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<p>I have reread Ralph's summary of funny notation. It is on a page that isn't tied into the comment system, so I'm starting a thread here.
<p>Question: What needs to be added to this page to reflect later developments? I'm prepared to edit a Funny Notation 2003 (I think we should call it Betza notation!) page, but I want to make sure it's up to date...especially if we begin to actively promote its use.
<p>The page is <a href='http://chessvariants.com/d.betza/chessvar/pieces/notation.html'>here</a>.
There are more current developments, like 'zB' for Crooked Bishop. I try to find them and add them here.
Thanks, John. I have z in my list of modifiers. While compiling my notes, I was thinking about compound notation for such pieces as bent riders and Xiangqi horses. I have an idea involving () and &, but wonder if other solutions exist. Defining y as a modifier for 'away from the square of origin' (a common enough limitation in these moves), we might have: (W&yF) for the Xiangqi horse F(F&yR) for the Gryphon. I also considered extended notation for leaps greater than (3,3). Since there is an indefinite number of such leaps, the possibility of something like [14] comes to mind in lieu of another hard-to-remember letter for a (1,4) leaper. [17][55] for the Root-Fifty Leaper. I don't know what other extensions may be in existence or proposed.
I think that's pushing it. :) Defining moves alone (with a provision for divergent pieces) is hard enough. Note that Betza Notation doesn't begin to define castling, promotion, or en passant...just to name 'powers' of the orthodox pieces. And to attempt to do so would make it less useful, not more. My $.02, of course.
I was looking over the funny notation page a while ago, and it seems to lack punctuation and operators. I imagine a better system could be made if it made use of punctuation and operators. Here are some initial suggestions. I'm sure it could be developed better than this. ? move continues if piece is not over occupied space & move continues regardless of what's on current space + piece completes left move and continues with right move | means makes one move or other * means indefinite repetition of last move -- unless otherwise specified, * means ?* ! means move end with capture . means move must end on empty space [] means move cannot be made unless whole move is made () used as punctuation marks [W&F] = Knight W|F = Man [W?F] = Mao W* = Rook F* = Bishop W*|F* = Queen (W!|F!)|(D|A) = Murray Lion ((D|A)|(W|F))|((W|F)+(W|F)) = Chu Shogi Lion
Pages I have found with extensions to Funny [Betza] Notation: http://www.chessvariants.com/piececlopedia.dir/rhino.html http://www.chessvariants.com/dpieces.dir/diffknights.html I'm sure there are others.
IMHO, the purpose of Funny [Betza] Notation is to make move descriptions easier to understand. When you add operators, the move descriptions start to look like symbolic logic expressions, and thereby become more opaque to the reader. When that occurs, the variant author will also describe the move in words, and the main reason for using the notation has been obviated. We could also consider extending Funny [Betza] Notation to cover movement on triangular, hexagonal, and higher dimensional boards. We could also extend it to include the nature of the board and the opening array. Then a variant could be described by a list of statements in Funny [Betza] Notation (or FBN), sort of a Backus-Naur Form for CV's
All this discussion is great, but in the end, someone is going to have to make a decision. For a decision to be made that will be generally accepted by the CV community will require the decision be made by at least some of the current leading figures in the CV field (eg. David Pritchard, Ralph Betza, John William Brown, etc...). This is why I suggested a standards group be formed. The standards produced would be used mainly for describing, studying and analyzing the chess variant field, and not for trying to force their use by chess variant designers.
<p>By the way, John William Brown has attempted some of this type of work in his book Meta-Chess.
I have written a summary of the notation as it stands, including the extension introduced for the Rhino. It is a bit more organized than Ralph's earlier notes, but probably could use some enhancement. It will be up soon. I didn't intend to start an animated debate, and I apologize for doing so.
