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I think the Heroine is very aptly named, but I agree with you that the Popess name is awkward (serviceable, but awkward). Could "Abbess" work?
The Triple Compounds illustrated (left to right): Popess (or Abbess) / Amazon / Heroine
Designs (.stl) freely made available in Thingiverse by the author. Enjoy.
I've been bothered by how to do the Heroine in a way that isn't equally well a Hero. I even have an extraordinarily cheesy attempt on Tinkercad that (I'm pretty sure) I've declined to upload to Thingiverse because of how bad it is in that regard. The sword (with the subtle Wonder Woman logo!?!) is certainly a step in the right direction; I'd love to see how it looks printed out.
If you're using a sword to represent both the hero and the heroine, then it can be hard to differentiate them. Instead of the Wonder Woman logo, you could try the female symbol of a circle over a cross, perhaps even working it into the hilt. Or you could represent each as something more figurine, such as a bust of armor and helmet, which would allow more room for some sexual differences.
My current attempt is a figure with a helmet on the head and a female symbol on the front and back of the shaft. Maybe it's not as cheesy as I think it is, but I still think it is.
I tried putting a bust on one of my figures, but it all came out either ridiculously exaggerated or stiff and mechanical.
The female symbol on the hilt of the sword would make a good one, though. (I'm resistant to using the Wonder Woman logo to avoid copyright/trademark issues, though again I'm probably being overly sensitive about it.)
I will not complicate more that piece. I wish to stick to the Staunton-style which is well balanced. I had selected that specific sword because I liked its aesthetic shape, not too long. I had not paid attention that it is the Wonderwoman's model. I'm not a follower of this, so I was ignorant. Now, that you have remarked this immediatly, I think it is not good to keep it, even though I don't plan any commercial exploitation.
So I will modify it to remove that WW reference.
Sword modified in the .stl available on Thingiverse.
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