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Dear Fergus,
I am the inventor of Chimera chess who posted the description above.
I had a look at the page from my account, and I can see all the images.
Could you please check again?
Yes, graphics are present now, and I've unhidden the page.
You might consider renaming the Chimera Rider, since "rider" is a common variant piece descriptor.
As an opposing army for orthodox Chess this seems way too strong. A leaper with 16 targets typically is worth about 7 Pawns, and with 24 targets about 11 Pawns. Together with the Sages, which are about Knight value, this already balances the fide army. But in addition you have the two Flying Jesters, which are major pieces, and should be worth at least a Knight, and more likely about 4 Pawns each.
So pitting this against fide is like being Rook + minor ahead...
Thanks for your suggestion, Ben.
I named it as "Chimera Rider" since I envision it as a Sage riding a Chimera into battle. Perhaps I can change the name when I find a better one.
Yes, I have pitted the two armies against each other in the Zillions of Games (ZoG) engine, and Chimera Chess turned out to be the winner every time.
Perhaps if the Flying Jester (ZoG calculates it as slightly weaker than the Knight) is weakened to Jester, the FIDE army might stand a chance.
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The graphics are not showing up.