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Comments by deslock
Daniil, altough I hate you (LOL), I had the same problem! MOre in the xx vs yy. Hugs!
Matts: I'm having the same problem, today I sent a mail and I'm waiting an answer. Hugs.
Now Daniil, if you read my variant (Har Meggido) or the making off, you'll understand my hate (LOL) Hugs!
Interesting, 3 different games in 3 diferent layers... Daniil, the LOL= lots of laughs, so, I guess, everybody knows that's a joke, I'm just teasing you, it's of a brazilian, mostly cariocas (I'm one), nature. And you can tell everybody that you hate me back because of the cross infection (LOL). I'm up a project that may get your atention (Mega Doom Chess). Hugs!
Dear editors: Shouldn't it be Fic instead of game? Hugs.
Daniil: The idea here is bring the best and the maximum of pieces to work. Place your pieces here. Hugs! PS: Anybody else: PS2: Editors, whenever possible, put the white horse, as the Short Range Project (it's an article).
Dear Charles: I believe that my Mega Doom Chess Has a lot to do with you and your ideas. Would you care to take a look, and, who knows, promote it? Hugs.
Dear Daniil: I've read your message. I loved it! Ididn't fully evaluated it becaus I'm having sime troubles in my life, so omy interest in CVs have diminished. This weekend I'll take a look at the coment. Hugs!
Noted! I ask you to take a look to the making off, the tale and the mega doom project. Thanks! PS: I don't know how to make zrfs and the like.
Very similar to my own Bizarro's Chess. Take a look! Hugs!
Daniil, I've got over 60 or more per side and still counting...
Guys: Besides some suggestions from Daniil and a comment form Mr. Gilman I had no response about this topic/project. So, it’s like The Little Red Hen story; if you are thinking: “I can do it better “, remember that you didn’t and I did. If you have any suggestions, I’m open to then, but, first, read the rules. Until now I’ve been gathering few ideas, but I didn’t yet made the calculations of the number of the pieces, just the base moves and the templates (take a look at http://www.chessvariants.org/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSbasepiecesandt to understand the concept). At this point I need help with the pieces names (yes, I know kings, etc, but some others…). O 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk D 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk C 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk O fD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk D fO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fC 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mO cD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mD cO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mfO cfD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mfD cfO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk To help you, help me, let me tell you what means the letters: O- orthogonal, D- diagonal, C- compound (O+D), f- forward, m- move, c- capture, n= any number, S(n)- slides the number, L(n)- leaps the number, (n)+- must at least slide the number, L1- cannon capture movement, Sl- slip movement, Sk- skip movement. For the knight family, I have, now, the following: O1 D1, D1 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O2 D1, D1 O2 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O3 D1, D1 O3 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O1 D2, D2 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O1 D3, D3 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O2 D2, D2 O2 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM L- leaps, Lf- leaps forward (Shogilike), Slides (Moo), R- rider, GM- Grand Master. A note about the Grand Master, see the description on the Bizarro Chess. (http://www.chessvariants.org/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSbizarrochess) The 4:2 Leaper, although Mr. Gilman named it Charolais, I name it the Templar, because of the Knights Templar seal (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Templarsign.jpg) The irony is that the Portuguese piece name is horse (cavalo), but as I use a lot of English I use the knight/religious orders ranks. Any suggestions? Hugs!
I never saw this page before, but I had the exact same idea!
I'm mesmerized by it! But I've noticed that if you change places of the rooks and knights, all leapers and all sliders will be on one side. I can make the game ore interesting. Hugs!
Dear Guys: Recently I’ve discovered that my one of my bosses is a chess fan, so, I initiated him in the beautiful world of the CVs. For starting point I teach him about Shogi, Xiang Qi, and Capablanca. Besides that I mentioned Berolina Chess, Random Chess and Perfect symmetry (white king faces black queen). In a second moment I presented him with: Shatranj, Chaturanga, Courrier, Duke of Rutland and Tamerlane. Now I don’t know which variants to present him, my ones, just a piececlopedia? Shogi variants? What do you think? Thanks guys!
Here in Brazil I'll use PVC caps for pieces. Hugs.
Dear Mr. Gilman: If possible, I'd like to have your help, could you contact me? My mail is in info here in the CV site. Thank's in advance. Claudio.
As always, names, and possibly, pieces for my Megadoom Project. What would be, perhaps, the largest CV until now. To understand the project and and my pains, take a look at this, please: http://www.chessvariants.org/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSachessvariantm http://www.chessvariants.org/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSmegadoomchessp Thanks! So, fell free to mail me, os send me a good dark beer from Englad! ;) (Sorry I'm a carioca brazilian ado I love to play with people I admire and like).
Charles Gilman proposed Charlais for the 4:2 leaper, I propose templar, because the Knights Templar seal shows two knights sharing a single horse. Hugs & Kisses!
Charles, if you just take a look on my first post (where I rated the game) you'll notice that the charlais was just a typo! There I used the correct name charolais. Hugs and still waiting for that beers (LOL)!
Charles: You owe me an apologie! After all you acused me to made you look vain, when it' was clearly a typo!!!! Does the the words:'Sorry Claudio. You right! I'm didn't noticed the first comment!'. Aren't in your vocabulary??!! The lack of a apologie really did you look vain, after all uncapable to admit that you made a minor mistake. At least GEORGE DUKE PAYS ATENTION IN WHAT I WRITE!
What are the origins of te pieces names? Mostly the Mecklemberg, Defending and Fish pawns? Thanks!
Nice! But the idea of a Big Crunch, or a Big Rip to end the game should be considered. Hugs.
For me, it's ok, but I always clearly show whem I'm kidding and ask for apologies after the joke; what was not the case, in this game that can be seen in one of my comments to C.B.-J (joke and apologies). Christine: as we dont have Alfaerie for these pieces, I guess, put a little who's who. Thanks and kisses! BTW: Christine where are you from?
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