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Shogi. The Japanese form of Chess, in which players get to keep and replay captured pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Apr 13, 2003 10:22 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I have noticed an interesting paradox arising from the positioning of the Soldiers and limited move of the Hon. Horse. In standard Chess and its predecessors the leapers (Knight and, in the early versions, Elephant) are the only non-Pawns that can make the first move. In Shogi the Hon. Horse in the only piece that CANNOT make the first move!

Charles Gilman wrote on Fri, Apr 18, 2003 07:46 AM UTC:
Correction to my last comment: the Hon. Horse is the only piece on the first rank that cannot make the first move.

tori watson wrote on Thu, Jul 10, 2003 10:37 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I make go boards chungi sets and shogi sets and have found your site
invaluable in helping me get clear on the finer points of the rules. I
have been making the chungi for a while and have only just started making
shogi sets and have not started to sell them yet. I only decided to make a
shogi set after viewing your site. Like fergus Duniho I have tried to
westerize the pieces for easier play, I had done a similar thing with my
The almost 2 completed shogi sets have taken for ever to and i will
probably have to put a fairly high price on them. I make them from maranti
wood with a pacific maple board and am going to try and sell the three
(go, chungi, shogi) on e bay. I sell a small number through game shops in
melbourne australia but with their 100% mark up I dont sell them
regularily and dont make much money. I would like to send you a picture of
the shogi set i have almost finished if that is ok but it will take a bit
longer. I also thought i had played the most exciting chess when i played
chungi, but shogi is probably even better and just gets so dynamic towards
the end as pieces are dropping in etc, i love it. I dont have a computer
so please dont be offended if i do not reply for a while. Once again
excellent site.
Tori watson. [email protected]

Serguei wrote on Fri, Oct 24, 2003 05:49 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
Russian Shogi pages: 
'Shogi In Russia' -; 
'Byelorussian Shogi Assotiation' -
download Cut-out shogi set(pieces, board) + english version; 
'Assotiation Russian Shogi Players' -;
'Ukrainian Shogi Federation' - download cut-out
shogi pieces;
'Vadim Filippov's Shogi Page' -

Anonymous wrote on Mon, Nov 17, 2003 09:09 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Dec 10, 2003 08:53 AM UTC:
I take an interest in the names of pieces in different languages, and had a look for the Russian names for Shogi pieces on the sites listed by Serguei, but could not find them. Could Serguei provide a list?

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Jan 10, 2004 07:54 AM UTC:
Further to my (much) earlier comments, I have just noticed a curious coincidence while considering applying the 'Gold' and 'Silver' sets of directions to a wider range of pieces. The number of directions (in 2d at any rate) is the same as in the rhyme about magpies: '5 for Silver, 6 for Gold'!

Shogi Student wrote on Tue, Jun 1, 2004 09:22 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Does anyone know, are there Zillions of Games saved-games files (*.zsg) of
interesting, classic, instructive Shogi games available here or elsewhere
on the net?  Would this be a worthwhile project?  It's hard (for me, at
least) to see a list of Shogi game moves and follow it--especially since
have to work so hard to recognize the Japanese characters. This is my own
problem, of course, but I wonder if others feel the same way, and if
Zillions saved games provides a solution?  Thanks.

William, Norway wrote on Tue, Jun 15, 2004 06:09 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Shogi is an entertaining game, indeed, but I lack a link to play this on
the  computer. It's hard finding people to play against on the other
of the planet, especially ones who speak or read japanese. And I'm too
lazy to do that. Mendoukusai na, if you know what I mean.
Do you have a link to an online version of shogi?

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Jun 15, 2004 06:29 PM UTC:
Many people who don't know Japanese have been using Game Courier to play
Shogi online against other people. Besides some Japanese sets, Game
Courier allows that option of a symbolic set that doesn't require any
ability to recognize Japanese characters. Here is the link for Game
Courier's Shogi preset:


But be sure to visit the main Game Courier page before you get started:


For programs that will play Shogi, go here:

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Jul 4, 2004 06:38 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Thanks for adding the 'see also' link to Tunnelshogi.

BoBo wrote on Thu, Oct 28, 2004 03:32 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
This is an interesting page! Nice background! G2G bye bye!! Luv ya mwa!

Jared McComb wrote on Sat, Dec 25, 2004 07:37 PM UTC:
Would it be possible to create a printer-friendly version of this page, without all the links and stuff? I just got a set for Christmas (yay!) and I'd like to keep a copy of the rules with me.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Dec 26, 2004 01:25 AM UTC:
Jared, How have you managed to get a Shogi set from Santa?. He was not so good with me, No Shogi set, neither other variant set. A few weeks ago I have had to pay for the construction of a Maxima set (nice, but relatively modest, contructed metalic board and fragile glass pieces). A Mage was broken accidentally in my house. I feel bad with this destroyed piece, I glued it, but the result was horrible. The glass artisan is on vacations, so I must wait one month or more for the reposition.

Jared McComb wrote on Sun, Dec 26, 2004 10:25 PM UTC:
Roberto: I actually got it from my mother, who ordered a board and a set of
wooden pieces from  It's not too bad of a set, although
it's obviously not professional quality.

To stay on topic: Do we have a resource that lists the original Japanese
names (and English translations) of the pieces?  This page doesn't.

Manabu Terao wrote on Wed, Dec 29, 2004 05:12 AM UTC:
Jared, please refer to 1.4) Pieces of Hans Geuns' Basic Shogi Vocabulary.
I would like to suggest this page should have a link to the above.

Pierre Jason wrote on Wed, Dec 29, 2004 11:30 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
About the program Todai Shogi 


I have Todai Shogi program but all the menus are in Japanese.
Anybody would have the intructions note (comment help) translated into
Either can you advise me a means to understand the menus of this 

            Pierre Jason

Nasmichael Farris wrote on Thu, Jan 13, 2005 02:43 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Thanks for the information!  Manabu Terao, thank you also for the link.

