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Does anyone know if Mr. Brown is still selling 'Meta-Chess'?
If so, what is the up-to-date address to reach him? (I sent a money order to the address given, but it was returned back from the post office saying the address is undeliverable and unforwardable.)
I really would like a copy, if it is at all still possible.
His activity on this site dropped off right around the time I got involved with the site over 20 years ago, and I do not think I was ever in personal contact with him. Considering that he has no website of his own, his book is not sold through any other venue, he is probably 76 years old, and I can find hardly any information on him, I expect he is no longer selling this book.
Yep, hearing all that, it would seem so.
If that is this case, then here's a call out to all chess variants enthusiasts.
If anyone who sees this has a copy of 'Meta-Chess' they are willing to sell to me or have a digitized copy they are willing to share, send me an email.
I'll put this out on the sub-reddit as well.
I was in contact with him also long time ago and I have a copy his book. It is not a real book. I remember something like a student's project, with pages bounded with a spiral. Currently we are doing big works in my house so I can't reach that book immediately, but keep contact with me and I will see what I can do. Sell it, no I wish to keep it. Digitize it maybe but it might be a long task for more than hundred pages. I will see.
Totally understand not wanting to sell it, and I am aware it's not a "book-book." And, ~ahem~ not to seem too grabby, but, if you happen to come upon it and want help with digitizing it, it would be a pleasure to assist. :-P
I will check back here, regularly to see what's come up here. I also have put out an APB for the book on Reddit here.
That's one lead now. The search continues!...
Sean Bass, are you still watching this thread? Still looking for a copy of Meta-Chess? I have good news and bad news for you.
First, the good news. I own a copy of Meta-Chess, and I don't need to go hunting for it. I've got full access to it. :-)
Now the bad news.
The book wasn't bound 100% correctly. There are a few places where a page is in the wrong place or missing completely. The book came that way. You might need both Jean-Louis Cazaux's copy and my copy to reconstruct a complete book.
Some pages are slightly stained along one edge. The book did NOT come that way. Public service announcement: never leave a book (or anything else, really) on the floor of your car. Car fluids can leak and seep up through the carpet. O.O
I'm pretty busy these days; I'm a college professor doing remote teaching. Not much time for mailing or digitizing things. Plus, I'm pretty attached to this book; not sure I'd want to give it up. Digitizing it? Could work. I'd normally say "what about copyright", but John William Brown might not mind his work being preserved if he's not selling it anymore.
Long story short: your quest isn't over, but at least you now have a second lead. :-) We can talk over email; my email address is in my profile.
Yes, I am still watching! I'll email you soon when I get the opportunity.
Thanks for the lead!
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