Comments by gs21stc

@Ben, thanks. It works now. I've posted a new chess variant already.

Thanks, Fergus. I've removed "Tournament" from the title.

Thanks Greg for your question.
I have not thought much about whether the royal Queen can move through a square where it would be put in check. Since in orthodox chess, the King can never move into a square where it will be in check even when castling, then it is a natural extension that it should also be true for a royal Queen. This will restrict the possible squares that a royal Queen can move into, and limit its power.
I will add a note in the promotion rules to clarify this matter.
To the person who created the playable setup, thanks a lot.
However, when I was playing it, I noticed that there was a bug in the castling - the King disappeared!

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I've added piece move descriptions for "Queen Chess" and removed "Tournament" from the link name under Notes. I'm unable to edit the Item ID to remove "tournament" from the URL. I would need a site admin to help me do that.
Item is ready for publication once "Tournament" is removed from the Item ID and associated URLs.

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I can't seem to submit a new game. I received the error below and could not proceed to Step 2:
Error: You must specify a User ID. Please press the 'Back' button and enter your user id.
I could not select anything under "Your user id". There is nothing for me to select. So, until this issue is resolved, I am not able to submit any new chess variant.