I have never heard of the Invisible Ink Composition, the moves of which
for the shape of a letter or ideogram.  Wonderful idea.

That is one reason why investigation of chess variants is good for the
mind.  New ideas, different cultures, change of perspective.  Thank you.

Reinhard Scharnagl wrote on Thu, Jan 13, 2005 10:25 AM UTC:
If you want to see a more European look of Shogi, see:

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Jan 14, 2005 01:01 AM UTC:
One of the rules on this page says: 'Perpetual check is forbidden. The player initiating the check must break it off.' What constitutes perpetual check? How should this rule be enforced? Is there any online description of the rules that goes into this in more detail? I'm interested for the sake of including enforcement of the rule in my Game Courier presets for Shogi.

David Paulowich wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2005 10:50 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Repetition <p>If the same game position occurs more than three times in a single game, the game is declared a no-contest. The same position means, same players turn, same disposition of pieces on the board and in hand. If a repeated position occurs as a result of repeated checks, the player giving check must not do so a fourth time otherwise that player forfeits the game. <p>This is a quote from: Shogi - Japanese Chess by Roger Hare. See the sidebar above.

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2005 11:04 PM UTC:
Thanks for the reference. It seems that the rule reduces to 3-times repetition is a draw, and the part about not being able to check with 4-times repetition is superfluous. In Chess, 3-times repetition merely gives players the right to unilaterally call a draw, but does not entail a draw. I wonder if it is the same way in Shogi. The part about forfeiting the game if a player continues to repeat the same check seems to suggest that drawing is optional rather than inevitable.

David Paulowich wrote on Tue, Mar 8, 2005 04:46 AM UTC:
Fergus: both the no-contest and forfeit rules seem to apply to the same position happening four (4) times. Turning to another topic, the internet is flooded with statements like 'There is no stalemate in shogi.' Some people support this claim by stating that you actually win a game of Shogi by King capture, and that it is actually legal to move your King into check. This may be true for some of the older variants, such as Chu Shogi. But my BLOCKADE STALEMATE IN 20 MOVES example (see Shatranj Comments - today) demonstrates that even King capture variants may reach a position with no legal moves for one player. As for the modern shogi rules, here is a post to the Newsgroup fa.shogi, dated 2000/04/12. <p>'Stalemating your opponent is extremely rare but it *can* happen in shogi (especially when larger handicaps are used) and it has the same result as a conventional mate. In fact, there is a very cute stalemate tsume where the player who delivers the stalemate has only his bare King left at the end (!) and the opponent has all of the rest of the pieces on the board [arranged in such a way that none can move] but his only move is to move his King into check, that is, next to the opponent's lone King, thus he is stalemated and loses the game!' - George I. Fernandez

🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Mar 8, 2005 03:04 PM UTC:
David P: Based on your new information, I've changed the Shogi presets to recognize stalemate as a win. But this information also raises a new question. It is illegal in Shogi to checkmate a King with a Pawn drop. Since stalemate is a win, would it also be illegal to stalemate a King with a Pawn drop, such as by dropping a Pawn to cover the only space a lone King had available to move to? In other words, does the rule forbid just checkmate with a Pawn drop or any winning move with a Pawn drop. This is the sort of detail that could have gotten lost in the translation, especially if someone wasn't considering any kind of win except checkmate. Of course, it is probably an insignificant detail, since anyone who could win in this way is very likely to win anyway.

David Paulowich wrote on Wed, Mar 9, 2005 12:11 AM UTC:
Lionel Vidal posted the following to the Newsgroup fa.shogi, dated 2000/04/13

'I am not sure if this will clarify or confuse the issue, but here is a summary from an old post of George Fernandez:'

*** *** *** *** *** ***

The last version of 'The rules of shogi' I have was written in 1993 by Mr. K. Horiguchi 6 Dan[supplement to the January 1993 issue of Shogi Sekai]. The 96 page booklet, written in japanese, is the official rule book accepted by the Japanese Shogi Association.

The following definitions were given which apply here:


A checkmate is a position in which a King is in check and there are no legal moves to leave the check.

Illegal moves:

(1)A move is illegal to make a double pawn.

(2)A move is illegal to make a deadlocked piece.

(3)A move is illegal for a player if his King's square is attacked by an opponent piece after the move.[to remain in check, to move into check or to expose the king to check]

(4)A move is illegal to make a repetition check move [Mr. Horiguchi wrote in an addendum the following clarification: '... In the event of perpetual check, if one player player does it FOUR TIMES(three times is permitted), he will lose his game'.

(5)A move is illegal to make a dropping check move by a pawn which leads to a position in checkmate at once(dropped-pawn mate).

Legal moves:

A legal move for a player is a move to leave the check by moving pieces on the board or by dropping if his king is in check. Otherwise, a legal move by a piece on the board which can go[move] or a drop move, which is not illegal.

Remark (condition of ending game):

1. The game is finished if the position is in a checkmate; The player to move loses the game.

2. The game is finished if one player makes an illegal move; This player loses the game.

3. The game is finished if one player has no legal moves; This player loses the game[contrary to chess rules, where a stalemate is considered a draw].

4. The game is finished if one player resigns; This player loses the game.

In an effort to put this issue behind us, and move on, I'm sharing with you a bizzare diagram from the 1993 rules book[page 93, digram #92].

***ENDQUOTE*** I [David Paulowich] am unable to format the diagram for this text message. It shows a stalemate loss for the lone White King. But Black to move also has no legal moves, even though he has a huge army and a Pawn in hand (dropping that Pawn would be mate).

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