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This site is great. The way to set up the board is almost like getting a rule book for free! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jay, The current price for a set NOW as of 2004 is about $250-350 in a good condition - very good condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris, You can get some good high gloss gold paint and buy a cheep set/set peices, then use a toner like used on a car let set for a day or 2 the paint gold(smooth side to side strokes work well for the king to look good) Also check ebay because i see peices all the time. If you shop smart, you can get a good set rather cheap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The other site on how to build a chess set is also very good if you do not have a lot of money to waste on a set you can build one for about $20-30)(I built one following the instructions a the site- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE LONG AND PROSPER

I cannot complain about the quality of this site, as I had no idea what to do with the board before I got it. I like the Star Trek movies, but I've never been a real fan of any of the shows, so the only place I'd ever seen one of these tables was in the window of the Franklin Mint store. All of a sudden, for Christmas 04 I get one of these from the Franklin Mint; certificate and everything from my neighbor. I cannot believe that she spent that much money on me for Christmas. If she did, then I am absolutely flattered. $200 plus dollars? Insane! I have to admit that it is really cool lookin'. I just wish it didn't have the Star Trek logo as I am a huge Star Wars fan, and never the twain shall meet. My only complaint about the site is that if the moveable boards are supposed to be able to connect to the bottom or the top of any of the stationary boards, then why do they slip out so easily from underneathe? I can't get those pieces to stick in like that. Especially if there was the weight from any of the pieces on them. And one can't say it's because the pieces aren't well made, because Franklin Mint prides themselves on precision, and wouldn't put a piece on their shelf if it didn't serve its function properly. Go Star Wars.
I note that this page offers a variation of the Tournament rules of in that this page's variation starts the King & Queen in a different position than does the Tournament version of the rules. Also here is allowed the movement of an attack board under White's [home] Board. Not complaining, just comparing.
Comments and Questions: I have the 1994 Official Star Trek Tridimensional Chess Set in MINT condition with all of the appropriate certificate and other paperwork. I gave it to my father as a birthday present when they first came out. He has since returned it to me a few years ago saying that he had never taken the time to even take the pieces out of the box. As I am not an avid Trekkie I have no use for it myself. I do realize that this collectible does have a significant value, though. If you know of anyone that might have a serious interest in this please feel free to foward my e-mail address. I am also looking for an online venue to arrive at a true value of this item. My best comparison, as yet, has been ebay. I haven't seen any sold in Mint condition yet, though. Any suggested web sites would be greatly appreciated. William
The editors received the following correspondance from Rainer Hecker: Dear Sirs and Madamβs, thank you for this fascinating Page about βStar Trek Chessβ. But if my information is correct you have made two mistakes: No movable Level (or in Star Trek terminology βAttack Boardβ) is ever placed below, always above a corner! For some reasons: 1. Continuous use would wear the Boards and Pins so that the Attack Boards would hold any longer upside down. 2. I have never an Attack Board below a corner, neither in the original series nor in any of its following series. The position of the pieces at the start of the game is not correct. According to my sources the queen and king start the game on the Attack Boards occupying the places of the knights in your diagram. the knights start the game on the Main Boards on the outer lines occupying the places of the bishops in your picture. The bishops start on the inner lines occupying the places of king and queen in your diagram. yours sincerely Rainer Hecker

According to the regulation tridimensional chess rules the board setup listed on this site were not correct. The setup of the board is: Black/Gold (lower levels going from the outtermost edges toward the 'middle' or towards White/Silver):
Attack board 1:
Outside: Rook | Pawn
Inside: King | Pawn
Attack board 2:
Inside: Queen | Pawn
Outside: Rook | Pawn
Main board lower level starting from attack board 1 side going toward attack board 2 side:
Knight | Pawn
White/Clear Bishop | Pawn
Black/Blue Bishop | Pawn Knight | Pawn
White/Silve (upper levels going from the outtermost edges toward the 'middle' or towards Black/Gold):
Attack board 3 (top of set in the same line as attack board 1):
Outside: Rook | Pawn
Inside: King | Pawn
Attack board 4 (top of set in the same line as attack board 2):
Inside: Queen | Pawn
Outside: Rook | Pawn
Main board upper level starting from attack board 3 side going toward attack board 4 side:
Knight | Pawn
Black/Blue Bishop | Pawn
White/Clear Bishop | Pawn
Knight | Pawn
In summary the knights go where the bishops are, the bishops go where the king/queen are, and the king/queen go where the knights the sketch on this site.
This diagram can be found in the Star Trek Star Fleet Command Technical Manual, copyright 1975, ISBN: 0-345-34074-4, page TO:03:98:31
I Thought The Game Is Good Fun. I may have taken hours to play but at least the game is challanging(With a few minor modifications to the rules). My mate and I build one out of wood and now my most of my year like playing the game.
Just come nto possession of the 3-d chess set ... thought I knew chess! Thank you so much for enlightening me!!!

I have a GENUINE STAR TREK Tridimensional Chess Set made by FRANKLIN MINT. I want to sell it. Does anyone know how much it is worth and where you can sell it.
The links to Andrew Bartmess' page are broken. They should be changed to
I like this game, but it will be hard to make board... Isn't there game, created by 'Star Wars' fans? There also was shown chess variant: in 'Episode IV, A New Hope' C-3PO and Chewbaca played game on circular board, where some wild space creatures were pieces :). By the way, it would be interesting to remember different chess games, wich was showwn in films or described books, and when thinked up, like this:
To Flowerman's Chess in films, Bill Wall has had since early days: Far bigger topic is Chess in Literature, which can be found many places.
Do you play 3D chess? How would you like to join a club where you could meet, greet and compete with other play 3D chess players? I putting together an 3D chess club just for 3D chess player using a patented 3D chess set of my own design, which would be the exclusive property of the club. The only place one will be able to use it or see it will be at the club; or on my web site: No computers! Tell me what you think. Visit my website:, and or email me: Your most critical opinion is appreciated.
One problem with the Star Trek Tri-D chess game is that, essentially, all it was really was a clever visual prop. Wah Chang crafted a piece of artwork which allowed the actors to simply move the pieces about without actually knowing how chess is played and without the audience really catching on, even amateur or inexperienced players of the real game, since you can assume a different rule set works. Hobbyists have attempted to fit rule systems into what was seen on the TV series, which included the small 2x2 boards being moved around. But all this is actually unnecessary if you a) forget about moving the small castle-boards and b) consider the board as a coordinate system. In the episode 'Charlie X' when Mr. Spock attempts to explain to Charlie Evans that the basic principles of chess are mathematical, I realised that this applies to the algebraic notation used to define the chess space and the whole picture of a rational Tri-D chess game fell into place for me. Try this: the small castle boards remain fixed at the corners of the upper and lower boards, permanently. Their grids are identified as AB12, AB78, GH12 and GH78 respectively. The home boards have the grids CDEF1234 and CDEF5678. It's the middle board, the 'neutral field board' as it's called in the Franz Joseph technical manual, which bridges the four small 'castle boards'. It's coordinate grid would be ABGH3456. This makes the challenge of the game a matter of tracking the coordinates of the squares of the various boards in combination and understanding that it distributes the traditional orthogonal chess space into a multidimensional packet. The players must be aware of where the moves for the pieces require a shifting between boards and how attack lanes proceed across and through this distribution. Psychologically, it would model the viewpoint of a spacefaring culture which has developed faster-than-light propulsion and the techniques for navigating in three and four dimensional space. No special rules for play are necessary, only the capacity to think in mathematical terms across multiple dimensions (the boards).
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