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Here you can play some chess variants against live opponents:
Is that your site? If so, could you get Near Chess up and running on it? http://www.chessvariants.org/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSnearchess All you need to do is remove some chess rules (see page) and also add one for piece recycling for promotion.
I like your site. I'm interested in chess variants. Thank you for it! And... Can you write about this variant (i inveted it in childhood), please? It's name is 'Catch a soldier'. I played it long time ago and don't remember rules exactly, but i remember it's main idea, and it's more important. This game is played on 8X8 board (like classic chess), each pllayer have 7 normal solduers and 1 main soldier (i used tin soldiers as white and men from contructon set as black, but actually where can be used 7 pawns and king per side). White begins on 1st row (main soldier on A1), black begins on 8th row (main soldier on H8).I don't remember, how to move them, probably one square ortogonally or one square in any direction (like king in classic chess). Main soldiers moves in same way as normal soldiers. They captures as in chess - by replacement, but only normal soldiers, you can't capture the main soldier in this way. Before begin playing, each player must decide, how his opponent must capture the main soldier (where are many different ways: chekmate him, bring your own main soldier to beggining squre of another main soldier, make straight vertical line of three normal soldiers, - it's depend only on player's fantasy). You must not tell it to your opponent. When try to capture all opponent's normal soldier, when opponent must tell you, how to catch his main soldier. When try to capture him. If opponent will catch all your normal soldiers, when main soldiers have to catch each over. If it will be impossible to catch one of main soldiers beckause of not enough number of normal soldiers, it's draw. And another very important thing: if conditions of catching the main soldiers will be fulfiled even before catching normal soldiers, it must be declared, and game will be over. One new rule, i added them only several days ago: you can't invent way ti capture your main soldier, wich will require more than 3 normal soldiers. Can you try to play this game? Did you like it?
Vitya Makov, ïðèâåò! À êàê òû äîãàäàëñÿ? Âèäåë ìîé êîììåíòàðèé ê ñòàòüå ïðî ôåðçÿ (êîòîðûé õîäèò íà îäíó êëåòêó ïî äèàãîíàëè)? Èëè êàê? Another game, i invented it yesterday, it's more serious (i don't know, if there are similar game, but, i hope, you will like it anyway). I called it 'Win the batle - lose the war'. Starting setup is same as in FIDE chess. But starting board is only 'map', not batlefield, and pieces are not single units, but groups. If group will occupy field with enemy group, enemy will not be taken from boaed, when will began batlle on another board. Each batlefield is 4X6 board. Attacker's pawns begins on 2nd row, attacker's pieces on 1st, defender's pawns on 5th and his pieces on 6th. On battlefield each player have 4 pawns, 1 rook, 1 knight, 1 bishop and 1 leader. Leader is always piece what was moving on MAP. On batlefield leader is royal piece, he must be checkmated, so opponent will win batle. Attacker always begin batlr, it's not depended on colour. If attackers will win batle, defender's piece is removed from board and attacker will occupy defender squre. If defender will win battle, attacker's leader is removed from board, but defender don't move. Minor pieces, what was lost in batle, don't return to next batle, but they will immeditaly return if leader will return to his colour's first row on MAP. Pawns, promoted in batle, don't become pawns again in next batle, but they starts from 2nd and 5th row anyway. If leader pawn is promoted on batlefield, he don,t become the same piece on map, but if promoted on MAP, he becomes the same piece on batlefields, not depending on what piece he promoted before. Pawns batlefield hasn't initial duble step, but they have it on MAP. En-passant and castling (ONLY on map) is as in classic chess. Goal is to win batle with enemy's king. There is no check, checkmate and stalemate on MAP. If there are draw in BATLEFIELD, both leaders are removed from map (if one of leaders is king, it mean, he loses, but if they both are kings, it's draw of entire game). Starting position of pieces on BATLEFIELD is chosen by pieces owner. Ah, i forget the main detail: changing beetwen batle and war! There are to tipes of them: 1st: batle must be finished, onnly when it's possible to continue war, but it will be long game. 2nd (faster and more realistic): in 1 turn player can move pieces in map and in all betles (there are possible several batles at same time). Player can refuse of moving piece as in war, as in any batle, but he MUST move piece at least in war or at least in 1 batle. Have you questions?
I read about this rule today on this site, and, i think, it must be added to 'Win the batle - lost the war': when leader is rook, bishop or queen, it can't cross square wich is attacked by enemy piece. But knight CAN cross it. This rule exists in classic chess to (in castling). By the way, did you like my game?
'Catch a soldier' can also be played with classic chess pieces, king is 'main soldier', there is no check and checkmate. And, of corse, not only chess, over games to (xian-qi, shogi and overs, even checkers (one of draughts is 'main'). By the way, how to register oneself in this site?
