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I'm still curious about the origin of this game.
The only PDP-8 software called Kriegspiel is "a variation of chess, and is played by the same rules, except that neither opponent can see the other's position. They play on separate boards and there is a judge who tells them if their moves are legal and gives other information regarding the game."
So, Kriegspiel. Which leads me to believe the game went by a different title.
More likely the software the author was referring to was simply never archived (and may well have been all but forgotten)
If it were released proper it would have been cataloged, but yes, for all we know it could have been a BASIC type-and-play out of a magazine. Either that or the the catalogers never played the game and just assumed it was the Kriegspiel we all know. I haven't played Kriegspiel for the PDP-8 myself.
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