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Duggan's Fantasy Chess (revised). Revised and Improved version of fantasy Chess variant. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
David Paulowich wrote on Wed, Apr 18, 2007 08:10 PM UTC:

FIDE Chess Position White: King(d3), Bishop (d5), Knight (c3) and Black (to move): King (a2), Queen (a1), Rook (b3), 2 Pawns (a3,b2). The simplest explanation for the philosophy behind ruling this position a checkmate is as follows. The Knight threatens to capture the Black King and end the game before the Rook can capture the White King.

Fantasy Chess Position White: King(c2), Golem (a4) and Black(to move): King (a1), Golem (a2). Looks like stalemate to me - the Black Golem cannot move to c4, as that would allow the White Golem to capture the Black King. But how can the Black King be in check, when the White Golem must perform an illegal Golem capture 'before' it captures the Black King? In short I interpret the 'Golems may not capture other Golems.' rule to mean that a Golem check can be blocked by another Golem (of either color).

Not sure why this game has two sets of colorbound pieces. An ordinary Knight is a useful piece, with no moves in common with the Golem. As for any problem with early Golem mates, you could try setting up the Pawns on ranks 3 and 6, as in MAKRUK.

David Paulowich wrote on Wed, May 2, 2007 08:39 PM UTC:

In 1996 Sean Duggan posted a poor chess variant on this site. Countless others followed in his footsteps. In 2003 he posted a lengthy comment explaining what was wrong with his original game and how he planned to fix it. This comment is well worth reading. Duggan's Fantasy Chess (revised) has some interesting features. Even the movement diagram of the Golem is unusual, the closest example that comes to mind is Mark Hedden's Supercomputer, which can move either like a Golem or a Camel.

I am taking the liberty proposing some rules changes, which may or may not improve the game. Instead of teleporting, limit the Assassin to a 'queen-leap', i.e. it moves to any empty square orthogonally or diagonally, regardless of how many pieces exist in between. This noncapturing move is used by the Gold General and Silver General in Al-Ces (Köksal Karakus 2000). This rule change is an addition to my earlier proposal: use ordinary Knights (not Archers) and set up the pawns on ranks 3 and 6.

David Paulowich wrote on Tue, Jul 10, 2007 12:50 PM UTC:

The Quang Trung Queen moves and captures three paces orthogonally or two paces diagonally while jumping over any piece. See Figure-6 in the Quang Trung Chess page. This piece has the same movement diagram as the Golem, without the special rules Sean Duggan has added.

Quang Trung Chess also has the Elephant, moving like a Camel. Mark Hedden (see my 2007-05-02 comment) is the only person to use a piece combining Queen and Elephant moves.

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