Check out Janggi (Korean Chess), our featured variant for December, 2024.

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@ HaruN Y[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
HaruN Y wrote on Thu, Jan 4 12:05 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

Ahnung by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban

files=5 ranks=6 promoZone=1 promoChoice=U graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png lightShade=#637f40 darkShade=#926c4d rimColor=#526935 coordColor=#ad9f8e borders=0 firstRank=1 doe:P:mQfF:pawninv:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,,a5,b5,c5,d5,e5 buck:R:mKcfRfW:rookinv:a1,b1,d1,e1,,a6,b6,d6,e6 unicorn:U:NmQ:unicorn: lion:K:K:lion:c1,,c6

HaruN Y wrote on Fri, Jan 12 03:28 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

VI - Lovers by Aldiyar, AKA 1254

files=7 ranks=7 promoZone=1 promoChoice=BRG graphicsDir= squareSize=50 graphicsType= darkShade=#94bfe9 lightShade=#eaadd6 rimColor=#c7b6e2 coordColor=#fdd2c5 firstRank=1 borders=0 extinction=0 shuffle=!BRGK pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:pawn:a2,b2,c2,e2,f2,g2,d3,,d5,a6,b6,c6,e6,f6,g6 bishop:B:B:bishop:b1,g1,,b7,g7 rook:R:R:rook:a1,f1,,a7,f7 wildebeest:G:NC:wildebeest:d1,,d7 lovers:K:K3:king--queen:c1,e1,,c7,e7

But with shuffle.

Bob Greenwade wrote on Fri, Jan 12 04:26 PM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from 03:28 PM:

Nice! At worst, I appreciate the board's color scheme.

Is the Wildebeest Royal? What's the victory condition?

Bn Em wrote on Fri, Jan 12 09:58 PM UTC in reply to Bob Greenwade from 04:26 PM:

A quick test w/ the ID suggests ꝥ the lovers are the (absolute) royalty

HaruN Y wrote on Mon, Jan 22 03:02 PM UTC in reply to Bob Greenwade from Fri Jan 12 04:26 PM:

The royal piece is usually the last piece on the piece table.

HaruN Y wrote on Mon, Jan 22 03:07 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

Colo by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=5 ranks=6 promoZone=1 promoChoice=0 graphicsDir=/membergraphics/MSdealerschess/ squareSize=43 graphicsType=png iron=6 rimColor=#bf7826 coordColor=#b8b799 darkShade=#98b193 lightShade=#7cb226 firstRank=1 borders=0 boulder:O:mK:circle:c2,,c5 pawn:P:fmWfceF:pawn:a2,b2,d2,e2,,a5,b5,d5,e5 morph=Q knight:N:N:knight:d1,,d6 morph=Q bishop:B:B:bishop:c1,,c6 morph=Q rook:R:R:rook:e1,,e6 morph=Q queen:Q:Q:queen:a1,,a6 king:K:KirO2:king:b1,,b6

HaruN Y wrote on Tue, Jan 23 12:20 PM UTC:


symmetry=none files=5 ranks=3 promoZone= promoChoice= graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png blackPrefix=w whitePrefix=b darkShade=#da2032 holeColor=#0066b3 lightShade=#ffd900 rimColor=#da2032 coordColor=#ffd900 borders=0 firstRank=1 hole::::a2,c2,e2 knight:N:mN:knight:b1,c1,d1,,d2,c3,d3 rookinv:R:daufdaufdaufW:rookinv:e3,,a1 kinginv:K:-:kinginv:e1,,a3

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Feb 7 12:07 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

Neebing by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=7 ranks=8 promoZone= promoChoice=ULPR graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/galactic/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=gif symmetry=rotate royal=2 royal=5 extinction=0 lightShade=#637f40 darkShade=#926c4d rimColor=#526935 coordColor=#ad9f8e borders=0 firstRank=1 shuffle=PUL whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B unicorn:U:NmQ:GrandHorse:a1,g1,,a8,g8 lion:L:K:Lion:c1,d2,,d7,e8 doe:P:mQfF:LongLeaper:b1,e1,f1,a2,b2,c2,e2,f2,g2,,a7,b7,c7,e7,f7,g7,b8,c8,f8 buck:R:mKcfRfW:Deer:a3,b3,f3,g3,,a6,b6,f6,g6 tree:::Over:d1,,d8

But with shuffle.

HaruN Y wrote on Tue, Feb 13 12:23 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Alexandrite Mine by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=7 ranks=8 promoZone=0 promoChoice=BRQU graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/utrechtPNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png rimColor=#511651 coordColor=#80c0c5 lightShade=#828fd0 darkShade=#543881 holeColor=#3c0000 borders=0 firstRank=1 whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B shuffle=QUK hole::::a1,b1,f1,g1,a2,g2,a7,g7,a8,b8,f8,g8 pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:Pawn:a3,b3,c3,d3,e3,f3,g3,,a6,b6,c6,d6,e6,f6,g6 morph=Q/!R...R!/U.....U bishop:B:B:Bishop:b2,e2,,b7,e7 rook:R:R:Rook:c1,e1,,c8,e8 queen:Q:Q:Queen:d1,,d8 unicorn:U:NmQ:Unicorn:c2,f2,,c7,f7 king:K:K:King:d2,,d7

But with shuffle

Florin Lupusoru wrote on Tue, Feb 13 12:36 PM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from 12:23 PM:

The chess board is already too small. Why would you make it even smaller?