As someone who has taught symbolic logic, I find it far less opaque than Betza's funny notation. Operators and puncuation make things clearer. I spent this afternoon devising a new notation. I'll post the examples of the notatation here, and I'll post a tutorial on it later. See if you can figure things out without the legend at the end. Wazir: O Ferz: D Alfil: DF Dabbaba: OF Knight: OFT Camel: OFFT or OTFF Zebra: OFTFF or OFFTF Giraffe: OFFFT or OTFFF Chinese Knight: OeFT Rook: O* Bishop: D* Queen: O*|D* Nightrider: (OFT)* Alfilrider: (DD)* Dabbabarider: (OO)* Marshall: O*|OFT Paladin: D*|OFT Grasshopper: (O|D)*pF Korean Cannon: O*pF* Chinese Cannon: O*e|O*pF*o Vao: D*e|D*pF*o Leo: ((O|D)*e)|((O|D)*pF*o) Chinese Elephant: DeF Nightriderhopper: (OFT)*p? Long Leaper: ((O|D)!)*e Withdrawer: ((O|D)!)BF*e In case it helps, here is a brief legend of symbols used in these examples. | = disjunction operator, separating options O = disjunction of all orthogonal directions D = disjunction of all diagonal directions F = relative forward direction T = (L|R) L = relative left direction R = relative right direction B = relative backward direction ? = optional, conditional repetition of last move * = infinite ?s e = continue move only if space is empty o = continue move only if opponent on space p = continue move only if piece on space ! = capture piece here () = punctuation
Very interesting, Fegus! I'm wondering about repeated sequences, like the sliding Rhino: (OFT)* isn't right as it doesn't jump, and (OeFT)* isn't right as the orthogonal step <strong>can</strong> end in an enemy occupied square, and more importantly, the move can stop at that point anyway. The Crooked Bishop presents the same issue.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
'I didn't intend to start an animated debate, and I apologize for doing so.' Bushwa! You should be proud of starting such an animated debate. Don't you understand the dynamics of group creativity? If you can start an animated debate, you will cause many new ideas to be generated and then a consensus to be reached which will be the next stage of the advance of human knowledge. Starting an animated debate is perhaps the third highest thing one can accomplish in human experience.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
'When that occurs, the variant author will also describe the move in words, and the main reason for using the notation has been Bingo! You win a prize. This is a fundamental flaw in the very idea of a notation, and yet I have found it better to have some notation than to have none. A paradox.
With due respect to the person who apologized for starting this animated debate, he didn't start it, I did with my comment on the Chancellor/Marshall/Empress thread on 3/24 in which I recomended using Betza notation on the games pages in parens after the piece name. Out of curiousity, Ralph, what are the two things higher than starting an animated debate? :) Perhaps a special punctuation character could be added to the notation meaning 'this notation does't fully describe the piece, you must read the description.' The purpose of this is to use notation to describe the piece as well as possible even when it can't do so completely. So for example, I might have this piece on my game page: Bogeyman (RN#) where # means 'not completely described'. Then you can tell at a glance that the piece is similar to a Chancellor, even if not identical.
Maybe what we need is 'Betza Notation' and 'Betza Notation Lite' :-) And just to make it more complicated, why not have arbitrary state indicators? They would have no definite value, but be assigned by the variant inventor. So, for instance, in Optima, Michael could say up front that certain symbols designate the manner a piece captures, or such states as 'armored' or 'loyal'. A 'method of capture' indicator could actually be a worthwhile extension for descibing Ultima-like variants.
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
I put in some symbols to be used as methods of capture in the betza notation comments.
Let's see what I can do about the Rhino. Single-step Rhino: O?T Sliding Rhino: (O?T)* Mirror Rhino: D?T Sliding Mirror Rhino: (D?T)* Double Rhino: ((O|D)?T)* Monster: ((O|D)?T)*|(O|D)* The ? works differently than F. While F unconditionally and non-optionally moves in the last direction moved, ? adds an optional continuation of the whole move that repeats the last move made, and, by default, it adds it only when the current space is empty. For example, O??? describes the movement of a Short Rook, one which can move no further than four spaces. It is the equivalent of (O|OeF|OeFeF|OeFeFeF). In contrast, OFFF describes a piece that leaps four spaces in any orthogonal direction. Let me add some comments on the system I have designed. I call it Piece Code, and its purpose is twofold. One is to provide a clear and concise way to express how a piece moves to a human reader. The other is to serve as a macro programming language for describing piece moves in short strings, which may eventually be incorporated into the PBM to check the legality of moves. Unlike Betza's funny notation, it does not share the purpose of serving as notation for identifying pieces.