Flowerman - the way I registered was I sent in a Chess Variant by email - and then they made me a member. Email them here:
I read rules of shantraj, there was writen what elephant moves two squares diagonal and jumps over pieces of either colour... But before i read in Wikipedia what in shantraj it also capture enemy pieces on square, wich is jumped (thus, it can capture 2 pieces in 1 turn). What is true? Or it are different variants of shantraj? Andanother question: on another site of chess variants i read about ancient chinese game 'Semedo', ancestor of Xian-qi. There was writen what this game was described in medieval book on latin, very indefinitely (for example, 'King don't attack' - does it mean what it don't move at all or what?). Can it really be true what exact rules of this game are currently unknown?
The Wikipedia article on shatranj says that the alfil leaps over one square to land on the second square diagonally. This is true. It does not say that it captures a piece on the square leaped over. It does not.
Yes, it's not writen in english Wikipedia, but in russian Wikipedia... By the way, if alfil don't capture pieces on leaped square, so only difference between Shantraj and Chaturanga for 2 players is what rook can move unlimited number of squares and there is no rule of four alfils in center of board?
http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/rjhare/shogi/chu-shogi/intro.htm This page is not found.
The Russian version does indeed say that, and without citation. We have citations going back to the original sources. Not one mentions capture by leaping. The Russian article has an empty discussion page. I'm not sure I'm up to a slugging match in Russian.
I inventend this variant when read about american chess: there are very interesting piece - missle! And it's sad what it's not used in any game, expect american chess self... Each player starts with same pieces on board as in FIDE chess (but not in same position) and with 2 missles in reserve. I made another positions to make all pawns protected by pieces ELSE THAN KING. If not change position of king and queen, there are 4 possible positions. Here are description of first two: king and queen are sorrounded by bishop and knight. There are another bishop adjecent to first and rook adjesent to knight. Second knight adjecent to rook and rook adjecent to second bishop. In this diagram white chosen one position, and black chosen another position: RBBQKNRN PPPPPPPP -------- -------- -------- -------- pppppppp nrnqkbbr In other two positions knights stays in same cells as first two, and there is still rook between them. Another rook is ajecent to queen or king. Here is diagram of that two: BBRQKNRN PPPPPPPP -------- -------- -------- -------- pppppppp nrnqkrbb All positions have advantages and disvantages. Now, about missle: instead of turn, you can put it in any free square of your first rank (like in most of other chess variants with reserve). Missle can move and capture ABSOLUTELY to any square, expect for opponent's first rank. It's strongest possible piece, wich captures only by replacement and occupy one square. I just played this game, it's pretty intersting. And also ihave idea for unusal shape for board (i did'nt invent game for this board, but i hope, that someone experienced chess variant inventor will take my idea and will make playable game: let's make chess, played on Rubik's cube!
Sorry, i forgot rule about castling for chess with missles. Castling to bishops' side if rook is in corner is same as in FIDE chess. In other positions and sides, king still moves two squares, even it is occupies by rook, and rook moves to square, where it would be after castling in FIDE chess.
I invented this game rather to show history of chess than making something playable: Files A, B, C and D are 'west', and E, F, J and H are 'east'. In beggining both players have pieces from chaturanga: chariot instead rook (moves 1 or 2 squares orthogonally), elephant instead bishop (leaps exactly 2 squares diagonally), ferz instead queen (1 square diagonally). King and knight are same. Pawns also same, but can't make duble step. When pieces crossing center of board (between 4th and 5th ranks), the promotes: If they entered 'west', they promotes to thier relatieves of modern european chess (elephant promotes to bishops, chariots to rooks, ferz to queen, other pieces don't change farther); if they entered 'east' after crossing center, they promotes to thier shogi relatives (elephant to silver generals, chariots to lances, ferz to gold general, pawns to shogi pawns (captures also orthogonally forward), and knights loses thier power: now they can move only forward, like shogi knight; king don't promote). All shogi pieces (expect for king an gold general) can promote to gold general. Promotion zone is on 2 last ranks (actually, in first variant of shogi 8X8 promotion zone already was 3 last ranks, but here 2 will be better). Promotion rules are same as in shogi. Western pawns promotes on last rank, only to queen, rook, bishop or knight. Goal is to checkmate king. What will be after stalemate, it's chosen by players before game. As it is clear what western pieces are much stronger than shogi pieces, you can can chose one or two of that advantages of shogi pieces: 1. When pieces are captured by shogi, They can be dropped (like in shogi). There two variants (chose one before playing): first - captured chaturanga and chess pieces becomes thier relatives from shogi (elephants and bishops becomes silver general, etc.); second - they don't become shogi (if pawns wich crossed center on west dropped to 2nd rank, they can make duble step and can be captured en passant). Promoted western pawns becomes pawns again in both variants. Dropping rules are same as in shogi. 2. It can be combined with 1. When at least four pieces are promoted in east, player will get in reserve shogi pieces wich are called 'bishop' and 'rook' by chess players. They both can be dropped on player's 2nd rank in one turn. This turn must'nt check, checkmate or stalemate enemy king. They can be promoted to dragon king and dragon horse as other shogi pieces in this game. 3. It can be combined with 1, but can't with 2. Pieces don't become chess or shogi forever. When they are in 'west' (after crossing center), they are chess pieces, and when in 'east', they are shogi pieces. They can't become chaturanga again. Promoted pieces becomes relatives of thier PROMOTED forms (queens always becomes gold generals, etc.). Did you like this game? Have you questions? I also have variant of this game, where are chinese and mongolian zone. I'll write about it later.
