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Comments by erik

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Happy Holidays![Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Sun, Jan 1, 2017 05:39 PM UTC:

Happy new year!

Proposal for New Chess Variant Tournament[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Tue, May 16, 2017 09:06 PM UTC:

Hello everybody,

I'm interested to participate in this tournament. I would thank Greg for organizing this, and for offering me to join in.

Just a few questions:

- Is the game list definitively adopted, or may be subject to other propositions? (I don't speak of obscure or too experimental games, of course, but games, without being necessarily widely recognized, which are at least popular or recognized on this website.) It's just a question; the games proposed by Greg are okay for me.

- for Chess with Different Armies (if we are led to play this one), is there a list of armies from which we must choose? For example, could we take one that is not Betza's?

In all cases, here is my preference order for the mentioned games:

Chess with a small modification:
Berolina Chess - Marseillais Chess - Extinction Chess - Switching Chess - Fischer Random Chess

Regional variant:
Xiangqi - Janggi - Makruk - Shogi

Capablanca variant:
Janus Chess - Embassy Chess - Grotesque Chess - Victorian Chess - Capablanca Chess

Decimal variant:
Eurasian Chess - Omega Chess - Grand Chess - Opulent Chess - Unicorn Great Chess

Alternate geometry:
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess - Diamond Chess - McCooey's Hexagonal Chess - Cylindrical Chess - Circular Chess

Historical game:
Grande Acedrex - Courier Chess - Shatranj - Los Alamos Chess - Chu Shogi

Recognized variant grab-bag:
Ultima - Wildebeest Chess - Alice Chess - Chess with Different Armies - Pocket Mutation Chess

Game Courier Tournament 2017. Chess Variant Tournament played on Game Courier in 2017.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Jun 17, 2017 11:41 PM UTC:

I think 3 games at a time is good. But 4 games are also OK for me. 

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Sep 9, 2017 09:03 PM UTC:

Congratulations to all for the first round.

Wouldn't it be possible to give a maximum time for the games in the time settings? We started the first round on June 25, and it has just finished. A time limit of 30 days is possibly too short for most of us, but I think 40-50 days (or max. 2 months) would  certainly works. I'm not the best placed to propose that, since my Chinese chess game against Vitya Makov was one of the lengthiest :) but a time limit would be a good thing if we don't want that the 2017 Tournament ends in 2018.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sun, Sep 10, 2017 10:43 AM UTC:

Sure, we can't change the tournament rules during this. My apologies.

. 16 by 16 board with 64 pieces per side.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Erik Lerouge wrote on Fri, Sep 29, 2017 10:08 PM UTC:

Oops, sorry, I was just testing the page for posting new submissions, I didn't notice that the submission was stayed...

Game Courier Tournament 2017. Chess Variant Tournament played on Game Courier in 2017.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Wed, Dec 6, 2017 08:12 PM UTC:

Sorry, I come after the flood...

I would have liked to choose the Remarkable Rookies but random assignation is OK for me.

I'm OK to start the third round.

Latrunculi XXI. A 21st century variant on an ancient Chess-like game of the Roman empire. (10x8, Cells: 80) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Wed, Dec 20, 2017 12:02 PM UTC:

I have a question about a point of rules that seems not to be clarified, if I well understood and not missed anything.

Can a player whose the Dux is in check play in a way to block his last open path (which normally results in a checkmate), if this move performs a Push & Crush attack or a Phalanx that captures in the same time the opposite surrounding enemy Soldier, so that the Dux has a new open path? (In a somewhat similar manner to the Go rule where capture has priority over suicide.)

I hope my question is clear enough.

Game Courier. PHP script for playing Chess variants online.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2018 05:33 PM UTC:

Sorry, but I can't do my move in my Wormhole game with Sergeï Bugaievski.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2018 06:38 PM UTC:

Many thanks Fergus, I was able to play my move.

possible issue with vordrider chess[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2018 08:10 PM UTC:

I found the solution. Read my comment in the game.