Fergus, I like your system, but I have an idea that I think might be an improvement. Though you allow for O or D, you only allow 4 relative directions (F, B, L, and R). Would it be better to have 8 relative directions? Then a Knight would be (O#) where # is whatever symbol means turn 45 degrees either way, rather than the current (OFT). Though it doesn't matter much for the Knight, I think it would make the Mao clearer. This would also be adaptable to hex board by defining 6 relative directions.
How would you code a piece from Henk van Haeringen's Exchess called the Herald? It is normally a straight-forward FA in Funny Notation, but on its owner's first rank it becomes FAsW. Another challenging example would be the Ultima ruleset where the range of a piece varies with the rank it stands on.
On a hex board, I would consider using clock hours for the six 'orthogonal' and six 'diagonal' directions.
When I first described Piece Code here, I gave a brief legend only for the symbols actually used in the examples, but several of these symbols were macros for code you didn't see. Absolute directions have been defined as hexadecimal digits between 1 and C, as per the clockface model. But this does not work so well for a square board. So I think I will use a numeric keypad model for square boards. There is a relative direction for every absolute direction. It is presently identified by prepending an absolute direction with the / operator. F, L, R, and B are aliases for four of these. I plan to add P and S for port and starboard directions. On a square board, these would default to the two forward diagonal directions. Y could be used for (P|S), and a Mao's movement could be represented as OeY. A Knight might be described as moving OY. A Holywar Squire would be OeY|DeY or (O|D)eY. I'm also planning on adding symbols for rotation without moving. I may use lowercase d and w for deasil and widdershins, which mean clockwise and counterclockwise but start with different letters. Each of these would rotate a piece's orientation to the next axis. This would be 45 degree turn on a square board, a 30 degree turn on a hex board. The letter u could be used for a U-turn, i.e. rotating 180 degrees. Rotation would change a piece's relative directions without moving it. This would give another way to do a Mao move: Oe(w|d)F. Using lowercase y to represent (w|d), a Mao's move could be expressed as OeyF, moving one space orthogonally, then if the space is empty, rotating one turn deasil or widdershins to one of the forward diagonal directions, then moving forward.
Regarding the Herald's move, I have not yet added anything for taking into account the position of a piece. Given that I want Piece Code to define pieces in a board-independent way, and to be understandable both by humans and by software, there may not be a feasible way for it to handle how the Herald moves. I plan to eventually add strings of Piece Code to PBM piece sets, and these are intended to be used with any board someone gives FEN code for. If I tried to define a piece in terms of a particular board, it may break down on another board. Instead of trying to make it do everything, I'll accept some limitations in Piece Code and use it mainly for generating warning messages that a given move may be illegal. I may take the earlier suggestion of using some symbol that indicates that the code only partially describes how a piece moves.
Hi all, I hadn't seen this thread before. I found it while looking for a place to propose my extensions to Betza's funny notation. I feel that Betza's funny notation is a good place to start for defining a standard since it has been in use for many years, and seems to be functioning as an 'undeclared' standard. I would like to propose an extension to Betza's notation that perhaps could be agreed upon by a group from the CV community and then published. Obviously, such a standard will not be easy to agree upon, which is why I am posting this as a proposal. If any one is interested in forming a group with the purpose of attempting to establish a move notation standard, please post here. Thanks! http://chessvariants.org/dictionary/BexNotation.pdf
Betza Notation has article from 1996 and he used it before that, so say it is 20 years old. I used BFN only this week here, Http://www.chessvariants.org/index/displaycomment.php?commentid=28365. On that 'NN' for Nightrider, Betza writes in 1996, ''If the capital letter is repeated, it means the piece has a long-range move of unlimited length. For example, WW means the same thing as a Rook.'' Used for squares, Lawson mentions extension to hexagonal, the two flat geometries far the important ones. BFN is practical and easy and used often for example Friedlander Applets for mid-range R4, R3, B3. Extensions ad hoc have been ongoing such as Joyce's Bent Hero/Shaman become War Machines by Betza Notation, including Joyce's designation 'AF7', WarElephant, for same-directional Alfil and Ferz seven times. That AF7 exact definition can be checked for correspondence with bfn, changed for the one turn allowed all the daisies, put into words not complete notation yet.
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