there are several types of edges between these vertices. Each piece is allowed to move from vertex to vertex, provided that there is an edge of the appropriate type between them. This is good for simple pieces, but becomes a little complicated even if we just want to allow sliders. So the question is how do our traditional notions of 'topological' boards translate into actual game mechanics, i.e. graph play. The octagon-square tiling that Joe has presented brings up some interesting questions. That type of tiling allows us to choose different sizes for the sides of the octagon, so we can make the squares larger or smaller. It seems most natural to have all edges the same length, but do different side length promote (in our mind, looking at the board) different movements?

Ah, that reminds me of another thing I was thinking about. Start with a triangular board, then consider playing on the edges. Each edge has six adjacent edges, but two of them lie along the same line as the given edge (and are, under the Euclidean metric, further away). So we have two reasonable ways to play. We can literally treat all adjacent edges as 'orthogonal' moves, which I think should turn the game into fairly standard hex movement. Or we could exclude these two funny edges, perhaps making them into a new type of move. Then we have a hex game which singles out certain kinds of orthogonal moves as special (but these special directions don't seem to be universal; without a drawing I'm having trouble seeing how they work together...)

Oops, that triangular-edge comment was mistaken. An edge has 10 adjacent edges! There are the four 'closest' ones and the two weird ones I mentioned, but there are also four more, between the first four and the weird two. So I guess playing on edges purely by adjacency can create weird games...

Another way to get triangular is by playing on the corners of a hex grid, so you could use the rectahex board in the same fashion; you just have to be able to remember that the intersections of a vertical edge with what appears to be a square's edge is actually another corner (since the apparent edge of the square is in fact two separate edges in the rectahex sense). Looking a bit more closely though, this won't work if the board is turned around in the 'proper' orientation. Notice that the corner of the hexes d4,d5,e4 should be adjacent to the corner of the hexes d5,e4,e5; but on the usual orientation these are the same corner! You could get around this I suppose, but it would be ugly.

In all of Ed's applets, the status bar of your browser (in firefox anyway) has comments on the game, including statements of check and mate.

I think everyone should keep in mind the line below the game: 'These are simple illustrations rather than strong opponents.' The beauty of this applet is Ed's extension of it to so many variants.

George, I don't understand your calculation. Each non-king piece starts with 7C, so there are at least 30*7=210 non-king moves that can be made. And each capture increases this number, right? Also, the wording is a bit ambiguous regarding captures: the captor recieves 'Calories equal to its traditional value'. I read that as the value of the captured piece, is that correct? [E.g. if a pawn with 4C captures a knight with 5C, then the pawn now has 4 - 1(movement) + 5(knight's Cals) + 3(bonus) = 11C ?] Also, I presume that a pawn retains its Calories upon promotion?

This (cyclic advantage armies) would make for an interesting game for 3 or more players as well.

It seems like the best way to have this work (from the user-end, I'm not sure how much new programming would be needed) would be for moves to be entered as chief-piecestart-pieceend. Then the only extra checks for legality needed would be 1) that the piecestart is within range of the given chief and 2) that the moves for a turn all start with unique chieftains. Is this right?

I have to largely agree with the direction of that article. It should give some overview of the idea behind 3D chess, and list some few noteworthy examples. Then, I think the link to this site is sufficient as an external link for other variants. I would emphasize the multitude of other existing games in the article and reference the external link, but I think listing too many examples directly in the wiki article may be too much.

I think your image of the contraction capture is off...also I'm not sure I understand the Drop rule. Can you get the queen before placing the remaining four pawns? Are captured pieces droppable? The Big Crunch idea seems to already be in place in terms of the contraction of the board. An interesting implementation of the Big Rip idea would be to have the board disappear from the inside out rather than contracting: say the outer edge of the board is determined by the number of pieces placed throughout the game, and the inner edge is determined by the number of captured pieces. (This assumes captured pieces are dead for good, not switching sides and dropped. Also, this probably isn't very close to the actual idea of the Big Rip.)

Oh, sorry, I was misreading the text accompanying the diagram. The Drop system is what I thought it was, but I wanted to double-check.

Given that All the King's Men has a number of diagrams all of which are problems, I agree that it is primarily a problematists' site.

I agree, there is theoretically no hidden information here. More interesting would be a variant that allows a piece to move and remain cloaked, but forces uncloak upon capturing; but this may already be an existing version of kriegspiel.

Just to comment on the root-7 idea, note that this board is the same (as far as adjacency and connectivity go) to a cylinder that is tiled with hexagons. Then the distance in that cylinder is exactly the same as in flat hex, and so root-7 needn't even be understood as an idealization. (I've wanted a toroidal board that is actually built toroidal for a while; with magnetic pieces I think it would be amusing.)
(Also, the calculation that the distance is sqrt(7) can be shortened if one is willing to use the law of cosines.)

In response to the anonymous comment, if the bishops are placed adjacent to the queen, then they are both bound to the same color, which is often considered unfavorable.

Not to spark another debate on what constitutes a chess variant, but I imagine this fails the criteria for most people. Gameplay is nothing like chess, but uses chess equipment. (This is not to say it doesn't belong here, I think CV.org should be fairly all-inclusive of anything chess related.) As to MP's proposed alternate puzzle solution, it assumes that the ball may be kicked 'past' an allied piece. This seems to be disallowed by the rules, but not specifically. If we think of chess, such a move should be disallowed; if we think of soccer it should be allowed. Also, the rules disallow passing to an unmoved piece which doesn't follow soccer very closely. (I would propose each piece be allowed a null move, that would include the possibility of passing to a friendly piece provided it makes the next (null) move and kick.) Note too the applets /play/erf/SoccerC1.html /play/erf/SoccerC2.html (interestingly, Ed doesn't have a link on his personal page to SoccerC2; finding it here was my first clue to its existence!)
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