Ben Reiniger wrote on Tue, Feb 13 09:55 PM UTC in reply to Florin Lupusoru from 12:36 PM:

The chess board is already too small. Why would you make it even smaller?

I particularly like small or mini variants.

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Feb 14 12:13 AM UTC in reply to Florin Lupusoru from Tue Feb 13 12:36 PM:

Why ask me? I'm not the inventor.

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Feb 21 12:11 AM UTC:Good ★★★★

Huntside by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=4 ranks=6 promoZone=1 promoChoice=NBRQ graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/hexes/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=gif lightShade=#f7f7f1 darkShade=#a4ac8f rimColor=#535a2d coordColor=#eeeeee firstRank=1 borders=0 soldier:P:ifmnDfWfceF:Pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,a3,b3,c3,d3,,a4,b4,c4,d4,a5,b5,c5,d5 knight:N:N:Knight:c1,,c6 bishop:B:B:Bishop:b1,,b6 rook:R:R:Rook:d1,,d6 queen:Q:Q:Queen: king:K:KirO2:King:a1,,a6

aaronjoseph wrote on Tue, Feb 27 03:40 PM UTC:

That awkward moment by Lili G., AKA Nono666

files=9 ranks=9 promoZone=4 promoChoice=RDC graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/utrechtPNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png lightShade=#d5f4bc darkShade=#bfffb5 firstRank=1 rimColor=#4ab2af coordColor=#f2fbc7 holeColor=#0073b8 whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B hole::::b5,d5,f5,h5 pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:Pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2,i2,,a8,b8,c8,d8,e8,f8,g8,h8,i8 rook:R:R:Rook:a1,i1,,a9,i9 dababba:D:D:Cannon:d1,f1,,d9,f9 camel:C:C:Camel:b1,c1,g1,h1,,b9,c9,g9,h9 king:K:KisO2:King:e1,,e9

HaruN Y wrote on Tue, Feb 27 04:23 PM UTC:

That awkward moment by Lili G., AKA Nono666

files=9 ranks=9 promoZone=4 promoChoice=RDC graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/utrechtPNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png lightShade=#d5f4bc darkShade=#bfffb5 firstRank=1 rimColor=#4ab2af coordColor=#f2fbc7 holeColor=#0073b8 whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B shuffle=:DCR hole::::b5,d5,f5,h5 pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:Pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2,i2,,a8,b8,c8,d8,e8,f8,g8,h8,i8 rook:R:R:Rook:a1,i1,,a9,i9 dababba:D:D:WarMachine:d1,f1,,d9,f9 camel:C:C:Camel:b1,c1,g1,h1,,b9,c9,g9,h9 king:K:KisO2:King:e1,,e9

But with shuffle.

HaruN Y wrote on Tue, Feb 27 04:25 PM UTC in reply to aaronjoseph from 03:40 PM:

How do I delete the comment I'm replying to? Why can't I delete my own comment?

HaruN Y wrote on Thu, Feb 29 03:18 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Alternate Universe's Xiangqi by Phan Anh Khoa, AKA Ancient Space Aliens, Ancient Space Crabs, alias Vegerable's Tyranny

files=8 ranks=8 promoZone=2 promoChoice=PA graphicsDir=/cgi-bin/fen2.php?s=50&w=7a2855&b=d2f4f1&p= squareSize=50 graphicsType= symmetry=none lightShade= darkShade= rimColor=#118cd8 firstRank=1 coordColor=#a9bcc7 background=/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%238%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%238%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23%23&point=1&bcolor=118cd8&tcolor=a9bcc7&bsize=25&colors=5582a7+1f4f2d+2a475e&uniqid=674d855cc758d borders=0 iron=7 holeColor=#118cd8 shuffle=LRN stalemate=win hole::::h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8 soldier':P:fWsmWbmpafmpafmpabmpafmpafsW:chinesepawn:a2,c2,d2,e2,g2,,a7,c7,d7,e7,g7 morph=*/* siege bowman':A:mRmAfcDfcNfnD:archer: narrow knight:N:vN:narrowknight:c1,e1,,c8,e8 morph=/A cannon:C:mRcpR:cannon:b3,f3,,b6,f6 lancer':L:mFmNfscR:narrowknightferz--rook:g1,,a8 free bishop (in hand)':@:mWX:bishop--chinesepawn:h1,,h8 morph=///////B Free Bishop':B:BfW:bishop--chinesepawn: watchtower':R:vmR2sRfcRfR2:rook--sidemover:a1,,g8 Switch king:K:b(oabaf)hK:ferociousleopard--king:d1,,d8

But with shuffle.

