Comments by V. Reinhart
The Mann is also used in Waterloo Chess and Amsterdam Medieval Chess (called spy) and "Chess on an Infinite Plane" and "Bulldog Chess" (called guard). I'm in a few games using a guard but no one is sure what it's worth. Fair exchange for a bishop or knight, or is it worth more than that?
But the icon we're using for the Mann (Guard) doesn't look anything like the images shown on this page. Is there any way I can submit an image to this forum, and someone can add it to this page? Or another idea is to make a new page dedicated just to the Guard. It's a very popular piece in chess variant games.
Evans 3½ 3½+ 5 10 4
Thanks Kevin for the information.
I recently started using Fairy-Max, and did a test to try to confirm HGMuller's information. Using guards on a 10 x 8 board, each test starts with at least 2 knights and 2 bishops for each side, and guards on only one side.
asymmetry: [2 guards vs. 2 bishops]
guards win (score) = 40/80 = 50.0%
asymmetry: [2 guards vs. 2 knights]
guards win (score) = 46/80 = 57.5%
asymmetry: [2 guards vs. 1 bishop and 1 knight]
guards win (score) = 101/200 = 50.5%
I think these tests confirm HGM's conclusions. A guard seems to be very nearly equal to a bishop, and slightly superior to a knight. When the game is [3 knights, 3 bishops] vs. [2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 guards] the guards are almost exactly equal to the average of knights and bishops.
note: this test started with an unknown value for the guard. By fine-tuning their value, they might be able to play slightly better, so the guards value might be even a little more than summarized here.
Btw, here's an updated image of a guard (what I see more often in variant chess games).
In the section "One Set, Four Boards" the author wrote "Seems like a silly idea, but the small number of pieces means that the game won't take so many moves, and the position of the Kings means that they will never be safe -- and so there will be many short games with exciting attacks.".
This is interesting. It's one of the most extreme examples I've seen where piece values are not a good indicator of one side's advantage in chess.
Thanks for sharing.:)
How do you post a diagram? I tried to post an image of the guard in one thread, but it doesn't show immediately on the page. An icon needs to be clicked again to see the graphic.
Wow, this rule change makes a big difference to the game of chess!
The sample games were finished in 4, 7, 18, and 13 moves - each move certainly has much more influence on the game play.
I've been trying to think of ways to "add power" to the game "Chess on an Infinite Plane" without adding more or stronger pieces. This might be a good way to do it (but maybe with some limitations).
Is there anyone who would like to try such a game? I'm open to any new and innovative ideas. If you have any favorite pieces, we can try those also (but I'm looking for more than just a mix of new pieces).
The games in play for Chess on an Infinite Plane are going well so far. I'm just interested in a version which might somewhat amplify the game power a little.
Ok, Thanks Kevin. I didn't know there was a diagram maker on this site. I'm impressed that it can make diagrams with hexagonal shapes. Your diagram also appears to be an interesting start to a new game. Thanks for the info.
Thanks Kevin, that helps a lot!
Here's my first chess diagram made by HTML code (which I'm pretty sure is an illegal position):
<IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=RnbqkbnRpPpPpPpP32pPpPpPpPrNBQKBNr">
Your information is a big help.:)
It showed up correctly at Diagram Designer. Not sure what's missing here.
(That is, it showed correctly an illegal chess position).
Well, for now, at least I can make diagrams at the Designer page.:)
Here is the code which represents the starting position for "Chess on an Infinite Plane":
<IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=1p1e1p8p1e1p3p1p10p1p5p12p86profnbqkbnforp7pppppppppppp88PPPPPPPPPPPP7PROFNBQKBNFORP86P12P5P1P10P1P3P1E1P8P1E1P1&cols=20&point=22&bcolor=FOFFFO&colors=D3D3D3+FFFACD+F5DEB3&tcolor=FFFACD">
Kevin: Thanks for your help with using Diagram Designer. (I'm still trying to learn how "colors" works, and if there is a reference somewhere that shows selections available with code to use).
I will submit this soon so it's shown here also in the ChessVariants Pages. It's already being played at the forum. (I recently lost a rook in one game, putting me behind):(
Also, can anyone tell me why the code does not display in these threads? It works at the Designer Page. Am I missing something to make it display here?
