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Charles: Did you ever considered the names Sultan for King+Camel and Sultaness for Queen + Camel? Hugs!
Nu, what would you put between Knight and Bishop, given that there has to be something that Knights are promoted on the far rank to that themselves get promoted to Bishops on the home rank? I know that the Gnu is much too strong. The Zebra might work, I suppose.
I would put nothing. Then again, I could put a piece that moves along one diagonal as a Bishop, and complementarily as a Knight, bound to 1/3 of the board, but I think that would be too exotic.
What is meant by 'put nothing' - Knights being unpromotable, Knights and Bishops promoted to the same thing? More detail is needed. Regarding Sultan/Sultaness, how would these be extrapolated to e.g. Queen+Zemel?
You have Cardinals promoting to Cardinals...
Thanks for pointing that out. I have fixed it.
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