Roger Hare's shogi pages are here now: http://www.shogi.net/rjhare/chu-shogi/chu-intro.html
If you've invented a variant it would be much more appreciated if you sent it into the staff and became a member - since no-one can review it here in this topic - and anyway, this topic is about the site or operation of, and not a place to introduce new variants.
If you've invented a variant it would be much more appreciated if you sent it into the staff and became a member - since no-one can review it here in this topic - and anyway, this topic is about the site or operation of, and not a place to introduce new variants.
It's a pity... OK, but, i think, it will not be bad if i however describe here variant of my previous game (because i said before 'i will describe it later', and i'll not be writing about other variants here later). 8X8 boaed, but with special cells in corners (like in Omega Chess), there are special units in them. Files A and B are 'european zone', C and D - 'mongolian zone', E and F - 'chinese zone', and J and H - 'japanese zone'. In european and japanese zones pieces promotes as in previous variant. In mongolian zone they promotes to Shatar pieces, and in chinese zone, as you can guess, to Xian-qi pieces. There is no river and palace, so no pieces are restricted. Shogi dropping is mandatory, but rules of 'becoming/not becoming shogi pieces after drop' and 'promote to certain piece forever/not forever' are still optional. There is no rule of dropping Shogi rook and bishop after promoting 4 pieces to Shogi, but they exists in game, see below. When knight and elephat promotes in ch. zone they loses power - they will not be able to leap. Ferz don't change it's movement. Chariot promotes to Xian-qi chariot - it moves like FIDE rook. After promotion here, king can move only 1 square orthogonally, but also can check opponent's king like rook (if both kings promoted in ch. zone, they can't stay in same file or rank if there is no piece between them). Pawn now must move and capture orthogonally forward, left and right (when dropped, it can't move left and right, until it's again on opponent's half of board). This pawn don't promote farther. In mongolian zone all pieces, expect for pawn and ferz, promotes to FIDE pieces. Ferz promotes to bers - moves like rook plus one square diagonally (like dragon king). Pawns are same as FIDE, but promotes only to bers and, wnen dropped, can't make duble step, also can't capture FIDE pawns en passant. Now about special units. There left and right special units. In beggining they both are camels from Tamerlan's chess (3:1 leap). They promotes not to thier relatives, but pieces, wich was invented separately. In ja. zone left promotes to Shogi rook and Bishop (and farther to dragon king and dragon horse). In ch. zone they both promotes to cannons. In mo. zone they promotes to bodyguards from Hiashatar (moves 1-2 squares like queen, don't capture, have 'influence zone' in 8 squares around them, other pieces can't cross this zone, inside it can move only 1 squre (decide yourself, what with pieces wich can't move only 1 square, like knght), they can be captured only in thier 'influence zone'). special units don't promote in eu. zone (as there is not any special pieces in FIDE ches), but they don't lose ability of promotion: they can promote as they enter any other zone. They don't become camels again when you playing with rule of 'not promote to certain piece forever', for exemple, if one of them moved from F5 to A5, it is still cannon. However, if both players are agreed, they can promote: 1. Left archbishop, right to chanselor (from Capablanca chess). 2. Left to champion, right to wizard (from Omega chess). 3. Both to grasshopers. 4. One to grasshoper, another to knightrider. It also be fun to play on 10X8 or 10X10 board, where special units sorrounding king and ferz, and there is spanish (Grand Acedrix) OR german (Courier chess) zone.
A) My last game will be more balanced if left special unit promotes to chanselor and right to archbishop (because white can quick promote left unit to chanselor, and black to shogi rook, two very strong pieces, if they promotes by other rules, blakc will have big advantage); Or another solution: there are no left and right special units, there are east and west special units (and beter if east promotes to shogi bishop); B) My question about Semedo is not answered! What is Semedo? Are it's rules really unknown? Let me explain it: here is starting position: nsksn gpppg p---p ----- ----- P---P GPPPG NSKSN K-king, N-knight, P-pawn, S-scientist, G-pot with gunpowder. I read what this game was described in mediaval book on latin language. In this book was writen what 'Pot with gunpowder moves like rook, but in crowd moves like cannonbal'. It reminds cannon from modern Xian-qi, but possible what it's not same thing. Also there was writen what 'King don't attack'. What does that mean? What king don't move at all or what? Also in article of this game, wich i read, was writen what scientists are probably ancestors of bodyguards from modern Xian-qi. In this article was not described, how this mediaval book describes moves of scientists, knights and pawns. Maybe, someone knows more information about this game? Or it's exact rules currently unknown at all?!
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