I have one more question I hope someone can help me with:
I would like to switch the colors of the black and white squares of the chessboard in this diagram:
<IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=1p1e1p8p1e1p3p1p10p1p5p12p86profnbqkbnforp7pppppppppppp88PPPPPPPPPPPP7PROFNBQKBNFORP86P12P5P1P10P1P3P1E1P8P1E1P1&cols=20&point=22&bcolor=FOFFFO&colors=D3D3D3+FFFACD+F5DEB3&tcolor=FFFACD">
The pattern colors are specified by:
But when I move sections around, I can't get the colors to switch as expected. Can anyone explain how this works?
It's just a minor detail, but I would prefer if I can make the diagram so that the queen is on her own color. (I like to keep with tradition, except for the variant rules that are actually being revised).
Thanks if anyone can help.:)
"Chess on an Infinite Plane"
Hawk (H) - Leaps exactly 2 or 3 squares in any orthogonal or diagonal direction. The leaping move means it can jump over other pieces.
Guard (G) - Moves and captures the same as a king but is not affected by check.
Pawns play the same and promote at the same rank as in classical chess. (Using the board coordinates shown in the diagram, white pawns promote at rank 15, and black pawns promote at rank 8). Pawns can promote to chancellor, hawk, or guard in addition to queen, rook, bishop, or knight. Pawns may capture en passant with the same rules as in classical chess.
Thanks Kevin, you've been a big help! I just added the game to a new thread. I was even able to switch the square colors so the queens are now on her own color. Fergus Duniho's abstract (and cubist) piece images were also very helpful to make the chess diagram have a nice appearance.
I have many questions about this game, which I hope people on these forums might be able to answer. (For example what are some example of pieces required to checkmate on an infinite plane?)
And I also hope someone will play me in a game.
Thanks again!
I'm now posting the rules for a sub-variant of "Chess on an Infinite Plane:
"Chess on an Infinite Plane with Huygens Option"
Hawk - Leaps exactly 2 or 3 squares in any orthogonal or diagonal direction. The leaping move means it can jump over other pieces.
Guard - Moves and captures the same as a king but is not affected by check.
Pawns play the same and promote at the same rank as in classical chess. (Using the board coordinates shown in the diagram, white pawns promote at rank 14, and black pawns promote at rank 7). Pawns can promote to chancellor, hawk, or guard in addition to queen, rook, bishop, or knight. Pawns may capture en passant with the same rules as in classical chess.
Thanks Aurelian! I read about your variant Enep. I like the short and succint name. I know it means Enhanced Knight Exrtra Pawn, but the name also sounds Norse or Scandanavian (I think that might be where gnomes came from).
I also like the simplicity of the game. Chess can already be very complicated, so only a minor rule change is needed to make a good variant. Your variant sounds intriguing. When I finish one or two other games (I'm usually playing about 5-7 games concurrently, one move per day), I might want to play Enep.:)
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I'm trying to use fairy max to play a game with 4 new pieces at the corners (the new piece is a hawk and it jumps 2 or 3 squares in any direction). The game definition is below (in fmax.ini). When I run this game black's pieces are shown in wrong locations, and the game immedietly results in a stalemate. (I have legality checking turned off, but I get errors either way). Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong? thanks.
// variant - [new piece at corners]
Game: fun01 # PNBRQ.....AKpnbrq.....ak # fairy
8 4 5 7 3 5 4 8
8 4 5 7 3 5 4 8
p:74 -16,24 -16,6 -15,5 -17,5
p:74 16,24 16,6 15,5 17,5
k:-1 1,34 -1,34 1,7 16,7 15,7 17,7 -1,7 -16,7 -15,7 -17,7
n:259 14,7 31,7 33,7 18,7 -14,7 -31,7 -33,7 -18,7
b:296 15,3 17,3 -15,3 -17,3
R:444 1,3 16,3 -1,3 -16,3
Q:851 1,3 16,3 15,3 17,3 -1,3 -16,3 -15,3 -17,3
H:900 -16,7 -32,7 1,7 2,7 16,7 32,7 -1,7 -2,7 -15,7 -30,7 17,7 34,7 15,7 30,7 -17,7 -34,7