HaruN Y wrote on Sun, Mar 3 04:54 AM UTC:Good ★★★★

Goesôpsiag by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=8 ranks=8 promoZone=1 promoChoice=Q graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png symmetry=none royal=K firstRank=1 borders=0 rimColor=#0f5e9c darkShade=#2389da lightShade=#5abcd8 coordColor=#74ccf4 royal=2 royal=7 royal=8 iron=8 royal=9 white pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2 morph=Q black pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:pawn:,,a7,b7,c7,d7,e7,f7,g7,h7,a8,b8,c8,d8,e8,f8,g8,h8 morph=¶ knight:N:N:knight:b1,g1 bishop:B:B:bishop:c1,f1 rook:R:R:rook:a1,h1 queen:Q:Q:queen:d1 peasant:₱:fmWfceF:pawninv:,,c5,d5,e5,f5,a6,b6,c6,d6,e6,f6,g6,h6 morph=¶ iron pawn:I:ifmnDfmWfceF:templar:,,b5,g5 morph=¶ queen:¶:Q:queen: king:K:KisO2:king:e1

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Mar 6 05:20 AM UTC:

Ducks in a Row by Elliot Rudell

files=7 ranks=7 promoZone=1 promoChoice= graphicsDir= squareSize=50 graphicsType= royal=K darkShade=#4c5e40 lightShade=#668b61 rimColor=#45270e coordColor=#c7a46e firstRank=1 borders=0 symmetry=none extinction=0 duck:P:mQ:duck:b2,d2,f2,b4,c6,e6,,c2,e2,f4,b6,d6,f6 king:K:mpabafmpabasdaufdaufdaufdaufmpafWmpabafmpabasmpafdaufdaufdaufdaufW(mpaf)daufdaufdaufdaufFdaufdaufdaufdaufmpafF:king:a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,b7,c7,d7,e7,f7,g7

Daniel Zacharias wrote on Wed, Mar 6 06:00 AM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from 05:20 AM:

Are the kings supposed to do anything?

HaruN Y wrote on Wed, Mar 6 08:42 AM UTC in reply to Daniel Zacharias from 06:00 AM:

They jump over 4 friendly ducks with no enemy duck in between those friendly ducks to capture the enemy king which wins you the game.

HaruN Y wrote on Thu, Mar 7 06:44 AM UTC:Good ★★★★

Uniberry by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=5 ranks=7 promoZone=1 promoChoice=NBQA graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/utrechtPNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png royal=K firstRank=1 borders=0 symmetry=rotate lightShade=#88576d darkShade=#8c182b rimColor=#721727 coordColor=#815671 whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B shuffle=NBAKQ peasant:P:fmWfceF:Pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,a3,b3,c3,d3,e3,,a5,b5,c5,d5,e5,a6,b6,c6,d6,e6 knight:N:N:Knight:b1,,d7 bishop:B:B:Bishop:c1,,c7 queen:Q:Q:Queen:d1,,b7 archer:A:mFcaibB:Archer:a1,,e7 king:K:K:King:e1,,a7

But with shuffle

HaruN Y wrote on Fri, Mar 8 01:11 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Miners On Hooves by Aldiyar, AKA 1254

files=6 ranks=8 promoZone=3 promoChoice=FD graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=png royal=K stalemate=win lightShade=#ddb1a3 darkShade=#605f61 rimColor=#352120 firstRank=1 borders=0 iron=6 coordColor=#978a8f Slave:P:fmWfceF:pawninv:b3,c3,d3,e3,,b6,c6,d6,e6 ferz:F:F:ferz:a2,b2,e2,f2,,a7,b7,e7,f7 Buck Rider:D:cfRmKfW:promotedrook: Buck:R:cfRmKfW:rookinv:b1,e1,,b8,e8 morph=S Pronghorn:S:csRmKsW:sidemovergeneral:d2,,d7 Tactical Boulder:T:msW:/graphics.dir/alfaerie/%stone.gif:d1,,d8 Royale Minecart:K:smRsmD:kingrook:c1,,c8

HaruN Y wrote on Sun, Mar 17 02:47 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

Arch of Alios by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr

files=8 ranks=8 promoZone=7 promoChoice=N graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/abstract/ squareSize=50 graphicsType=gif symmetry=mirror royal=K firstRank=1 coordColor=#c0b5ab darkShade=#7c7772 lightShade=#5076a7 rimColor=#152c56 whitePrefix=W blackPrefix=B borders=0 shuffle=NBRQK pawn:P:ifmnDfmWfceF:Pawn:a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2,,a7,b7,c7,d7,e7,f7,g7,h7 knight:N:N:Knight:b1,g1,,b8,g8 morph=B/"/"/"/"/"/"/" bishop:B:B:Bishop:c1,f1,,c8,f8 morph=R/"/"/"/"/"/"/" rook:R:R:Rook:a1,h1,,a8,h8 morph=Q/"/"/"/"/"/"/" queen:Q:Q:Chameleon:d1,,d8 morph=K/"/"/"/"/"/"/" no. 00:K:KisO2:Lion:e1,,e8 morph=P/"/"/"/"/"/"/"

But 1320. This variant seems like it's probably already invented before so let me know if it's already invented under another name.

Bob Greenwade wrote on Sun, Mar 17 03:12 PM UTC in reply to HaruN Y from 02:47 PM:

I don't see any difference from orthodox Chess.

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