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I was impressed by the game in which Anand beated Karjakin. I believe it was a home-made analysis, I can´t figure how anybody can calculate so far, making very risky moves and tons of sacrifices since 20 moves before the end and without clear superiority in the position. Amazing.
Adams won against Topalov!. In group B, Magnus Carlsen won again, the boy continues with his good performance. He is now easely in the top-100, and ascending. Take also in account brazilian Vescovi and the Indian girl Humpy Koneru in this strong group.
Anand and Topalov (It is not a surprise, of course) lead group A: 1. V. Topalov V. Anand 3 3. B. Gelfand V. Ivanchuk 2½ In group B, the top positions are, after 4 rounds: 1. A. Naiditsch 3½ 2. G. Vescovi D. Navara M. Carlsen 3 The boy Carlsen continues playing very well.
yes topa seems to have recovered after losing to adams, will be big game when he plays anand (2nd last round) topa has now played 4 games, all ending with a result.
Gata Kamsky beated Anand, and Topa is now tied with him in first position. In gruop B, the boy Magnus is ahead with an entire point of advantage!.
so topa is in front again, half a point above anand and karjakin. 6 rounds to play. live games can be seen here, if you don't belong to a chess server that shows them .. http://www.coruschess.com/
Topa and Vishy are tied again in first place. Anand beated Bacrot in a complicated end in which all could happen, and Topalov battled trying to beat Gelfand, in a slightly superior position in the ends for Topalov, but Gelfand´s defense was fine. Draws. In group B, Carlsen continues ahead with one point of advantage. In the Corus official site you can see the games live when they are being played.
Topalov and Anand won today amazing games, both are tied on the top with an entire point over the third position occupied by Gelfand and Adams. We can expect something interesting when Topalov faces Anand on Saturday the 28th.
Topalov won, Anand divided the point, so Topa is ahead again by a half of point. I think Chess is losing some charm by cause of home-prepared moves, regardless its espectacularity. A few days ago, Anand left people with the mouth open, after a series of sacrifices without a clear positional advantage, and won 20 moves after. Yesterday Topalov performed an amazing rook sacrifice, enough for his opponent´s resignation 26 moves after. There is not doubt about the move: it is almost impossible that anybody would be tempted to make that move without a previous exhaustive analysis, perhaps with the help of Fritz or another super-program. Anand and Topalov are playing some games looking for the application of impressive home-made surprises, they are both really strong, but they are showing, mainly, an excellent home preparation and an incredible memory, more than Chess skills, although there is not doubt both are really strong.
You can see the games at Corus site: Anand-Karjakin and Topalov-Aronian. It must be said that, at the moment of resignation of the opponents, the material advantage of Karjakin and Aronian were notorious, and even Karjakin promoted a Pawn (To Knight!) in a position in which his Queen was also with dangerous chance of attack Anand´s King, and Karjakin did it without success, as previously must be analyzed Anand. Karjakin and Aronian have had to resign after more than 20 moves from the surprisingly first sacrifices. Aronian was obligated to fall in zugzwang, in an incredible game by Topalov.
a friend was saying on icc, there were gm's commenting on the topa game where he won with double exchange sac. after he did first exchange sac, they were saying he had 'over-extended' lol, ahh topa, what a hero, he is setting a cracking pace with all these wins. he is a lot different from 'drawnik' (kramnik).
I have tried to see the ongoing game between Topalov and Anand, but the Corus server is, perhaps, over-charged, and it seems to be difficult the access. Has anyone information?
and a boring one at that ... last round coming up, topa leads anand by half a point, topa has tougher game, playing black against drawko (leko) he he :)
Corus ended a few hours ago, Anand won and Topalov divided the point. Final standings: Topalov and Anand tied in first place, with 9 points, 1.5 points over the third positions (Ivanchuk and Adams). In group B, Magnus Carlsen managed to share first with Motylev.
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