Olden-RoyalChess. A 12x12 game with many compounds plus new pawn types.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Oct 27, 2018 02:29 PM UTC:

I see that this page was written by a certain 'erik'. It is not me. Comments on this game go back to 2013, and I create my CVP account at the end of 2015. Was there any bug (or worse) that caused a confusion? Or in the case where a previous homonymous member existed before I went on CVP, is there nothing that prevents to create an accout with the same user ID than an existing one? Nothing serious for me, but if it happens to other people involved in this website it could be more annoying.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Oct 27, 2018 06:33 PM UTC:

Ah ok that's it, CVP is a haunted website... :)

Yes, it is certainly a confusion in the information of the page. I just remarked before you made the modification the very recent date of the page creation, that seemed me strange. Thanks

Wormhole Chess. When a piece leaves a square, it `folds' together. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Sun, Oct 28, 2018 12:40 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

I don't find any information about Pawn promotion in Wormhole Chess. Do Pawns promote on the last square they can reach, whatever the rank (for example if there are no squares anymore vertically in front of the Pawn, beyond the wormhole, nor diagonally where an opponent's piece could land)? Or do they only on the last rank, meaning that if a Pawn can't reach the 8th rank anymore, because of the disappearing of squares, he can't promote anymore?

This comment gives me the opportunity to rate this game as 'excellent'. Really great concept and gameplay. It would be great to have a larger variant of Wormhole Chess, 10x10 or even 12x12.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sun, Oct 28, 2018 10:27 PM UTC:

Thanks for the clarification about Pawn promotion.

Game Courier Logs. View the logs of games played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Fri, Nov 2, 2018 04:45 PM UTC:

There are certain players who don't read the rules of the game they are playing, so if the preset doesn't display legal moves they do anything regardless the rules. Apparently they don't read either the comment field in the current game page, so they continue to do illegal moves without paying attention to remarks. I don't speak of occasional illegal moves (it happens to anyone) but systematic ones. Yes, the non-automated presets and the use of GC interface can be confusing for new-comers, but if you don't understand something you ask questions or you do something else. Even if they don't understand english this is not an excuse not to read the rules. So I will stop to begin new games with concerned players and delete ongoing games where they don't follow the rules, unless they start to play with the rules. I won't contact them directly by e-mail because - sorry to be paranoiac - I don't know these people and I don't want to be spammed or anything else. I don't have much hope the concerned people will read this comment, but... if you don't understand english, use a translation tool. если вы не понимаете английский язык, используйте инструмент перевода.

And for the others GC players, what do you generally do in this case?

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Nov 3, 2018 05:50 PM UTC:

Thanks Aurelian for your reply, I feel less alone :) I didn't find your comments about it, from when are they dated and in wich thread? But I saw that a player who don't respect the rules in games I have with him had issues with automatic russian translation that alter commands in the game log (if I well understood - and maybe there was bugs then in the website, I don't know). And in addition to the question of language, some functions in Game Courier could be complicated and difficult to understand for people nor very accustomed to this interface (but not for everyone). But this is not the problem: the problem is not to respect the rules of the game you are playing, or even not to try to read them at all. Maybe I appear a little 'psychorigid' (don't know if this word exist in english), but rules is the condition of existence of this type of games, which are defined by them. But above all I don't see the interest for those people of trying to play a game without knowing its rules, except for ruining the website.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Sat, Nov 3, 2018 09:45 PM UTC:

No worries:)

Metamachy. Large game with a variety of regular fairy pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Thu, Nov 8, 2018 07:26 PM UTC:

I made a GC preset for Metamachy here.

Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Fri, Nov 9, 2018 05:58 PM UTC:

The Jocly website isn't accessible for several days (I don't know exactly how much time), nor embeded games on other websites; and the Jocly Android apps seem to have disappear from Google store. It would be a pity if Jocly wasn't working anymore; it had a graphically beautiful interface. It was a great work from its developers.

Game Courier Tournament 2019. Chess Variant Tournament to be played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Fri, Jan 25, 2019 07:55 AM UTC:

I had made a non rule-enforcing preset for Metamachy (, but I don't know how to make for it to appear in the menu and the index.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Mon, Jan 28, 2019 10:13 PM UTC:

I might be interested to participate at the tournament.

Sorry to return to that, but would it possible to have shorter time settings? I recall that the 2017 tournament took 10 (!) months. (And there were also a few games where one player just stopped to play, instead of resigning, making the others wait for a long time until the game finished.) What I would like to suggest is to set a Max time (30 days for example seems good to me) without Grace time, so we could know the day when a round is finished at the latest, and the global duration of the tournament.

Erik Lerouge wrote on Wed, Jan 30, 2019 06:43 PM UTC:

OK, what you propose is certainly more suited for correspondence play. I was just wondering how the duration of the tournament could be reduced.

Finally I've decided not to participate in the tournament. Good luck to all!

Game Courier. PHP script for playing Chess variants online.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Erik Lerouge wrote on Fri, May 17, 2019 05:40 PM UTC:

While I play Black in the Double Chess game against Dmitry Streletsky, the board appears from White's point of view. It doesn't prevent me to play my moves, but I would be of course preferable if the board appeared from the right orientation.

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