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Thanks, Fergus. Your point re: Mortal Chessgi is well taken. I will update the description accordingly. I have a GC Preset programmed. It automates the most important things - players can input both moves with the mouse as in Marseillais Chess, and it will automatically handle moving the demoted captures to the appropriate pocket square. Unfortunately, for moves involving castling, promotion, or en passant, you have to type in the whole move. This is preset ver.1. Hopefully I'll be able to improve on it. I have an open invitation if you're game :)
A cool looking game!
I'm now wondering if it's feasible to even do a non-rules enforcing preset for 2 player Bughouse on Game Courier (i.e. it would be two players controlling an army on each of two boards within a diagram, but only one clock per player unlike over the board bughouse even when played by two), as the two sides would each have a White and a Black army in front of them on their left or right side respectively. [edit: perhaps merely being restricted to just one clock per side would make such a bughouse variant preset on Game Courier unworkable, as a player might just move on one board only, when in trouble on the other board.]
Now that I've been playing some games of this variant, I'm wondering if it's nearly always advantageous (in the opening at least) to trade a bishop for a knight (as a B is demoted to just a N, but a N is demoted all the way to a P). Perhaps not, at the least if the opponent ever gets the chance to make the same sort of transaction himself, ideally sooner rather than later, on one of the two boards.
Advantageous or not, this question re: B for N transactions led me to think that there might be at the least 5 interesting versions of this variant that might be worth trying out, i.e.:
1) A two 8x8 boards Backlash-like variant that has archbishops replacing the bishops (demotion order would then be from Q to A, from A to R, from R to N and from N to P);
2) and 3) Backlash-like variants of 9x8 Symmetric Chess, with and without archbishops replacing the bishops;
4) A Backlash-like variant of 10x8 Janus Chess;
5) A Backlash-like variant of 10x8 Capablanca Chess (demotion order would then be from Q to C, from C to A, from A to R, from R to B, from B to N and from N to P).
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