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Great, thank you both. There are two players not paired with Daniel, so I'll take one of those spots. For the other spot, I used to select between the two of you and it selected Zachary.
Pairings have been posted. I will create the games later this evening.
I'm having issues. First I couldn't create the tournament round because of a lack of permission to create a new folder under /play/tournaments. I got around this by creating the directory first through SFTP.
Now I can't assign games though. It says it can't find the file:
The file 1.php does exist. I'm guessing it's an issue with the "forthel1" in the path. Probably this should be a relative URL?
That's a path I didn't change over from the old site. I'll get to it tonight.
I used grep to find every Game Courier script with the wrong path and fixed it.
The games of the first round - Fischer Random Chess, Xiang Qi, and Victorian Chess - have been assigned.
I will also send an email to all participants informing them that the tournament has begun.
Please be aware that for almost all games, you have the ability to change the graphics for both the pieces and the background, as well as the rendering method. As long as you are signed in as yourself when you open the game you will see the graphics you have selected. Please take advantage of this to tweek the appearance to your liking.
Also, please note that the Victorian Chess preset needs a correction. Castling works correctly as long as you select the correct squares, but the squares it displays as legal are not correct. Hopefully I will fix this before we get to the point where people are castling, but even if not, the rules are enforced correctly - it just doesn't show the legal moves correctly where castling is concerned.
Good luck everyone and have fun! Please let me know if I can be of any help.
Victorian Chess isn't showing up among my games.
Remember that Wildebeest preset has no enforced the rules.
You still not seeing your Victorian Chess game? It shows up for me:
I'm no longer able to pull up the results for the tournament via PBM query. Is that something still in process?
Okay, that has been fixed. My code for constructing the query had missed the comparison operator. Here's an URL you can use to view the games in this tournament:
Just curious about something - is there anyway for a spectator to easily see the status of this tournament, or is it necessary for interested passers-by to seek through the individual games to see who's emerging as the leaders?
Take a look at the comment I left just before yours.
Oh Thanks. Sorry I didn't notice. Congratulations to all the players!
I'll probably check back occasionally - this is interesting!
Excellent. I'll assign the second round games on Saturday afternoon.
The tournament gane assignment isn't working correctly. It is creating the game, but it is not associating it with the tournament/round. Fergus, can you take a look? The two games I have created are now associated with the tournament, but that's because I went into SQL and did it manually (which would be a pain to do for all 18 games, but I'll do it if you are busy or it is not a quick fix.)
Try it again. I just updated it to include the value of the round in the SQL.
Not quite. It's better - it is now setting the Round to 2, but it is still leaving the Tournament field blank.
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No worries, Greg. I'm glad you got it figured out. If you want, you can have me be one of the ones not paired with Daniel in case he doesn't make moves and so it'd be one less person worried about unfairness.